Chapter 251 Filial Piety Is Dead

In the past five years, the imperial capital has experienced constant turmoil, and the upper-class people who were still singing and dancing at the banquet did not expect that the second wave of tsunami that directly shook the entire imperial capital would come so suddenly, directly shaking the status of the entire upper-class family Order.

The Bai family went bankrupt.

A series of scandals and tax evasion broke out one after another. In addition, there was a fatal accident in the land they bought recently. For a while, the people in the stock market of the Bai family panicked. The owner of the Bai family is also Bai Shuyan's brother. Immediately, he fainted in his office and was rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment.

The still elderly Mr. Bai stood up again from behind the scenes, forcibly stabilized the disorganized Bai family, and issued a series of orders in an orderly manner, in an attempt to cut off his tail to survive.

As the in-laws of the Bai family, if the Bai family is injured, most of the funds and projects invested by the Tang family will also be affected, so the head of the Tang family is anxious to help the Bai family patch up, and other watching families are watching this sudden event The reforms, who will win the game.

It's not that they don't want to rush forward to get a share of the pie, but that the Tang family is a big family anyway. This time the turmoil can at most drop the Bai family from first-rate to third-rate, but the Tang family only lost some funds and still stands firm.

However, what no one expected was that the Tang family also collapsed.

Like the first domino to be toppled, when it is pushed to other dominoes in a row, it is doomed that the earthquake will shake the entire upper reaches.

Mrs. Tang sold all the valuable gestures and caravans to fill the bottomless capital chain of the Bai family. The head of the Tang family desperately invited people from other families. It was obvious that there was a marriage intention, but everyone knew that Marriage now is no doubt about selling a daughter.

Tang Sui knew Patriarch Tang's plan, when Patriarch Tang anxiously dragged her to dress up to meet people, she didn't refuse, but changed into a small dress, and obediently followed Patriarch Tang into the reserved box.

Listening to Patriarch Tang selling her like an item, Tang Sui sat on the seat with a smile, and was very leisurely picking up vegetables.

The head of the Tang family, who wanted to sell his daughter for a good price, didn't notice that after he brought Tang Sui into the box, the father and son of the Lan family saw the subtle expressions on their faces as if they had seen a ghost when they saw Tang Sui.

The young man who was rebellious at first became well-behaved instantly after meeting Tang Sui. Hearing the words of Patriarch Tang and his father about marrying their two families, he couldn't help but look at Tang Sui who was acting as if nothing had happened. Go, whispered: "Does he not know yet?"

Tang Sui was the culprit who brought down the Bai family and wanted to annex the Tang family. It has become a secret that many families disagree with. You know what I know but they don't tell the Tang family and the Bai family.

Tang Sui, who was being asked, looked up at him innocently, then bent his eyes: "I don't know."

On the side, Master Tang, who was paying attention to this side, saw that the two children were actually communicating, and the wrinkles at the corners of their eyes deepened. He looked at Master Lan with a smile and said, "Old Lan, look how the two children are so close to each other. , the suggestion I just made, if you think it’s not safe and you need to observe it again, you can get the two children engaged first?”

Hearing this, the young man couldn't hold back anymore, he would rather go racing on the mountain road than marry Tang Sui, a little evil star, okay!
He hadn't erupted yet, but his father had erupted first.

"Old Tang, with all due respect, even if it wasn't me who met you today, someone else would 100% reject your marriage." Patriarch Lan couldn't hold back anymore.

He came here today because he wanted to show his son a lot of knowledge, and let this foolish boy look at other people's daughters, but the other party insisted on marriage, and it was decided directly!
Are you kidding, isn't this leading wolves into the house?

The smile on Patriarch Tang's face froze, not understanding what Patriarch Lan meant.

Patriarch Lan didn't look at him, but looked directly at Tang Sui, ignoring Patriarch Tang, and said apologetically to Tang Sui: "Sorry, Miss Tang, I originally wanted to make a good relationship this time, but I really don't have any good friends. mean."

Gao Pan?

What high climb?

The words are obviously all in Chinese, how come he can’t understand them together?
Under Patriarch Tang's bewildered expression, Patriarch Lan dragged his ineffective, stupid son for a walk.

Immediately, only Patriarch Tang and Tang Sui were left in the box.

"Sui Sui, what did they mean just now? Why do they respect you so much?" Patriarch Tang was not stupid, he immediately put on his father's majesty and looked at Tang Sui carefully.

Tang Sui put down his chopsticks in a slow manner, looked at Patriarch Tang with a smile, he still had that cute and harmless appearance, but what he said made Patriarch Tang's heart stop suddenly: "Because Xinchuang Group is my property, father. "

Xinchuang Group? !
Patriarch Tang's brain shook, and he began to slowly divide up equations in his mind.

Xinchuang Group = the chief culprit who brought down their Tang family and Bai family = his daughter ruined his family.

"You——!" He stood up abruptly from his seat, but he didn't know if he was in a hurry, his eyes were dark, and his heart was throbbing with pain, so he had no choice but to cover his heart and spit out with difficulty. two words -

"Reverse. Female."

Tang Sui, who took out his mobile phone, tilted his head: "I think it is my greatest filial piety to leave you until the end and call 120 for your father. Otherwise, you should have talked to Tang Lian a month ago. Disappeared together."

Tang Lian, the name of her cheap brother.

Hearing this, Patriarch Tang's eyes widened suddenly, and tremblingly, he said two words between gnashing teeth: "It's you."


Patriarch Tang, who could no longer bear the pain in his heart and mouth, fell to the ground in pain, his body and limbs twitching, as if the situation was very bad.

(End of this chapter)

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