Chapter 303 Whispering
On this platform now, only eight people from Shrek Academy did not salute.

Even the seven members of the Kamikaze Academy knelt down on one knee at this time, lowered their proud heads, and exposed their deadly napes, expressing their piety and obedience.

As the prince of the Star Luo Empire, Dai Mubai would not kneel down to the Spirit Hall, and neither would Zhu Zhuqing.

Oscar didn't feel anything about Wuhundian. At first he just wanted to bow in a symbolic salute, but after glancing at the indifferent and straight backs of his companions from the corner of his eyes, his slightly slumped body straightened back immediately.

Ma Hongjun also had no feelings for Wuhundian.

It was Dean Flender who brought him out of that dilapidated and lonely village, and showed him the colorful world. Flender also raised him. If he wanted to kneel, he would only kneel to his teacher Flender. Rand knelt, and had nothing to do with Wuhundian.

Ning Rongrong, as the jewel in the palm of the suzerain of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, is also likely to be the next suzerain, so naturally she would not kneel.

Among them, Xiao Wu lowered her head, looking like she was in a daze, but she was actually trying her best to hide her hatred.

Because Bibi Dong, the current Pope of Wuhundian, is her mother-killing enemy!
In Tang San's heart, he also had his own pride and limits.

He can kneel down to his teachers, parents, and those who are kind to him, but he will never kneel down to the Wuhun Palace who has a deep hatred with their family.

He and Tang Sui beside him were standing upright. Tang Sui closed his eyes, and heard the voice of the cardinal behind Bibi Dong scolding:
"Bold! How dare you be rude to the Pope!"

Except for the Title Douluo present, even the other Contras and Soul Saints, when Bibi Dong appeared, they all bowed down and bowed, and everyone else had to salute, so why can you stand out from the crowd?

With such thoughts in mind, more and more eyes focused on them.

Tang Sui opened his eyes abruptly, and there was a cold look in his clear blue pupils, and his voice was full of childishness and pure doubts unique to girls: "Ruthless? Why? There should be no law in the two empires now. It's written on it, when you see His Excellency the Pope in the Hall of Spirits, do you want to kneel down and salute?"

"Aren't His Majesty the Emperor the only one who can be bowed and worshiped?"

Tang Sui raised his eyes and stared straight at the cardinal who couldn't hold his breath and yelled at him. There was stagnant silence in Lan Yingying's eyes, but the tone that fell made the atmosphere on the field suddenly tense:

"If I remember correctly, Wuhundian is just Wuhundian."

Since you didn't establish an empire yourself, but are only the power holders of one side, what qualifications do you have to share the emperor's kneeling ceremony?
The cardinal, who understood what Tang Sui said, turned pale in an instant, but he couldn't say a word.

If it is admitted, it will be a subtle signal for other people to see the pope but perform the kneeling ceremony enjoyed by the emperor.

A challenge to the two empires.

The location of the Wuhun Hall is very subtle, it just happens to be in the middle of the border between the two empires, it is a very strange location.

Although every time the empire launched a war, it would end up "let it go", but the two empires who knew the reason turned a blind eye to it because the Wuhun Temple was just the Wuhun Temple, not a person who would compete with them for power. empire.

If you deny it, the eight people in front of you don't have to bow down, maybe they won't treat each other with such respect in the future, and the majesty of the Pope's Hall, or the entire Wuhun Hall will be affected.

Other insiders who were well aware of the undercurrent between the Empire and the Wuhun Palace couldn't help holding their breath, looking at Tang Sui with flickering eyes, thinking that Tang Sui was so daring.

Even Grandmaster and Tang San couldn't help sweating for the provocative Tang Sui.

But Tang Sui was very calm, without any fear.

The conflict between their family and Wuhundian was irreconcilable, and the other party kept trying to kill them.

Anyway, they were all offended, and this one was not bad.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Wuhundian could only swallow the loss, and even pretended to pass it as if nothing had happened.

Tang Sui, who was well versed in Tai Chi in the previous life, has nothing to fear.

It was exactly the same as Tang Sui's thoughts. Bibi Dong, the ruler of the Wuhun Palace, looked deeply at this little girl who seemed to be blown away by the wind, and thought strangely, with a pale expression on her face. In the middle, she raised her hand and made a silent gesture.

The cardinal who got down the steps immediately retreated silently, his forehead was already dripping with cold sweat in the tense atmosphere just now.But it wasn't because he was afraid of Tang Sui, but because he was afraid that if he said something wrong, it would ruin their entire plan of Wuhundian.

"Everyone get up, today, our theme is the Soul Master Elite Competition."

"Next, I will introduce to you the rules of the finals of this Soul Master Elite Competition and the prizes for the champion team."

In a word, four or two strokes of a thousand catties broke the tense atmosphere just now.

Everyone stood up with different thoughts, the excitement on their faces faded a lot, and a little more complicated, as if Tang Sui's previous words still planted seeds of doubt in their hearts.

Bibi Dong turned a blind eye to those complicated and thoughtful eyes, she looked down at the young soul masters standing in the square, with a smile on her face, she said loudly:
"From you, I see hope. In front of the Pope's Palace, I hope to see your full strength and potential."

—— Digression——

A bit of good news and bad news.

Bad news: Today and tomorrow will still be updated;
Good news: From Monday 8th to 10th, there are multiple changes (the kind that changes every day from 4 to 5).

Banner: The last happiness before the ink carp enters the factory (maybe there will be more)
Thank you for the lovely people who have rewarded and voted for the ink carp these days!
(End of this chapter)

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