Chapter 292 New Kamikaze Academy

A hoarse female voice came from the door, everyone was stunned and subconsciously turned their heads to look.

Tang Sui, who was wearing pajamas, yawned, with messy black hair curled up on her head, her blue pupils glistened with physiological water, and her big wet eyes reflected everyone's stupefied looks.

"Sui Sui!" Xiao Wu catapulted up from the sofa, jumped to Tang Sui's side, hugged Tang Sui into her arms, rested her chin on Tang Sui's shoulder, and patted Tang Sui lightly with love and anger. Tang Sui's back:
"You little heartless, you've woken up!"

Tang Sui patted Xiao Wu's shoulder reassuringly, "Sister Xiao Wu, I want to drink water, I'm so thirsty."

Ning Rongrong immediately went to get the teapot on the table and poured a cup full of warm tea.

Zhu Zhuqing moved aside to make room for an empty seat, Tang Sui didn't show any politeness to her, and sat directly next to Zhu Zhuqing, then took the tea poured by Ning Rongrong, and gulped it down.

"Rongrong, I still want it." Tang Sui raised her empty glass and looked at Ning Rongrong anxiously.

Ning Rongrong lifted the teapot and poured another full cup for Tang Sui.

It wasn't until Tang Sui drank the remaining half pot of tea that Dai Mubai got up, took the initiative to grab the empty teapot, went to a corner of the room, picked up the thermos and poured new water into the teapot.

It's just that the water in the thermos is boiling hot water and needs to be dried.

Taking advantage of this time while waiting for the water to cool, the master couldn't wait to say: "Sui Sui, did anything unusual happen when you were unconscious?"

"Abnormal?" Tang Sui paused, then shook his head, "No. It's just that I feel like I've slept for a long time, and I'm very tired."

"Then how is your recovery now? Is there any discomfort?" Xiao Wu looked at Tang Sui nervously, and the others also stared at her nervously, as if Tang Sui said there was still something uncomfortable , They rushed out to find medicine.

"It doesn't matter to me, just adjust your breath more. By the way, the dean just said, did we get the Blazing Academy again in the first round?"

Tang Sui changed the topic.

Flender helped the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose, and the smile on the corner of his mouth widened, "You haven't asked me what the good news is yet."

The master glanced at his old friend and asked politely, "Flender, what is the good news?"

Flender chuckled, "The good news is that Blazing Academy gave up the finals and automatically abstained."

The nervous Shrek people: "."

"Damn! Dean, you really scared me to death. I thought we were going to fight Blazing Fire again." Oscar patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

Don't look at Shrek Academy's easy victory in the promotion round, but they suffered a lot in the preliminary round.

Although Blazing Academy is not enough to stop them from advancing, but when they meet such a quasi-strong team, they are still in the first round, so it is not considered a good draw, or even a bad one.

Even if they can beat, they don't want to show their strength in the first round.

"Master, since Suisui is awake, should we change our battle lineup?" Dai Mubai looked at Grandmaster.

The master looked at Tang Sui, who was holding a teacup and blowing hot tea, and tried to drink it in small sips. Tang Sui, who seemed very thirsty, made a decision in his heart.

"No change for the time being. Let Sui Sui cultivate for a while, and let her play in the finals."

The others are fine.

The finals did not have the grand opening ceremony as imagined. Everything was very simple. A cardinal from the Wuhun Temple came to the stage and announced the start of the finals. At the same time, he announced the list of matches and byes.

The competition started under the command of the specially selected referees of Wuhundian.

The first game ended quickly, and the second game was Kamikaze Academy vs. Star Luo Empire's Nightshade Academy.

But when everyone in Shrek Academy saw the lineup of Shenfeng Academy, they all stood up from their seats in shock.

Because in the lineup of Kamikaze Academy, there are four unfamiliar but familiar faces, and the strangeness of these four people is because they are not students of Kamikaze Academy, and the familiar part is that they are from Blazing Academy.

The dozen or so academy teams on the side of the Star Luo Empire didn't understand, so they didn't respond, but the other academy teams on the Tiandou Empire's side exploded because of this, and began to whisper how the members of the Blazing Academy would appear in the Shenfeng Academy. lineup.

Feeling that this was a bit targeted, Flender couldn't sit still, and immediately got up and asked the competition referee committee for an explanation, but the response he got was within the formal regulations and did not violate the rules.

In short, Blazing Academy exploited a loophole in the rules of the competition.

Participating colleges cannot be changed midway, but this does not mean that the colleges that have registered and recorded cannot change colleges temporarily.

They took advantage of this loophole to form a stronger and more targeted team.

The expressions of the targeted Shrek people were not so pretty.

Especially the brothers and sisters Tang San and Tang Sui, who were being targeted by Huo Wu, fell silent after the powerful New Kamikaze Academy knocked out the Solanum nigrum Academy in less than a minute.

"Master... this... I feel that this lineup may have to be redrawn." Qin Ming looked at the master with some difficulty.

The eyes of the friends fell on Tang Sui who had fought Huo Wu before. Tang Sui silently took a step back and hid behind Xiao Wu, "Look at what I do, I won't play in the early stage."

She refuses to get involved in the war again, it's good to be bad, but her demon power hasn't recovered yet.

- off topic -

Today's update is over.Tomorrow there is something wrong with the three-dimensional ink carp, let me first say that there will only be two more changes tomorrow!But it will be updated at noon.

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(End of this chapter)

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