Chapter 257 is a word game
Day two.

The qualifiers continued until the end of the tenth round, and the teams participating in the Tiandou City qualifiers had already opened up a long distance.

Judging from the data of these participating teams, it is already possible to judge which are the dark horses of this soul master elite competition, and which may be shortlisted for the five teams in the final circle.

Shrek Academy is very proud to rank first with a record of [-] victories, but Shrek Academy is not the only team with a [-]% victory.

There are four other teams that have the same record as them. Except for the Elephant Armor Sect, the other four teams in the Five Elements Academy also have all ten victories.

But what is surprising is that, apart from the Elephant Armor School that Shrek Academy met at the beginning, it has not encountered any team from the Five Elements Academy. They are all opponents that can be easily defeated, and there are even academies fighting against each other. They simply abstained.

The Elephant Armored Sect who faced them was not so lucky. They met the other four academy teams one after another, even if they used their lineup and battle strategy to deal with Shrek Academy and almost defeated Shrek Academy, they still failed. He got it right, missed the finals, and was directly eliminated in the qualifiers.

The result of the survival of the fittest is that the next game will no longer be easy.

In the new round of lottery, Shrek Academy's No. 11 opponent was drawn to Blazing Academy among the five elemental academies.

This is a powerful team that is biased towards elemental spirits and is composed of all fire attribute soul masters.

Before the game started, the stands in the auditorium were already full of excitement.

At least one-third of the spectators were wearing the green uniforms symbolizing Shrek Academy, but to Tang Sui's dismay, they had already changed their uniforms back to the ones they played in Soto City in the seventh round. A uniform black system.

But this did not hinder the high emotions of the audience. They waved the bright green and fiery red light sticks in their hands and shouted the team name of their favorite team. war.

This battle is very long, especially in the later stage, Huowu's third spirit ring resists fire ring and fourth spirit ability Huowu Yaoyang is much more difficult than her brother Huo Wushuang's fire dragon.

Just when Huo Wu fused the spirit abilities of the other two team members, strengthening her fourth spirit ability, Huo Wu Yaoyang, and attacked the Shrek people, Tang San walked forward like a stroll in the courtyard, and stood beside Dai Mubai. In front of them, in the astonished eyes of the crowd, the pitch-black blue silver grass wrapped him.

Inside the Blue Silver Grass that no one could see, Tang San directly activated the blackening form.

After taking the two great immortal products, Star Anise Xuanbing Grass and Raging Fire Xingjiaoshu, he and his martial soul are already immune to the damage caused by water and fire.

Black light surged on Tang San's body, the Blue Silver Grass slowly faded in the gradually subsiding flames, stepping on the blazing flames but still intact Tang San looked at the dumbfounded Blazing Academy members with his winning cards in his hands.

Just like before the start of the game, the audience stage exploded, and all kinds of discussions came one after another. Those who supported Shrek Academy were cheering, and those who supported Blazing Academy were shouting angrily, but this has not changed The result of this game. ,

Seven beams of black light surged quietly, and a blue-silver cage was instantly formed, completely enveloping the seven members of Blazing Academy.

Today they have consumed a lot of soul power, even if they didn't consume it, it would not be easy to break through the limit of this ten thousand year soul skill.

At least, it is absolutely impossible to use fire to break through the Blue Silver Prison.

The appearance of seven blue and silver cages brought an end to this match.

Perhaps the students of Blazing Academy still have some finale tactics that they haven't used yet.But when Tang San destroyed Huo Wu's fourth spirit ability, the match was already over.Because the seven members of Blazing Academy have completely lost their fighting spirit, even their captain Huo Wushuang is no exception.

"We, admit—lose."

The word admit defeat was almost squeezed out between Huo Wu's teeth.

She gritted her silver teeth tightly, her gaze was like a wolf's, she stared at Tang San firmly.

She was also a soul master in her forties, but this young man who looked younger than her gave her an unfathomable feeling.

He is like a treasure that will never be unearthed, constantly showing his abilities bit by bit.

And every time, his opponents were defeated in such a display.

"We will meet again, Tang San, next time, you will never have such good luck." Huo Wu stared at Tang San and said word by word.

Seeing this scene, Tang Sui, who was standing beside the master, squinted his eyes, suddenly pulled the sleeve of the master next to him, and said, "Teacher, if you meet Blazing Academy again, can you let me play?"

The master, who was still thankful that Tang San's Blue Silver Grass possessed the ability to avoid fire, was stunned, thought for a second, and then rejected Tang Sui: "No, Sui Sui, you are our last trump card this time, before the finals, you can't Up to the field."

Tang Sui puffed up his face: "Then if we meet them again in the finals, it's agreed, teacher, you must let me come!"

Master doesn't know why Tang Sui is so sure that Blazing Academy can enter the finals, and why he is so persistent to them, but...
"If you really meet them, you can play, but I also have conditions."

He looked at Tang Sui and said his request:

"My request is, before the finals, if you meet them again in a team battle, you can only use two soul skills, is that okay?" He also wanted to try it out, under the common restrictions of the first and fifth soul skills , how Tang Sui will match her soul skills.

Tang Sui agreed without hesitation.

However, what Tang Sui never expected was that later, the PVP (1V1) met Blazing Academy again. When everyone was deciding who would play first, the master stopped her who was eager to try.

Tang Sui was puzzled: "Teacher, didn't you agree to let me do it?"

The master looked at her with caring eyes: "Silly boy, what I said before was a team battle. Now it's just a solo match."

Tang Sui: "!!!"

Damn, it turned out to be a text trap!
no!She is going to play!You can't let your brother be beaten by Huo Wu according to the original fate!
—— Digression——

Update earlier today!
Tomorrow night (tonight?) at 0:25, the first wave of explosive updates will drop, are you ready, cuties?Get ready to hand in the votes and your comments first, Yamejiu~
See you in the morning~
(End of this chapter)

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