Chapter 286

The silver-white long sword came through the air, like a sea god needle, straight into the earth's crust, the powerful sword energy and stellar energy emanating from the whole body scattered the black mist, and even the ghosts were shaken out of their shadows, and they were hit by the swinging sword again. The air spread, and the whole person was bounced several meters away unexpectedly!
"This is... a sword?!"

Yueguan watched helplessly as the petals of the ten velvet chrysanthemums that she changed her target suddenly turned into powder and scattered in all directions.

Tang Sui was protected by the Gang Qi emanating from the huge long sword, and the cold righteousness enveloped his whole body. Tang Sui groaned, his eyes darkened, and he couldn't bear it anymore and passed out on the ground.

"Who is this time again?!" The ghost whose attack was interrupted looked over angrily, staring fiercely at another man in white clothes who was standing firmly on the flying sword.

The light from the nine soul rings exuding a tyrannical and murderous aura flickered in his eyes. He looked at the unconscious Tang Sui, glanced at the angry ghost, and pursed his thin lips tightly without saying a word.

The moment she saw the man in white, Yue Guan put her hand on her chin, fear and thought flashed in her eyes: "Why are you here?!"

The righteous master who turned the tide by himself was dressed in spotless white clothes, his silver hair was combed extremely neatly, his appearance was handsome and cold, and he had a sterling silver long sword under his feet, shining brightly without any decoration.

His expression was very indifferent, as if he couldn't see anything around his eyes, he just stood there quietly without opening his mouth.But he just stood there, but he still gave people a feeling that everything in the world is the only one.

"It's Grandpa Jian!" Seeing that person, Ning Rongrong's eyes lit up with hope.

Because the person who came was one of the two most famous Title Douluo of their Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, a level 96 Title Douluo——Jian Dao Chenxin!
"Chen Xin, what does this have to do with you?" Ghost stood up while supporting the cliff, his face twisted under the black mist.

Chen Xin glanced at Gui Mei lightly, "Why is it okay?"

While speaking, Chen Xin raised his hand, and pointed his index finger and middle finger towards Qing Qiong. The next moment, the sixth ten-thousand-year soul ring surrounding him lit up, and countless silver-white sword shadows Condensed in the void.

"not good!"

"Be careful! This is Chen Xin's—"

"The sixth soul skill, Wan Jian returns to the sect."

Countless silvery-white sword blades fluttered from the void and swung down with Chen Xin's arm, like a torrential rain falling from the sky, hitting the men in black who were attacking them, as well as Yueguan and ghosts swiftly and precisely. On the body of the two Titled Douluo.

It was too late to react, because the rain of swords fell too fast, so he could only use his soul defense subconsciously.


The desolate screams were endless, and Contra, who had been arrogant and domineering before waiting for the opportunity to counterattack, had no resistance at all on the sixth soul skill below the Title Douluo level.

Perhaps there was, but it was a futile struggle. In just a few seconds, he was pierced into a sieve by several silver swords that fell from the sky.

"Boom boom boom!"

The huge rocks that blocked the passage were smashed into debris by the rain of arrows, and the ground where people stood was also smashed into pits one after another by the huge destructive force!

Broken golden chrysanthemum petals flew into the air. Although the characteristic of the velvet chrysanthemum is indestructible and comparable to metal sharpness, it is only formed by plants after all. Under the fierce attack of real metal and steel, it cannot resist at all. .

"Chen Xin! You must meddle in our business? Are you not afraid of our revenge?"

Under such a fierce and swift attack, the ghost also had a lot of suffering, so he could only attack with a few words of congratulations first.

"What does it have to do with him? That's a good question!"

The modest and teasing voice was unremarkable amidst the mighty rain of arrows, but because of the injection of a little soul power, the voice echoed clearly in everyone's ears.


A cut was made in the void, the sword rain gradually stopped, and two tall and straight figures walked out of the torn space.

One is Ning Fengzhi, and the other is Bone Douluo Gu Rong, a level 95 titled Douluo, one of the elders of the Seven Treasures Glazed Throne!
"Among the people you want to kill is our suzerain's daughter. Tang San and Tang Sui have an important cooperative relationship with Qibao Glazed Tile School, and Shrek Academy is the object that Prince Xueqinghe ordered us to protect. What do you say? "Gu Rong kept squinting his eyes and opened a gap, and the coldness swept over the ghost.

"Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, you guys."

"Old ghost, stop talking nonsense with them! Solve the target first!"

Yue Guan frowned, and the Qirong Tongtian Chrysanthemum Martial Soul Avatar in his hand was emitting a golden light.

Ghost, who has partnered with Yueguan for many years, immediately understood Yueguan's plan, nodded, and suddenly turned into a black mist, escaped into the shadow, and rushed towards Yueguan quickly.

Now that their people are not completely broken, they come to provide an opportunity for assassination!

Dugu Bo and Chen Xin, who had fought against each other before and knew some information, their faces changed slightly, and at the same time they quickly rushed towards them.

not good!They want to use the martial soul fusion technique!

They must not be allowed to use the martial soul fusion technique!Otherwise, that little girl Tang Sui would really die!

The thinking of the two Titled Douluo who were chasing Yueguan and Ghost were unified.

Standing on the top of the cliff, Ning Fengzhi narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his hand, and seven soul rings floated from his feet, and the ultimate auxiliary light belonging to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda instantly lit up at the feet of Chen Xin who was flying with the sword:
"The seven treasures are famous, and the second is: speed."

Ning Fengzhi, made a move.

—— Digression——

Friendly reminder: Do not blow the air conditioner violently after heatstroke, otherwise, you will turn from heatstroke to stomach flu like an ink carp, vomiting and diarrhea version orz
I've been groggy for the past two days, but I'm much better today, and I should be able to recover from day three tomorrow.

See you tomorrow QAQ
(End of this chapter)

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