Chapter 275 Enemy Attack
After these few days of rest, Tang San has almost recovered.

In the carriage, except for Tang Sui who fell asleep on a pillow as soon as he got in the carriage, everyone else was wondering what kind of soul master their opponent might meet after chattering.

In addition to chatting, they will also find opportunities to continue to practice and strive for every minute and every second of time.

Only Tang Sui was a little exception.

Her current routine is to sleep during the day, wake up occasionally to participate in the chat, and then continue to sleep until the night. After the moon is in the middle of the sky, she will temporarily leave the carriage, inform the team leader who escorted their academy, and jump Sit cross-legged on the roof of the carriage to bask in the moon and absorb the essence of the moon.

Ever since he fully mastered the energy conversion, Tang Sui started fishing or practicing during the day, and immersed himself in practicing at night, concentrating on accumulating demon power.

After so many battles, Shrek Academy has more or less reached the bottleneck.

During the day and night journey, Dai Mubai was the first to break through the bottleneck, from level 44 to level 45, Oscar was level 42, Tang San was level 43, Ma Hongjun was level 42, Xiao Wu was level 39, Ning Rongrong was level 42, Zhu Zhuqing was level 42.

Tang Sui, the level has not been improved, and the growth coefficient of demon power is unknown.

The journey was very peaceful, and the ten days passed quickly.Half of the journey to Wuhun City has passed.

A guard team of [-] members of the Royal Knights is enough to be comparable to the relatives of the emperor. Wherever they go, any city will receive them with the highest courtesy, and they will not encounter any troubles on the way.

No. 11 days on the road, Xiao Wu is still practicing, and now she has reached the important period from level 39 to level 40, and only by practicing day and night can she break through as soon as possible.

Tang Sui, who was sleeping with a soft and firm pillow, suddenly opened his eyes. In order not to disturb Xiao Wu's cultivation, there was only the sound of wheels rolling on the rocky ground, rubbing against the fine armor and equipment of the Royal Knights outside. The knocking sound.

It stands to reason that Tang Sui has long been used to such a voice, but now she sat up, staring straight at the translucent glass car window, the towering and steep cliffs on both sides, squinting her eyes.

"Sui Sui, what's wrong?"

Tang Sui's strangeness caused Tang San who was also meditating in the carriage to open his eyes, listening to Tang San's inquiry, Dai Mubai and the others also recovered from their cultivation, and looked at Tang Sui.

Tang Sui looked at the steep cliff in the carriage, and the yellow sand was blown from the ground by strong winds from time to time, forming a small wind of quicksand.

The moment the mental power spread, the system also truthfully reported the number of people scanned within the range to Tang Sui.

[Host, it is detected that there are thousands of soul masters on the left and right cliffs, all of them are at the level of the soul sect, dozens of them are soul kings, and there is one soul master of the Contra level. 】

Nearly a thousand soul masters above the soul sect level?Wuhundian is really a big hand!
The moment he figured out the enemy's strength, Tang Sui's blue eyes were piercing, he raised his foot, and under Dai Mubai's surprised gaze, he kicked open the car door unceremoniously, and a roar mixed with soul power directly shocked the entire long crowd of thousands of people. The brigade could hear clearly——

"Enemy attack! Pay attention to the cliffs on both sides!"

This crisp voice containing soul power clearly reached the ears of every academy team and the escorting Royal Knights.

The captain in charge of this escort froze for a second, took a deep look at Tang Sui who had issued the warning, and gave orders to his knights without hesitation: "All the knights of Tiandou obey! Formation! Pay attention! Cliff!"


The marching knights stopped, followed the commander's order meticulously, and deployed a defensive array. The sharp spears gleaming with cold light in their hands pointed at the cliff above the slope, and their eyes scanned the surrounding environment sharply. .

The soul masters ambushing on the top of the highest cliff suddenly felt something was wrong when they heard Tang Sui's shout, but in just a few seconds, the Heaven Dou Royal Knights below had already taken measures.

Originally planning to launch a sneak attack, they were annoyed, but Contra, who was in charge of leading the assassination operation, sharpened his eyes and directly gave the order to attack.

"Since it has been exposed, there is no need to hide anymore! Everyone, according to the deployment, attack!"

As soon as the words fell, the first thing the knights below, who were vigilant about the movement of the cliffs on both sides, saw huge rocks falling from the sky one after another, thinking about them falling down.

Fortunately, the Knights had just formed a defensive formation under the decisive order of the captain. They did not panic in the face of falling rocks.

However, the target of these boulders was not them, but fell on the division of each academy team, blocking this long team!


The captain's voice containing soul power rose.

Even if the contact was cut off, the five hundred well-equipped knights used the spears in their hands to continuously pick aside the falling stones, and the flying-type soul masters with wings on their backs flew away. The spears in their hands flashed with a dangerous light. Although there were only dozens of people, they used the spears in their hands to form a steel defense line. In such an unfavorable terrain, they did not let a stone fall from their body in a short time. before passing.

At first, Ma Hongjun, who was worried that someone would come to attack them after Tang Sui's roar, was dumbfounded. Dai Mubai, who was sitting next to him, folded his hands, his expression unchanged, not at all surprised that the Tiandou Royal Knights responded so strongly and quickly. Strategy.

(End of this chapter)

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