Chapter 271 Sui Sui, I want to win
"It's about to start."

Tang Sui murmured, on the battle stage, amidst the dazzling storm of light and shadow, Feng Xiaotian soared into the sky, the wings on his back shook slightly, and with the help of the wind flowing in the air, his body was already soaring upwards, rising The height is 50 meters above the ground.

That was the distance that Tang San's Blue Silver Grass could not reach.

"Not good, I'm afraid Feng Xiaotian is going to launch a big move." The master's face changed slightly, and he also noticed the second change in Feng Xiaotian's momentum.

The faces of other people who saw this scene couldn't help showing a look of worry.

Because in the previous competition, they found that although many members of the Kamikaze Academy were able to fly, Feng Xiaotian, who was the team leader and a soul master of the assault department, had never flown.

At this time, he suddenly ascended into the air. With enough soul power to support him, he obviously had a plan in mind, so he directly ascended into the air.

Tang San on the ground stared intently at Feng Xiaotian in the midair, but lowered his body slightly, as if on guard, and didn't move.

Feng Xiaotian, who spread his wings lightly in the air, looked down at Tang San below, and said loudly: "Tang San, you are indeed stronger than I imagined. However, even if you are stronger, I will definitely defeat you today." You! Because next, I will use my self-created soul ability to attack you, and you will be honored to be defeated by my self-created soul ability. And the name of this soul ability is - Gale Wind Demon Wolf 36 Slash!"

The moment the last sound fell, Feng Xiaotian shot out like a sharp arrow, and the wind blades around him cut through the air sharply, as if to cut the space, and attacked Tang San with a force of destruction, his eyes flickered With amazing light.

Huo Wu, just watch, I'm about to defeat Tang San!

I will definitely fulfill my promise with you and will not let you down!
"Tang San! Let me remind you, once my self-created spirit ability is completed, the power of my final blow will exceed the sum of all previous attacks! You admit defeat now, there is still time!"

The wind blade galloped, dangerously cutting off a few strands of black hair on Tang San's right side, which made people tremble with fear.

Hearing the other party's reminder, Tang San just quietly said two words - "Come on."

"Okay! You really are a man!"

The corners of Feng Xiaotian's mouth raised, he used every minute and every second on the field to continuously launch offensives, and at the same time, he silently counted every time the wind blade charged.

The light and shadow of the two-headed wolf behind him gradually merged with Feng Xiaotian's body, which was his second soul skill, two-headed wolf possession.

In this case, some of his own attributes, power, defense, and agility will increase by 50.00%.Coupled with his third soul ability Gale Wings, his state has been improved to the best.

Only with the assistance of these two soul skills can his self-created soul skills be brought into play.From a certain point of view, his self-created spirit ability is by no means inferior to the fourth spirit ability displayed in Tang San's blackened state, and it consumes even less spirit power.


Amidst the long and domineering roar of the Gale Wind Demon Wolf, Feng Xiaotian was moved.

His body fell from the sky like a meteor chasing the moon. What is strange is that his huge body with wings spread did not make a single sound during the fall.

With him as the center, the blue light permeating from his body is all introverted, as if someone has captured all the stars hanging in the night sky with a big black cloth bag, hiding all the sharpness, but when approaching the enemy, Showing the sharpness of cutting iron like mud.

At this time, his body and wings fit to the most perfect level.

There was no sound, which meant that the wind resistance had minimized the impact on him.

Only a wind attribute soul master like him can capture the correct trajectory from the wind so quickly and accurately, and find the best descending channel.


The sharpness of the edges of the wings shone with a faint blue light under the sunlight, and the so-called Gale Demon Wolf's 36 consecutive slashes were obviously sent from these wings.

No.18 consecutive cuts!
Tang San's black jade hand had reached its limit, even the incomparably tough Blue Silver Grass was cut off like a rag in this iron-cutting attack, it couldn't help Tang San at all.

Are you going to lose?

Tang San thought of what the master had told him before the match, that he must hide the eight spider spirit bones as his hole card, he stared at the No. 19 consecutive slash that was flying towards him, with a look of unwillingness in his eyes.

In the auditorium, Tang Sui slightly exerted his hand on the handrail, and the handrail made of special metal was squeezed by Tang Sui unconsciously using part of his soul power, and there were shallow fingerprints on it!

'Brother, Feng Xiaotian's all-out blow, you are unable to beat it now. '

Tang Sui's voice suddenly sounded in Tang San's heart.

The expression on Tang San's face, who was still desperately resisting the terrifying blow of the storm, did not change, he just clenched his teeth, and Tang Sui's familiar stubbornness and determination emerged from his black pupils.

He didn't ask Tang Sui at this time how he could directly transmit the sound to enter the secret, nor did he say that he would lose, but said with firm eyes:
'Now I can't beat it.But if there is a stronger force, I may not be without the power to fight! '

Tang San's left hand clenched into a fist, on the smooth back of his hand, a layer of subtle fluctuations of spirit power spread out, but under Feng Xiaotian's massive offensive attack, it was particularly inconspicuous.

Tang Sui, who had been paying attention to Tang San, naturally saw it.

Her cherry lips were tightly pursed, and there was hesitation and a touch of discomfort in her eyes.

'However, in this case' Wuhundian will also know their life experience, and follow the original trajectory of fate, and start hunting
'ear ear'

Wisps of black air overflowed from Tang San's body, and his black pupils gradually became icy cold, but those three words smashed into Tang Sui's heart forcefully——

'I want to win! '

(End of this chapter)

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