Chapter 301 She Can't See
Tang San was also observing the most conspicuous three people in Wuhundian Academy, before he finished analyzing in his heart, Dugu Bo's voice rang in his ears.

"Pay close attention to these three people."

Tang San turned his head to look, Dugu Bo had stood beside him at some point, staring at them with a pair of sharp eyes, never leaving his eyes for a moment.

"These three people are the three geniuses who are hailed as the golden generation by the Spirit Hall."

Dugu Bo explained, Tang San immediately put aside all distracting thoughts in his heart, and calmly listened to the opponent's information.

"The young man in the front is called Xie Yue, a level 52 attack-type battle soul king, and his martial soul is Moon Blade, a tool soul master. The red-haired one is called Yan, also level 52, and a fire-type attack-type battle soul king , Martial Soul is the Fire Lord."

"The girl on the other side of Xie Yue is his younger sister Hu Liena, a level 51 control system battle spirit king, and her spirit is a fox."

"Three soul kings?! Are they all within the participating age?!" Tang San's eyes showed horror.

Dugu Bo nodded heavily, and continued: "You should be able to see that Hu Liena and Xie Yue look somewhat similar, that's because they are also brothers and sisters. Their siblings are very similar to you and the little girl, but they follow the Parents' surnames, Wuhun each inherited one side."

"Among the three of you, you and the little girl should pay special attention to that Hu Liena in addition to the two attacking soul kings. Because that Hu Liena has an extremely powerful charm ability, and her soul skills are all based on charm. Lord's."

Tang San's eyes changed, and he memorized Dugu Bo's word for word in his heart.

The master was also listening quietly, but his gaze had already drifted to the towering Pope's Palace behind the competition stage.

Bibi Dong, is this the question you gave me?

Below, at the referee's announcement, the game begins.

Tiandou Royal Academy, they didn't dare to slack off at all, and immediately released their martial souls.

As the captain, Yu Tianheng raised his head. When he saw the opponent's martial spirit fully released, even though he was prepared, his heart still trembled.

The three Xie Yue standing in the front had five soul rings, two yellow, two purple, and one black, shining on each of them, all of which were the best soul ring accessories.


The people watching the battle gasped, and on Shrek's side, Ma Hongjun, who always had a smile on his face, didn't have a smile at all.

After seeing their spirit power levels, they were amazed at first, and then looked at Tang Sui standing beside Tang San in unison.

On the battle stage, the strong pressure of the three together made Yu Tianheng's arrogance suddenly weakened a bit.

The next second, someone in the Wuhundian Academy team moved, but it wasn't Xie Yue who was the captain, but his sister Hu Liena.

After opening the martial soul, Hu Liena revealed a special temperament that made her look even more charming and beautiful.

Hu Liena, who was taking lotus steps, turned around, and her beige spirits flickered in the air. In the next moment, she had come to the front of the team, with a fluffy fox tail shaking slightly behind her, and a light red light Emerging from her body, there is a trace of charming breath flowing out.

On the opposite side, Yu Tianheng, who was about to use his soul skills, paused for a moment, closed his eyes suddenly, and shouted to remind his companion, "Don't look into her eyes!"

"Is it okay if you don't look at your eyes?"

Hu Liena's soft and hoarse voice seemed to be ringing in her ears from far to near.

"Others call me Tianhu~"

Hu Liena's tail tone rose slightly, as if carrying a small hook, which made the players of Tiandou Royal Academy who were closing their eyes but still planning to fight back froze, and none of them made a move!
The next moment, the five spirit rings on Hu Liena's body flickered very regularly, first the black fifth spirit ring, then the fourth, third, second, and finally the yellow first spirit ring.

And whenever the soul ring on her body fluctuates, the red light on her body will become stronger, and the whole person will look more charming.

"Looks like it's almost time."

On the other side of Wuhundian Academy, among the team members who were also standing there one by one with their arms folded, Captain Xie Yue moved.

He was holding two blood-red weapons, the Martial Soul Moon Blade. The two moon blades looked like crescent moons, extremely thin and sharp, but his hands were firmly held in the middle of the moon blades, and they were not touched by the moon blades at all. Sharp stabs.

Xie Yue raised her arms, turned her body, and bumped into her sister from behind.

The moment Xie Yue and Hu Liena's bodies collided, a red light curtain suddenly appeared and spread.

That layer of red light wrapped their two bodies together, very much like the black cocoon that Tang San and Tang Sui had appeared when they performed the martial soul fusion skill back then, except that the one in front of them was blood red.

The red light exploded in an instant, and the crimson mist spread, covering nearly half the area of ​​the battle platform in an instant. The members of the Tiandou Royal Academy, who were already close to each other, were all shrouded in the red mist without exception!

"Martial soul fusion skill?!" Tang San's pupils shrank suddenly, and he blurted out instantly.

Below, the other five members of the Wuhundian Academy team, including Yan, seemed to have no plans to make a move.Yan even took a few steps back and stood with other teammates.

Inside the red mist, red light flickered, and the original two people turned into a person wearing a secret silver armor with fluttering long hair, who seemed indistinguishable from male to female.

Tang Sui, who was watching the battle, suddenly turned pale, but still stared at Hong Wu without blinking.

Not for anything else, just because with her current mental strength, she still can't see the situation inside the red mist!
But the system thoughtfully opened the back door for her, and unfolded a thermal imaging picture in front of her. Even if she couldn't see the details, the thermal imaging picture was enough to identify the battle situation inside.

(End of this chapter)

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