Chapter 272: The Clear Sky Hammer Reappears!
Tang Sui closed his eyes and sighed inwardly,
'If you want to do it, just let it go. '

Just like when she makes any choice, you stand behind her unconditionally. This time, it's her sister's turn to support her brother's crazy and bold decision.

'Thank you, Sui Sui. '

In Tang San's left hand, black light surged, and Tang San's breath, which had already entered the blackened form, also changed.


The pitch-black blue silver grass vines twisted into one strand, temporarily blocking Feng Xiaotian's vision, but they didn't go straight towards Feng Xiaotian like before.


An inconspicuous small black hammer appeared in his grasp.

At the same time, there was a sudden earth-shattering sound under Tang San's feet, centering on his sunken legs that were half pressed into the ground by Feng Xiaotian just now, the roughness that had already been made uneven by Feng Xiaotian's fierce and powerful attack The ground instantly burst into a sunken circular crater, and Tang San's legs restricted by the terrain immediately regained their freedom!

Tang San's body turned halfway, holding the suddenly enlarged Clear Sky Hammer tightly with both hands, his waist sank, his calves exerted force, his legs led his waist, his belt carried his back, and his shoulders led his arms. The black sledgehammer that was staying lifted up from below, and directly met Feng Xiaotian.

This is a weapon? !
The idea that Tang San cheated appeared in his mind for a moment, and in the next second, Feng Xiaotian, who couldn't stop his No. 19 consecutive slash attack, bumped into the black sledgehammer fiercely.


The wind that was originally biased towards his dominance was disturbed, and it all came back, hammering him away.


Feng Xiaotian awkwardly stabilized his figure in mid-air, covered his chest surging with qi and blood, his eyes were burning like torches, fixedly staring at the pitch-black hammer that appeared in the hand of Tang San whose momentum had changed drastically.

If you can see it, you will definitely see a crack on his wing this time, because the hammer blow that was caught off guard just now has smashed him out of internal injuries.

The severe pain made his face turn pale, but he still stared at Tang San firmly. While his body was spinning, he looked in horror at the small hammer that appeared in Tang San's hand.

At this moment, he had no time to think about why his opponent had weapons.Because if the referee didn't stop it, it proved that the opponent didn't violate the rules of the game and didn't use weapons other than Wuhun.

Wait for Wuhun
After realizing something, Feng Xiaotian's pupils narrowed sharply, then widened suddenly, resisting the urge to cough, he squeezed out a hoarse voice from his throat, and asked, "You are twin spirits, aren't you?"

Tang San swung the Clear Sky Hammer with a net weight of five hundred catties without adding a spirit ring with one hand, his eyes were cold, and his voice was cold: "Yes."

"Your other martial spirit."

"Hammer name, Haotian."

Tang San dropped the four words coldly, and in the next second, Tang San kicked his foot, and his figure shot up from the spot.

Feng Xiaotian, who quickly returned to defense, had piercing eyes, hurriedly regained his senses, and began to adjust his offensive.

One blow failed, next time, when Tang San landed again, Feng Xiaotian had already adjusted his center of gravity in mid-air.

Their bodies rotated almost at the same time, except that one was in the sky and the other was on the ground, Feng Xiaotian's wings swung down again, and the small hammer in Tang San's hand swung up again.The sound of violent collisions continued to roar like rain hitting plantains.

No matter Tang San or Feng Xiaotian, their bodies turned faster and faster, in just a few blinks, a dozen violent collisions were over.

Finally distinguishing that the other hammer Tang San took out was not a weapon but a martial spirit, the referee stood there motionless like a solidified stone statue.

The other college students who recovered from Feng Xiaotian and Tang San's colliding attacks again began to discuss, without exception, they were all about Tang San's other spirit.

But gradually, from time to time, inquiring gazes fell on Tang Sui who pursed his lips tightly and said nothing, with scrutiny and scrutiny.

After all, in their updated information later, Tang Sui and Tang San are real brothers and sisters.

If the elder brother has twin martial souls and the Clear Sky Hammer of the Clear Sky School, then even though the younger sister does not inherit the Clear Sky Hammer martial soul, could it also be the blood of the Clear Sky School?

In the jury seat, Emperor Xue Ye's eyes froze, and Platinum Bishop Salas's eyes froze.

It can be said that as long as there are soul masters who are above level 50, over [-] years old, and have some qualifications, their hearts are trembling at this moment.

what is that?
What is that black hammer?
What does that hammer called "Haotian" represent, and how could they not know the meaning behind it? !
That is Wuhun!A real martial spirit!
It is the existence at the top of the pyramid among the martial souls that have created countless brilliance in the entire soul master world!

Its existence represents a sect, a powerful place that gathers countless powerful people, and a top-grade martial soul with absolute attack power and explosive power
It is the first martial soul in the mainland - the Clear Sky Hammer!

Twin spirits.

Clear Sky School, Clear Sky Hammer, Twin Martial Souls.

The meaning represented by each of these words caused the other soul masters to breathe faster, stirring the nerves of every soul master, especially the representative of the Wuhun Temple sitting on the second seat—Platinum Bishop Salas!
——— Digression ———

The first wave of explosive updates in the early morning is over!
The second wave is at 1:[-] noon~

Finally, reach out and ask for another wave of votes and comments (little eyes of anticipation)

(End of this chapter)

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