Chapter 293 Request to Play
The strength of the new kamikaze is unquestionable, but other academies who noticed the loopholes in the rules and wanted to take advantage of it were a step too late.

Because the academy's final name list of participating students has been finalized and cannot be changed.

Everyone in Shrek who watched the new Kamikaze Academy competition had different expressions, but none of them were in a hurry.

Because now, their trump card has awakened.

Since the opponents in the first round abstained, they had a bye in the second round, so they went directly to the third round draw.

This time the lottery was drawn by Dai Mubai himself.

When he took out a ticket from the ticket and saw the result of the third round of lottery, he and Zhu Zhuqing looked at the "Xingluo Royal Advanced Soul Master Academy" written on the ticket, and suddenly fell silent.

Tang Sui, who had a panoramic view of this scene from the corner of her eye, knew it. Except for the abnormal expressions on their faces, everyone else in Shrek could feel the fighting spirit ignited from Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing at that moment.

Like a volcano alive, the suppressed lava was about to burst out of the ground. It was anger and unwillingness that nourished them and made them tense up.

Before Tang San could open his mouth to ask what was the matter, he saw the two standing up at the same time, walking forward, bowing to the people present.

"Hey! Boss Dai, Zhuqing, what are you doing?!" Ma Hongjun, who was sitting in front of him, got up and dodged, as if something hot ass was placed on the stool.

The others also hurriedly avoided the direction of the two people bowing. Needless to say, Tang Sui stepped forward together with Tang San, one by one helping them up to stand up straight.

Tang San frowned and looked at Dai Mubai with a strange expression, asking: "Boss Dai, what are you and Zhuqing doing?"

Zhu Zhuqing lowered his eyes, his voice was a little low, but he was full of determination: "This match, Mubai and I implore you all to win. Because... this is a duel of life and death between Mubai and me and them!"

Zhu Zhuqing said the last four words with a heavy force.

Dai Mubai who spoke a step late moved his lips, but he couldn't make any sound, he just held Zhu Zhuqing's hand, and Zhu Zhuqing didn't shake him off for the first time.

Tang San looked at Dai Mubai, then at the hands they held, he understood, and then asked: "Boss Dai, can you explain the reason in detail?"

Zhu Zhuqing felt warm in his heart when he met the worried and concerned eyes of his partners.

This time it was Dai Mubai who stood up, he took over the conversation and continued: "Okay. Now, there is nothing to hide. This match, when Zhuqing and I faced them, was no longer It's a pure academy competition, but a life-and-death struggle between families."

"Mubai and I are not from the Heaven Dou Empire. We are both from the Star Luo Empire, and belong to two families." Zhu Zhuqing also spoke, explaining tacitly with Dai Mubai.

"Our two families have always had the custom of marrying, and the relationship is extremely close. In the family, only the most outstanding people can inherit the family. Our brothers and sisters have made a promise to kiss me and Mubai since childhood, in fact, the same is true."

Tang San glanced at the personnel list of this competition team, and said clearly: "Your brothers and sisters are in Xing Luo's competition team this time, and they are also our opponents in the next competition."

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing nodded.

"We didn't have much hope at first, but since I met you, I found that we may have a good chance of victory."

Xiao Wu, who lived in the forest since childhood and was isolated from the world, couldn't help asking: "Is rights really that important?"

"No matter where there are people, there will be class and competition. Even if there is no right as a bait, life-and-death struggles for survival are not uncommon." Tang Sui lowered his eyes and said softly.

Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but glanced at Tang Sui, with a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth: "Yes, Sui Sui is right. If it's just rights, Mubai and I don't care, we can easily give up the competition."

"But this competition does not mean that you can give up if you give up. Because in order to make the future heirs better, our family will select the family children who are competing, and will train them as enemies. The winner will naturally inherit the family , but if they lose, they will be wiped out on the spot.”

"The so-called way to give up is death but we haven't lived enough, so Mubai and I have been working hard!"

After Zhu Zhuqing finished speaking, he lowered his head and remained silent for a while, then raised his head, looked straight at Grandmaster and said, "Master, I know that Sui Sui is a final trump card for us. But this time, the entire Star Luo Empire The strength is higher than that of Soul Sect, so it is unrealistic to deal with the previously discussed lineup. I implore you to let Sui Sui play!"

After hearing Zhu Zhuqing's words, Dai Mubai also took a deep breath, looked at Grandmaster steadfastly, and bowed to Grandmaster again: "Master, I'm begging you too!"

All eyes immediately focused on the master.

The master frowned, and in the next moment, he handed over the choice to Tang Sui himself: "Sui Sui, what is your wish?"

The pressure immediately came to Tang Sui.

Tang San, who knew his sister well, already knew his sister's choice when he heard this.

The same goes for others.

Tang Sui lowered her head slightly, and said her answer:

"Feel sorry."

Ok? !

Tang San raised his head in astonishment, and the faces of the others also showed astonishment.

Including Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, but the two reacted quickly, although a little disappointed, but more of trust and worry.

"Sui Sui, what's your reason for refusing?"

The master gave Tang Sui this step.

(End of this chapter)

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