Chapter 277 Fighting side by side
"Let's not talk about that, now that the enemy has found us, we can't sit still. Let's have a fierce battle, what do you think?" Tang Sui's eyes slowly filled with fighting intent.

Flender smiled heartily: "It's not bad that teachers and students fight side by side."

Dai Mubai's eyes shot out a golden light, and he instantly possessed his martial spirit: "Then let's fight!"

"it is good--!"

The sonorous and powerful words fell, and the brilliant soul ring lights up from the Shrek people, the ultimate support belonging to the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower fell on the main attack force other than Shrek's support, Oscar was making sausages non-stop, Provide backup for himself and Ning Rongrong.

"The Nine Treasures are famous, and one is called: strength."

Dai Mubai killed several soul sects with a white tiger meteor shower.

Tai Long's huge orangutan fist, possessed by the martial spirit, hangs down on the enemy's chest, shattering bones with each punch.

Xiao Wu's soft skills were displayed one after another, but the person who fell was different each time, but she precisely stepped on the most painful acupuncture point of the human body - the waist and eyes, and the one who kicked people away could only hold her painful waist on the ground Rolling, can no longer fight.

"Nine Treasures are famous, and the second is: Speed."

Zhu Zhuqing nimbly shuttled among the black-clothed soul masters rushing forward, every time he flashed by, it was accompanied by cold light and splashing blood.

Qin Ming, who was in the state of being possessed by the martial spirit, did not fall behind at all. While sweeping back all the huge boulders that hit them, at the same time, with the help of the flying boulders to cover him, in the blink of an eye, Qin Ming had already appeared in front of the enemy. When the claws went down, five bloodstains as deep as the bone marrow directly tore the enemy's chest, and the heart was scratched, and he died on the spot!
"Nine treasures are famous, and the third is called: soul."

Ma Hongjun didn't hold back either, except for the fourth soul ability which consumes a lot of soul power, he interleaved the first three soul skills.

"The second soul skill, good face."

Not only Ning Rongrong was giving assistance, but Tang Sui was also paying attention to the downward trend of various values ​​of his partners.

As soon as the cooling time of the second soul skill expired, her overbearing soul skill that fully healed and recovered 50.00% of her single body fell from the sky, and gave it to those who needed it most.

"The Nine Treasures are famous, and the fourth one is: Yu."

Flender and Liu Erlong, whose various attributes have multiplied, killed all the little monsters together.

As the soul emperor, Qin Ming, due to the enemy's strength that Tang Sui had mentioned earlier, protected their three auxiliary soul masters with Tang San in the rear, cooperated with Tang Sui to fight back against the soul masters attacking them, and tacitly made up the sword.

Besides, Oscar was not idle either.

Tang Sui also ate a big super recovery sausage made by Oscar, waiting for the recovery of mental power, and then used the second soul skill to buff Ning Rongrong or Oscar or whichever tired teammate, the first two It took less than a second for the boost effect of the soul skill to disappear, and Tang Sui added it again.

More than a thousand men in black besieged fifteen colleges, and each college received almost a hundred enemies.

But Tang Sui knew very well that the real targets of Wuhundian were only them, and the enemies faced by other colleges were probably just superficial tricks, but they would not be real killers.

The hundred or so strong soul masters who intercepted and killed them are now down in sevens and eighties.

Contra, who hadn't ended up in person before, stood on the top of the cliff, looking gloomy at the battle below.

His strategy at the beginning was to consume a lot of soul power from Shrek's people in the war of attrition, and then he took the opportunity to steal heads.

It's a pity that under the tactics of Tang Suibug's tacit cooperation with Ning Rongrong and Oscar, it almost achieved the effect of a perpetual motion machine.

Even though the fierce battle has reached this point, Dai Mubai and the others did consume a lot of soul power, but the remaining soul power is more than half.

Contra Meng's face under the black scarf was extremely gloomy.

His patience was exhausted, and he couldn't take it any longer, because if he waited any longer, the other party would be alive and well!

Contra cursed Tang Sui secretly in his heart, golden wings sprouted from his back, it seemed like an extremely ferocious bird of prey, he jumped up, like a meteor chasing the moon, rubbing the air all the way, turning into a human-shaped cannonball and rushing towards Tang Sui below The positions of their three assistants.

Kill the milk first!
Anyway, that little girl named Tang Sui is also one of the targets!

Tang San who also let go of his mental power and was vigilant about his surroundings almost instantly discovered the powerful fluctuations of soul power surging above.

As soon as he raised his head, he met the Contra who was swooping towards them, and his expression changed suddenly: "Be careful above!"

Qin Ming, who was guarding the children, shrank his pupils suddenly, and instantly activated all the augmented soul skills of the Wuhun Liehuo Canglang, and pushed Tang Sui and the others beside him away. The earth pit appeared, and Qin Mingren had already jumped up, facing the Contra who swooped down by taking advantage of the momentum!

"Senior Qin!"

"Qin Ming!"

Flender and the others' complexions changed suddenly, and Tang Sui's clear blue eyes instantly turned dark black, but Tang Sui firmly suppressed him a second before the momentum changed.


It cannot be activated now.
There is also the biggest shark, which has not emerged from the sea yet!

Tang Sui stared at the back of the falling human-shaped meteorite, his body and consciousness seemed to be split into two, one clamored to rush to help, and the other rational side stubbornly stopped her, letting her She waits.

Senior Qin.
In Tang Sui's ever-changing blue-black pupils, another brilliant blue streak rushed into his field of vision aggressively, walked side by side with Qin Ming, and rushed towards that Contra!
—— Digression——

This is a little bit too late, because the ink carp's hand speed can't keep up with hh
There is another wave in the evening, although it is only a small update, it is also an update (kimbo)

See you tonight~
(End of this chapter)

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