Chapter 288 Discussion
Huo Wu's eyes passed through the anxious crowd, and landed on Tang Sui, who was surrounded by wounds and unconscious, and exhaled, "Looking at Tang Sui's appearance, he probably lost half his life. , most likely will not play.”

Feng Xiaotian also had a complicated expression.

Because if Tang Sui doesn't play, it is of course a good thing for them.

But competition is competition, and there is no deep hatred between them and Tang Sui, and they still don't want Tang Sui to die because of his inability to resist.

Ning Fengzhi set a third soul skill for Jiangzhu of the healing department, which greatly increased Jiangzhu's soul power, allowing her to use the healing scepter to heal Tang Sui.

Others are straightening and cleaning up.

"Father, why are you here?" Ning Rongrong raised her head in her father's arms, a little puzzled.

Ning Fengzhi smiled lightly: "I was originally ordered by His Royal Highness to follow and protect you." Then, he looked at the unconscious Tang Sui, and sighed softly: "If our speed can be faster, we will All right."

"No, Uncle Ning, you came in time." Tang San shook his head calmly, looking at Ning Fengzhi and them gratefully.

If they hadn't come in time, he would have no sister now.
Ning Fengzhi didn't refuse anymore, but he still didn't stop him alone for this credit.

He looked behind Tang San, and said meaningfully: "This is His Royal Highness's precautions. If you want to be grateful, the one who should really be grateful should be His Royal Highness."

Tang San was taken aback, turned around, a young man in a white and gold luxurious robe came with his hands behind his back, a special aura lingered around him, elegant and calm like a high-ranking nobleman, but also with the strategizing of a high-ranking person.

this person.
Tang San's eyes fell on the young man's face, which was somewhat similar to the old Emperor Xue Ye, or the dandy prince Xue Beng they had seen before, and immediately understood the identity of this person, and folded his hands towards the young man to write : "Tang San met His Highness the Crown Prince. Thank you His Highness the Crown Prince for your help."

Heaven Dou Empire Crown Prince Xue Qinghe looked at Tang San with gentle eyes, glanced at Tang Sui who was tightly surrounded by Shrek and others, hooked the corners of his lips, and stretched out his hand to help Tang San: "There is no need to be polite. This represents the glory of our Heaven Dou Empire, so naturally I won't let you lose it before the competition starts."

Tang San's sense of the prince improved a bit, and he nodded gratefully: "Anyway, thank you, His Royal Highness."

The smile on Xue Qinghe's face remained unchanged, he greeted Ning Fengzhi, then turned around and began to straighten out the scattered Royal Knights.

When he turned around, the smile on his face remained the same, but his momentum changed drastically.

If one moment ago he was still a handsome young man who came out of an aristocratic family, this second he is a high-ranking person giving orders, fully demonstrating the imperial education he has received since childhood.

The enemy retreated, and he immediately began to command the Royal Knights in an orderly manner, pulling the undamaged carriage to the front, treating the horses, and restoring the formation.

After a while, except for the dead horses, most of the remaining 400 Royal Knights have recovered their combat effectiveness.

When those black-clothed killers were fighting before, except for Shrek, they didn't have much killing intent, most of them were just defensive fighting, buying time for the two titled Douluo and the dead Contra.

The biggest casualties on both sides were the men in black who were killed by the Shrek and the dozen or so Royal Knights.

Looking at the reorganized team, Ning Fengzhi glanced at Xue Qinghe who was carrying out the next plan in an orderly manner, and nodded secretly in his heart, his eyes fell on the two carriages of Shrek Academy, the one that Tang San got on, did not even move forward. followed.

"Uncle Ning?" Tang San, who didn't want to continue to attract attention, looked at Ning Fengzhi who got into the carriage with some surprise.

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly: "Little San, would you mind saying a few words?"

"Of course not." Tang San shook his head, and sat inward, giving enough leeway.

Outside the carriage, Chen Xin was standing with his sword in his arms, while Gu Rong was guarding the other side with a kindly smiling face.

Dugu Bo looked at the posture of the two of them, then at Ning Fengzhi who got into the carriage, after thinking for a while, he also leaned over.

As soon as they stepped into the carriage, they heard Ning Fengzhi's exclamation: ".This time, I didn't expect that they would attack so quickly, and they would be so ruthless, without showing any sympathy. It seems that when your Hao When the sky hammer was exposed, they had already made up their minds."

Dugu Bo, who came from the background, nodded, stepped forward with his long legs, and sat on the soft seat next to Tang San, frowning slightly, with a little worry in his eyes, and said: "Yes. If these guys Make up your mind, this time Xiaoguai Xiaosan will have our help, but it might not be the next time."

He glanced at the gloomy Tang San, and continued: "I think you brothers and sisters should take advantage of Spirit Hall's departure to hide temporarily, and then find your father, so that your safety can be guaranteed. After all, next time, If none of you or I arrive, it will be really troublesome."

Ning Fengzhi also nodded in agreement: "I have the same suggestion as Poison Douluo. Although they should not fight again before the finals are over, it is still difficult to guarantee the safety of your brothers and sisters, especially where you are going next. .”

- off topic -

There is one more, is it later~
(End of this chapter)

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