Chapter 276 Interception!

"Look, I just said that these little thieves can't succeed at all. You must know that the elite knights trained by the empire are not vegetarian." Before hiding his past, Dai Mubai was also the powerful empire next door—Xingluo As one of the princes of the empire, he has also seen the power of the Royal Elite Knights during any large-scale celebrations or battles.

In his view, the attack was nothing to fear.

Right now, even if the connections between the various academy teams and some elite knights were blocked, the remaining knights were still good fighters.

Seeing the orderly response of the knights, Tang San's frown slightly relaxed. Flender, who rode outside and drove to the stopped carriage for support and vigilance, also comforted the children:
"Don't worry, if you can't even deal with these little guys, the people of Tiandou Royal don't have to mess around."

"not that simple."

Tang Sui, who was the first to uncover the enemy attack, interrupted Flender's optimistic words.

Tang San and the others looked at Tang Sui. Because of the defensive lineup, the captain of the Knights who had gathered around Shrek's people looked serious, and asked solemnly, "Do you know anything else?"

"Starting from Tiandou City, I have been using my spiritual power perception. The people who blocked us came from bad people. There are more than a thousand fighters in total. Among them, there are some strong ones at the level of Soul Sect, and there are many follow-ups. I have the same level of soul king-level combat power, and another guy whose real strength I can't perceive, but I guess should be above the soul king, the soul emperor, or the soul saint, or even stronger."

Tang Sui blurred the source of the information scanned by the system and said.

The captain's face changed, and he realized that this enemy attack was probably not as simple as an ordinary thief blocking the road and robbing money.

Apart from the Wuhun Temple, he can't think of another force with such a strong soul master's combat power, and dare to blatantly compete with their Tiandou Royal Knights!
Tang San and the shrewd Flender seemed to have thought of this too, the relaxed expression on Flender's face disappeared, and there was a trace of solemnity between his brows.

Did Wuhundian send killers to block people so soon?

It seems that they really can't tolerate people related to Haotian Douluo for a moment.

The so-called see through but not tell through, the captain looked at the delicate and quiet face of the girl in front of him, took a deep breath, and said what he could do: "Now that the combat power is scattered, all we can do is temporarily resist. The target of those strong men will really be you, you must be careful!"

He didn't say that they would protect them with their lives, which was their duty this time.

Understanding the determination in the captain's eyes, Tang Sui was taken aback, and looked around at the knights who looked very weak under the enemy's intensive attack but were still tenaciously resisting, strange emotions fermented in his heart.

Her eyes changed for a moment, and Tang San, who was very close to her, felt a hint of relief in Tang Sui's eyes. The next moment, he saw five conspicuous and bright soul rings floating under Tang Sui's feet. Face and ape face appeared in the field of vision.

"The first soul skill, spirit injection."

The first circle of dark purple thousand-year-old soul rings moved, and the group's 25% defense, 40% mental power, and 8% speed all fell to the Shrek people and the struggling knights.

The captain's eyes were shocked, but it wasn't over yet.

"The fifth soul skill, the face of reincarnation."

On the basis of the first layer, the speed was increased by 15%, the critical damage by 10%, and the defense by 10%. The recalcitrant knights only felt that their soul power and other attributes had been enhanced to a level they could not imagine.

At least the auxiliary system soul masters trained in the Royal Knights have never given such an increase in attributes.

Not only that, beside everyone, a small mask that can absorb 10% of the damage quietly rotated around them.

With itchy hands, Tai Long tried to touch the small jade white mask that appeared, but it went straight through like a projected mirage.

"You, aren't you a battle soul master?"

In astonishment, the captain even forgot to say his honorific title.

Tang Sui smiled brightly: "No. I am the soul king of the auxiliary system. Now your defense has been greatly improved by me, and the damage and speed are also the same. It should be no problem to defeat those soul-level killers, right?"

The captain recovered from the shock, looked at Tang Sui with a brand-new respectful gaze, and nodded solemnly, "Of course, those little soul masters, please leave them to us. Brothers, change the lineup, Target, defeat the enemy who comes to attack!"


More than a dozen royal knights showed fighting intent.

"Sui Sui, you assisted more than 30 people at once, are you okay?" Flender, who also felt the boost, approached Tang Sui, possessed his spirit instantly, and guarded his surroundings.

Facing the worried eyes of his companions, Tang Sui's lips curled slightly: "Actually, when I assist people, I only consume the meager soul power of that soul skill. The number of people being assisted mainly consumes my spiritual power, but Now my mental strength is strong enough, so it doesn't matter at all, not to mention that I have been resting for a long time these days."

"There's still such a way!" Ning Rongrong, who was consuming a lot of soul power just to assist his companions, widened his eyes, looking enviously at the ease of not having to master the distraction control cheats of their Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. Tang Sui, who faced the consumption of soul power, was only envious for a few seconds, followed by self-confidence.

She is very happy to be so trusted by her partners.

Tai Long and the others who learned about Tang Sui's terrifying and special soul skills also had complex expressions, knowing that they were truly accepted by Tang Sui.

(End of this chapter)

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