Chapter 256 The Soul Bone of Time Years

"Canghui Academy? Middle-aged man, Xiaosan, did you meet..."

The master repeated the key words, and filtered through his mind the candidates from the Canghui Academy team participating this time, and when he thought of one person, his face changed slightly.

Seeing that the teacher had guessed it, Tang San didn't hide it, nodded, and said calmly: "Yes, what I met was the time of Canghui Academy."

The master's pupils shrank a little, "Is it really the year of the remnant dream?"

Tang San gave an affirmative answer again: "Yes, teacher, but I didn't expect Sui Sui to be pulled into the illusion together." Said, Tang San looked at Tang Sui.

Tang Sui understood, went to the door and closed it tightly, just in case it was locked again.

The master's face turned blue and white, and his brows were tightly furrowed, "He would be so kind, and put back his prey? You must know that this person was always known for his viciousness, and with his special martial spirit, no matter whether it is an attack Enemy or escape, it is quite difficult to deal with. Being listed as a special-shaped control system soul master, it is very difficult to deal with."

"He's dead. Killed by me."

Tang San directly stated the result.

Tang Sui then added: "He is the illusion that the soul dragged me into. After I cracked his illusion, I killed him directly."

The master looked at the two brothers and sisters, one of whom had killed his body and the other had lost his soul, in astonishment, "What happened in between?"

Tang San spoke first, describing everything he encountered after leaving the spirit fighting field yesterday, omitting the content of the illusion.

Tang Sui added that she was clearly meditating in the training room, but was pulled into an illusion, and then omitted the content of the illusion, only talking about the result of killing the remaining soul power in the end.

Listening to the narration of the two brothers and sisters, the master's expression could not help becoming subtle, but when he heard Tang San talking about the seven-colored spirit bone he got from Shi Nian, he almost exclaimed, and jumped from his seat stood up.

It turned out to be a soul bone!
The master looked at Tang San so excitedly that even his body trembled.

"Little San, show me that spirit bone!"

The master said in a hoarse voice, somewhat eagerly.

Tang San took out the spirit bone exuding colorful light from the 24th bridge moonlit night, and put it into the master's hand.

The master held the soul bone, his hands trembling slightly, feeling the real touch under his hands, his heartbeat continued to accelerate, and the dark enlarged pupils directly reflected this soul bone exuding colorful light.

Although he has been studying martial arts all his life, this is the first time he has seen a soul bone so clearly.

Even when he was in the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, he had never come into contact with any soul bone so closely.

For a soul master, a soul bone is like a second life, and no one will easily reveal their soul bone.It is extremely secretive about owning a soul bone.Even Title Douluo is the same.

Not to mention that no one would carry a soul bone with them, as long as they got this kind of rare treasure, they would immediately integrate into the body and enhance their own strength.

The master stared at the soul bone intently, unable to control himself for a long time.

After more than ten seconds, the master's hands stopped shaking, exhaled a long breath, carefully handed the spirit bone he held back to Tang San's hand, and sighed:

"Little San, you have really grown up."

Tang San put the soul bone back into the Ruyi Hundred Treasure Bag in the 24th Bridge Moonlight Night, a second-floor matryoshka, just in case if his 24th Bridge Bright Moonlight Night fell into the hands of someone else and was wiped with the imprint of spiritual power, the enemy would directly pick up the equipment Case.

The master looked at these two disciples whose minds were far superior to those of other soul masters with satisfaction, and sighed: "When you see the soul bone, you still can't forget my advice and didn't absorb it directly. This has already proved that your mind has already changed Far beyond ordinary people. Sui Sui didn't ask for it just now, but looked at the soul bone with some surprise, without any greed."

"You two brothers and sisters are already able to be independent. Now, I can finally let you graduate after this competition. Even if there are still shortcomings, I believe that as long as you brothers and sisters support each other all the way, in the future, maybe you will be on the mainland. Make a name for yourself that is more resounding than the golden iron triangle of me and Flender, or the Haotian duo of your father's generation."

Tang San couldn't help thinking of the scene of him, his sister, and Xiao Wu traveling to the mainland together after graduation, the smile on his face softened a bit, but he still said modestly: "Teacher, I think Sui Sui and I will continue to follow you." study."

"Yes, teacher, my brother and I still have a lot of knowledge that we haven't learned from you." Tang Sui was also reluctant to leave Shrek Academy.

Because this place has become their another home.

The master put his hands behind his back and smiled in relief: "What I can teach you, you have already learned almost the same. What you have to do now is to constantly combine my theoretical knowledge with practice and turn them into reality. This is the most important thing in my life. hope to see the scene.”

"Little San, Sui Sui, you have to remember that actual combat is the most important thing no matter what time it is. If you didn't have rich actual combat experience, the current you would probably be corpses."

The master spoke earnestly and looked at the two brothers and sisters.

"I didn't expect that, Xiaosan, your miraculous eye skills could break through the remnant dreams of the martial soul. There is also the bond of blood between you. Unless you are separated from each other, no one can cut off this bond." The important connection between blood relationship and twin induction. It will definitely play a huge role in the future battlefield."

"This time, except for the three of us, don't tell anyone else. Don't mention that you have met in the past, you haven't seen it, you know?"

Tang Sui blinked, a hint of cunning appeared in his blue pupils.

"Also, after this thrilling adventure, I hope that you will also be vigilant in the future, and don't be blinded by the benefits in front of you. You should be as sensible as today, understand?"

"is teacher."

The siblings spoke in unison.

—— Digression——

The introduction of the seven masks that supplement Yibomian's aura: Xiaomian, Fushen, Chanwan, Dafeichu, Foxmian, Bamianmian, and Apemian.

(PS: This is the mask setting of the original Shikigami, and it was not edited by Mo Li himself, so the format may not be "X-face".)
(End of this chapter)

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