Chapter 300 Destined to be an enemy

"Yanzi." Yu Tianheng stretched out his hand and pressed it on the shoulder of Dugu Yan who was fighting for him.

Dugu Yan, who was full of anger, paused, met his lover's gentle gaze, pursed his lips unwillingly, snorted coldly and folded his hands in front of his chest.

Tang Sui, who saw the way the two get along, had a little wonder in his eyes.

oh!Love is terrible.

Something flashed in Tang San's eyes watching this scene, and when he spoke again, his tone was not as aggressive as before, and he calmly said: "Yu Tianheng, although I don't know how strong the Wuhundian Academy is, it's still It's not in your character to give up before you start, and you don't seem like someone who will accept fate."

"Of course I won't accept my fate." Yu Tianheng's lips curled up, and after taking Tang San's words, a faint fighting intent flashed in his eyes, "But I know more about my weight. One battle, Tang San, please watch carefully!"

Tang San was slightly stunned, watching Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan step forward, walking towards their team, staggering away from them.

"Brother, let's go." Tang Sui looked at Tang San, and the latter said "um", and walked up to Tang Sui, walking side by side with her.

"Sui Sui, how is your recovery?"

He asked Tang Sui concerned.

Tang Sui was not polite to Tang San either, shaking his head in denial: "No, brother. Brother, do you still have some old medicinal plants in your hand that don't have much effect on you?"

"Huh? Yes, Sui, do you need it?" A strange light flashed in Tang San's black eyes, and Tang Sui nodded.

"Well, I need their medicinal power, so that I can speed up the recovery of my dark wounds."

"Can poisonous ones work? Most of the ones I have are relatively poisonous ones. There are also non-toxic ones, but they are not too old."

"It doesn't matter, as long as it is a medicinal plant, I won't pick it."

The sound of the two brothers and sisters talking about you and me gradually faded away.

In the afternoon, the most interesting game started as scheduled.

As the second of the three seeded teams, when Tiandou Royal Academy team and Wuhundian Academy team stepped onto the stage, the audience was already quiet.

If the last match between Xing Luo and Shrek brought them too much information and experience, then this time, it will only be more than that.

Tang Sui, who was standing on the viewing platform, looked around, and the players of the Tiandou Royal Academy team were still the same faces she had seen in the Soto Great Spirit Arena.

Just stronger than ever seen.

But Wuhundian Academy
When the two teams entered the arena, Tang Sui saw the three leading the team at a glance.

The three of them were tall and straight, handsome men and beautiful women, and they attracted countless eyes as soon as they appeared.

But they stepped onto the Soul Fighting Stage unhurriedly, as if they were taking a stroll in the garden, and they had long been accustomed to these amazed or commenting gazes.

They were also wearing the uniform white uniforms of Wuhundian Academy.

Six patterns symbolizing the Hall of Spirits were embroidered on the team uniforms, but only the three who walked in the front wore a purple book-shaped badge on their left chest.

"Look! Those are the three people who are rumored to have won the Purple Record Medal!"

"My goddess, Hu Liena! My God, she is so beautiful!"

Whispering voices from the Academy of Wuhundian entered Tang Sui's ears along the wind.

Tang Sui swept across the viewing platform on the other side of the Wuhundian Academy. One of his old acquaintances, Platinum Bishop Salas, smiled proudly and contemptuously after seeing the three people wearing the Purple Record Medal.

The pride is for the outstanding three members of their academy, and the contempt is for the Tiandou Royal Academy team.

The three of them stood at the front of the Wuhundian Academy team, their expressions were calm, and they even wore relaxed smiles, but no one would think that they looked like the young masters of some big family who came out to travel.

Because the imposing manner and confidence that surged out of the three people, as well as the strong aura, all showed the fact that they had experienced hundreds of battles and defeated countless opponents.

——"The Proud Son of Heaven".

Seeing the three of them, these four words subconsciously appeared in Tang Sui's mind.

The man walking in the front was about 1.9 meters tall, and his neat short black hair stood up like steel needles.

His face was calm, his slender and powerful hands were hanging on his sides, and he looked at Yu Tianheng opposite him with indifferent eyes, without contempt or provocation, nor was he ready for battle, as if he was dealing with an ordinary opponent, calmly and confidently.

On both sides of the short black man, there are a man and a woman. The man on the left has half-length fiery red hair that hangs loosely behind his back. Even the color of his pupils is an extremely dangerous dark red.

He looks handsome, like a sharpened sword, and the invisible aura exuded by him seems to be his sword light, with the sharpness that can stab people.

The only woman among the three had apricot-colored shoulder-length hair and a beautiful appearance, and she was somewhat similar to the man in front.

The only thing the three of them have in common is the intangible and confident temperament exuded from them, but there is a special feeling that is different about the woman.

'No way, no way, even the nightmare of the year was overcome, but still can't overcome the charm of a mere soul king? '

Da Fei's strange voice sounded in Tang Sui's head.

Tang Sui's exquisite face was indifferent, and he replied in his heart: "People like good-looking existence, isn't it normal to cherish appreciation?"It's just a shame.'

Da Fei snorted inexplicably.

'Unfortunately, you are destined to be enemies. '

Hu Mian said with a smile what Tang Sui hadn't finished.

(End of this chapter)

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