Chapter 287 Severe Injury and Coma

Yueguan and Guigui's martial soul fusion skills were interrupted by Chen Xin who performed the second soul skill faster than the sword wings, and the aftershock wave bounced them away, smashing them heavily into the cliff.

The current situation has become four versus two, and the tense atmosphere forms a battle circle around the six people.

"Ning, Feng, Zhi." Yue Guan pulled his arm out of the cliff with difficulty, and glared at Gu Rong and Ning Fengzhi fiercely, "You Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, are you going to fight against us this time?"

Ning Fengzhi raised the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and his elegant voice floated out: "If Wuhundian wants to kill my daughter, Fengzhi still has to think about it, it would be too cowardly."

"What's more, the upper three sects are connected with each other, and the moon is closed, don't you understand this?"

"Hmph! Then you just wait for that lord's revenge!"

The ghost also stood up from the pit, and said in a vicious voice.

"Oh? Is the adult behind you scarier than Tang Hao?" Gu Rong asked with a puzzled face.


The ghost suddenly fell silent, and his face wrapped in the black mist was extremely stinky.

Seeing the silence of ghosts and ghosts, Gu Rong twitched a teasing smile, and said: "I heard that some people ran away in fright when they saw the Clear Sky Hammer."

"Gu Rong! You."

The ghost's voice suddenly rose, and his expression became ruthless. Black mist surged from his five claw-shaped fingers, as if he was about to launch an attack.

The Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda in Ning Fengzhi's hand, who had been staring at the ghosts and ghosts, was flickering, and the seven soul rings behind him floated up and down.

Even though it was only the seventh ring, Yue Guan knew that today's task was destined to be impossible when she saw Ning Fengzhi revealing her spirit ring and saying that she would fight to the end.

"Old ghost."

He raised his voice, and at the same time, he threw a hurricane mixed with several petals of the velvet Babel chrysanthemum, hitting Ning Fengzhi and the others.

Gu Rong raised his hand, and a black hole space appeared, swallowing their attacks.

When he looked up again, Yueguan and Ghost had disappeared in place.

"Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, I have written down what happened today!" This was the voice of ghosts gnashing their teeth.

Ghostly voices floated above the valley, and the other black-clothed men who were still lingering under Chenxin's sword rain saw that their leaders had also left, and took out a flash bomb from their arms one after another, smashed it hard on the ground, and the flash bomb exploded. At the moment when the strong light was emitted, they also disappeared.

When retreating, they did not forget to take away the corpses of their companions, not even a single weapon was left behind.

They came fast and retreated even faster. In just a few blinks, these 'bandits' who posed a deadly threat had already disappeared on the other side of the mountain.

Sensing that the aura of the ghost and Yueguan had completely gone away, Chen Xin and the others frowned slightly and withdrew their soul power.

"Have they left?" Qin Mingbeng didn't dare to let go of his tight tone.

Flender exhaled heavily, nodded affirmatively, "It seems so."

Since Sword Douluo and the others have all withdrawn their soul power, there shouldn't be anything wrong.

Hearing Flender's words, Oscar, who had disarmed the alarm, knelt down on the ground as if his legs lost strength, and wiped the thin sweat from his brow with lingering fear: "I was scared to death, I thought it was really going to be broken together this time." Here it is."

"Sui Sui, how is Sui Sui?" Title Douluo's pressure disappeared, Xiao Wu was the first to recover, and stumbled towards Flender.

Tang San approached while releasing the blackened form.

He stretched out his hand and placed his sword finger on the pulse of Tang Sui's left hand. Dugu Bo, who was approaching the next step, grabbed Tang Sui's right hand. After checking the pulse, he frowned, "This girl's situation is a bit tricky Ah. Most of my elixirs are used to detoxify, but I can't give her strength."

"I have the elixir for strengthening the foundation and cultivating the essence." Tang San said hoarsely, took out a jade porcelain bottle from the wishful treasure bag, poured out a black pill he made himself, and carefully pinched Tang Sui's two cheek, let her open her mouth, and fed the pill into it.

The pill melted in the mouth, but Tang Sui was so badly injured that he has not yet regained consciousness.

On the other side, because some of the huge rocks that blocked the vision of each college had been crushed by Chen Xin's sword rain, the vision of the colleges that were close to each other suddenly became clear.

Fortunately, I finally saw the nine soul rings that disappeared from Chen Xin and the others, and the faces of the students of Blazing Fire Academy and Shenfeng Academy who had just completed the alliance suddenly became extremely ugly.

As the mainstay of the team, Huo Wu and Feng Xiaotian looked at each other.

They originally had great confidence, but now they couldn't help smiling wryly.

Because they saw Ning Rongrong who threw herself into Ning Fengzhi's arms.

The Double Douluo, Bone Douluo and Sword Douluo guarding the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School are like thunder, and everyone knows them, and Ning Fengzhi is naturally famous far and wide.

Combined with the surname of Ning Rongrong, one of the players who have never played, it is not difficult to guess Ning Rongrong's life experience.

They really did not expect that in Shrek Academy, the daughter of the master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect is still hidden.

Moreover, this "robbery" also led to a fight between the four titled Douluo, what are their origins?
"It seems that the enemy attack this time is mainly aimed at Shrek. Sister, look, that Tang Sui from Shrek Academy was seriously injured." Huo Wushuang walked up to his sister Huo Wu, looked at Shrek's hair and let out a cry. Sigh.

Although they are both in a competitive relationship, looking at each other's appearance, it's really miserable.
(End of this chapter)

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