Chapter 278 Battle Contra

"The seventh soul skill, the real body of the martial soul!"

The blue angry dragon let out a terrifying roar, its speed was faster than Qin Ming's, and it collided with that Contra before him!


The earth-shattering loud noise exploded in everyone's ears, making people's brains buzz.

The blue angry dragon fell from above, and the huge owl flicked past, bringing Liu Erlong, who was seriously injured, to a safe place.

"The second soul skill, good face."

Tang Sui's second soul ability landed on Liu Erlong's body without hesitation. Liu Erlong, who was in pain like burning internal organs, immediately felt a coolness pour into his body, smoothing the tearing pain.

Apart from the considerable shock in his mental strength and his complexion was a little pale, there was nothing else.

Under Liu Erlong's desperate resistance, Contra, who also suffered a lot of shocks, slowed down in mid-air, suppressed the surging blood energy, glanced over the Shrek people, and fell directly on Tang San and Tang Sui. In an instant, a layer of gloom was cast over it.


A long whistle burst out of his mouth, his wings fluttered, and he soared into the air in a spiral shape. The primary target was directed at Tang Sui!

"not good!"

Flender's complexion changed suddenly, and he stepped hard on his foot, directly using his martial soul avatar.

"It seems that their target is us, or me and Sui Sui."

Seeing this, Tang San almost knew who the power behind this person was.

Such a large sum of money, and such a bold hijacking of the convoy escorted by the Tiandou Royal, must be the only Wuhundian who has a problem with his father and his sect!

"What about you and Suisui, we'll just be us!" Dai Mubai bumped Tang San's shoulder angrily.

"That's right, third brother. It's too alien for you to say that, we are Shrek, we are one!" Ning Rongrong also looked dissatisfied at Tang San who left him and Tang Sui alone.

"Yeah, we are a group, the best partners should share weal and woe, everyone has a share!" Oscar wiped the sweat from his brow, but he couldn't make the determination in his eyes lighten.

"That's right! We are brothers! Although we are not related by blood, it is better than blood relationship!"

It was also rare for Ma Hongjun to show dissatisfaction.

Jing Ling and the others didn't escape, they all looked at Tang San and Tang Sui firmly.

Tang San stared blankly at his companions and the trusting faces, his lips trembled, but he didn't make any sound.

"Yes, you are our students. As teachers, we will never abandon you to face danger alone!" Qin Ming also said firmly.

"Xiao San, you and Sui Sui are both Xiao Gang's disciples, and I have already regarded you as half of my children. As a mother, I will never leave you alone!" Liu Er stood up again. Long also said sonorously.

"The Contra will be handed over to Master Mistress and Brother."

Tang Sui suddenly made a sound, breaking the heavy atmosphere.

Qin Ming was taken aback, and subconsciously asked, "Sui Sui, what do you want to do?"

"There's another powerful guy in the dark. My target is him, you can work together to deal with that Soul Douluo. Rong Rong, Xiao Ao, please leave me an auxiliary soul power." Tang Sui was planning for the rainy day.

Realizing that Tang Sui was going to face it alone, Tang San's face changed, and just when he was about to say that they could still perform the martial soul fusion skill together, Tang Sui saw through Tang San's mind first, and denied: "Brother, we can't Use that."

"There are a lot of people here, and I don't think we can beat each other after casting it. But don't forget, I still have a hole card."

Each mask does have its own boost.

In addition to the fearful nightmare of the ape face, there are actually fox faces and Da Feichu.

The big flying out symbolizes anger, and it possesses the frenzy of the opponent's auxiliary soul master Ruyi Disk when they first fought against the Soul Venerable team Berserk Team in Soto City a long time ago, which can instantly make her fall into a frenzy state. The disadvantages are that in addition to the random killing mode that does not distinguish between friends and foes, although she will not lose her strength after the frenzy state, she will also fall into a short-term brain freeze.

The ability possessed by Fox Face is calm thinking.

But not her mind.

At that time, her mind has already fallen into a frenzy, and she can only be dominated by the will of the fox face, which acts as a short-term restriction for not really hitting my teammates hard.

In the middle of the sky, Flender has gradually fallen into a disadvantage, after all, he is still the soul sage, while the opposite is the powerful Contra.

The rank is a heavenly abyss, not to mention that the opponent is a high-ranking soul master of the same department?
Tang San also understood that there was no time to delay.

He took a deep breath and said, "Then you have to promise me that you will never do self-sacrifice, understand?"

In the solemn atmosphere, Tang Sui laughed: "Don't worry, brother, I value my life more than you. After all, if a person dies, then there is really nothing."

Tang San believed Tang Sui, nodded solemnly, and then looked at the Contra in mid-air, while his soul power was fully activated and instantly turned black, he quickly arranged the battle deployment.

The crowd was headed by Liu Erlong, Tang San and Dai Mubai rushed to the front, except for Ning Rongrong, Oscar, Jiangzhu, Tang Sui, and because of the low level of spirit power, Tai Long and the others stayed behind as backup , several other people rushed forward, and together with Qin Ming, coordinated with the rhythm of Flender's attack, launched a general attack on Contra in the air!

All of a sudden, all kinds of brilliant soul skills rushed towards Contra.

A Contra who had flung Flender away with a fan tail looked at the overwhelming attack of soul skills sweeping towards him from above, snorted coldly, and used the golden light protection in the soul skills.

"Tips for carving insects!"

(End of this chapter)

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