Chapter 250

The turbid halo was cast into the pitch-black basement through the gap in the air vent, and a gray-faced young man was tied to an iron cross made of metal.

Four large black nails were driven into his palms and insteps, and the blood mixed with sweat firmly sucked the cloth on his body, and every breath would tear the wounds on his body that were tightly adhered to the cloth of the clothes.

The wound cut by the sharp weapon has not healed due to constant tearing, and the churning flesh and blood are no longer fresh red, but stinky black and white maggots that were spawned by the extremely poor environment are greedily adsorbing On the flesh and blood, biting the flesh and blood.

The once black hair had lost its luster due to this painful torture, drooping on her body like withered grass, and there were still a few traces of paleness growing on her temples.Some hair even stuck to the wound on the forehead, and every time the wind blows the hair, the wound hurts sharply.

"Click," the door to the basement was opened.

Standing against the backlight, three figures appeared unhurriedly from the stairs leading into the basement.

"Ye Qing has already obtained the shares from the Ye family."

The girl's crisp voice echoed in the dark basement. In the blood and stench intertwined in the air, another elegant fragrance seemed incompatible with the dirty and smelly basement.

"Of course, as long as we want, the Ye family can change hands at any time." Another male voice with a smile responded.


The bodyguard in a pure black suit turned on the light in the basement, and the dimly lit basement suddenly became bright.

The young man who hadn't seen the light for several days shivered subconsciously when the dazzling light hit his eyes, and his pupils shrank in shock when they touched the black-haired girl in a light-colored lotus leaf skirt standing not far away. His body trembled in response, and a hoarse and broken voice of begging for mercy came from his chapped lips, which made the listeners extremely distressed.

"Please. I'm...wrong"

"Let go of me."

The stress-induced trembling made every time he moved, there was tearing pain without a good piece of flesh on his body, and the painful and helpless appearance made people feel embarrassing.

Standing next to the girl, another man with back hair and a hand-cut dark gray suit raised his eyebrows slightly. Looking at the young man's miserable condition, he sighed, "He's still alive. You are really kind."

When the man saw the young man in such a miserable state, his first reaction was not to feel cruel, but to lament the girl's kindness.

You know, if it was him, when he knew that the culprit of the kidnapping case that shocked the entire imperial capital was actually an illegitimate child who had just grown up, the first thing he did when he came back safely from the kidnapper was to be fast and accurate. solved each other.

But what he didn't expect was that the girl beside him forcibly endured it for more than five years.

In the past five years, he knew how many 'accidents' this illegitimate brother had tried to create, but...
The man thought that when they were going to x market by car to discuss business, the two guys they met on the way to collect money to cause car accidents for them, in the end, the girl beside him pulled out the guns worn by the bodyguards and shot them cleanly. kill.

In the end, not only were they fine, but when the police searched for the missing persons, the culprit caused a commotion and hurriedly covered up.

"In five and a half years, he added more than 20 blocks to me. Of course, he can't die before these 20 times are paid off."

The girl with black hair and black eyes had a delicate and fair face, and her gaze on the young man was as deep and deep as if she was watching a little mouse crawling out of a stinky ditch.

The man shrugged, remembered something, and said again: "By the way, I heard that you bought a work of art at the last charity auction. It looks like a mask?"

"What's wrong?" Tang Sui looked sideways at him.

"It's rare for you to be interested in something, so I went to check the origin of this mask." The man thought about the background of the mask he found, and a trace of tangle appeared on his handsome face: "You know it's a mask that was captured." Is it a cursed mask? Every owner who holds it is inexplicably insane. You bring it back to the Tang family, isn't that right?"

"I know." The corners of Tang Sui's mouth curved slightly in joy, and his black eyes also curved, as if thinking of something pleasant, the clear and pleasant voice was full of anticipation:
"Anyway, it's time to close the net. Wouldn't it be nice if their insanity happened when they went bankrupt? Then they could spend the rest of their lives in a mental hospital, or...if they weren't crazy I can arrange a house and enjoy the endless learning I lived in the first half of my life."

The corners of the man's lips twitched slightly, "You are really wicked."

Even though the girl in front of her was already 23 years old, the years didn't seem to have left any traces on her, whether it was her appearance or temperament, they all remained the same as when she was 19 years old when she was kidnapped, immature and delicate, with a harmless surface.

It was as if time had stopped on her body.
Thinking of this, the man lowered his eyes slightly and stopped thinking about it.

Because he can have today's glorious days, all thanks to the girl beside him.

It was Tang Sui who gave him a ray of light when he was cornered, threw her the rope of hope, and let him hold on to the shore, that made him what he is today.

The relationship between her and him can only be an eternal ally.

As an ally, you need to know what to explore and what to stop.

—— Digression——

Very good, this chapter is not over yet, it must be over today, the main thing is that Mo Li's hands and brain are always out of sync, brain: Hurry up and abuse the scum, hands: I want to be more detailed.

(End of this chapter)

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