Chapter 304 Regret
As Bibi Dong spoke, she waved the scepter in her hand.As she waved her scepter, three points of light instantly appeared in front of Bibi Dong and enlarged, floating in mid-air.

The sound of breathing came and went, and everyone's eyes, even the Shrek Eight Monsters, were focused on the three centers of light suspended in midair.

Soul bone!

Everyone's eyes became hot.

A right arm bone shone fiery red, a skull shone light blue, and a left leg bone shone dark green.

Back then in the preliminary round, Tang San once killed Si Nian, a soul master from Canghui Academy who specialized in fantasy spirits, and also got a head soul bone.

Seeing the three spirit bones suddenly now, Tang San felt even more horrified and shocked in his heart, feeling that the foundation of the Spirit Hall might be even greater than he imagined.

What they saw before was just the tip of the iceberg.

The three shiny soul bones seduced people's hearts. Although some people were greedy, they didn't dare to show it on their faces.

There were quite a few Soul Douluo present, including the Pope, and the titled Douluo Yunyun, who took away the rich package options that can only be killed on the spot and notorious for thousands of years, no one would not want to do something to these three spirit bones that have been displayed in full view. .

At this time, the deep voice of the ghost standing behind Bibi Dong, full of soul power, spread throughout the audience:
"These three soul bones are the wisdom skull that condenses the spirit, the right arm that bursts and burns, and the left leg that chases wind that moves forward rapidly."

"The three soul bones are all from soul beasts over 5 years old. Among them, the spiritually condensed wisdom skull comes from a soul beast over 10 years old. It was obtained by the previous Pope himself. Its quality is second only to foreign With spirit bones and top-level spirit bones produced by [-]-year-old spirit beasts."

As soon as the ghost's introduction came out, Tang Sui noticed something tricky.

These three spirit bones, no matter in terms of attributes or types, are too close to the three golden generations of Wuhun Temple.

On the surface, it is said that the reward is given to the champion team, but who doesn't know that every time they win, it belongs to the top leader of the Wuhun Temple. To put it bluntly, these three spirit bones are obviously prepared for the three of them.

Thinking of this, Tang Sui's desire for these three soul bones is not so deep.

Bibi Dong nodded slightly, and said calmly: "There is always only one winner, and the same is true for the champion. These three soul bones will all belong to the final champion team. I hope that the three academies that have entered the top three will all go all out to win this honor." .”

Although they knew that this might be prepared for their own academy team in Wuhundian, at the scene, the seven members of New Kamikaze Academy still had some hopes for the spirit bones, maybe they could win!
"Next, your three academies will conduct individual elimination competitions. As long as there are still remaining teams in the end, they will get the first chance and directly enter the championship competition tomorrow. The other two teams will compete for the final championship spot in the afternoon. Now, let's start."

After painting the pie, Bibi Dong sat at the head, and the four Title Douluo who followed the Pope also sat down in turn.

After the lottery was over, Shrek's first player, Jing Ling, was lucky enough to find time, but what was surprising was that in the next match between Shenfeng Academy and Wuhundian, Wuhundian chose to admit defeat directly.

The master narrowed his eyes, flashing a flash of anger.When Jing Ling was about to confront Huo Wushuang from Shenfeng Academy, the master suddenly stood up and interrupted.

So Tang Sui and the others watched a round, you schemed against me and I knew it, and you didn't know it and I knew you knew about Bababa's infinite matryoshka, and at the end of the bargain, they, Shrek, also directly entered the battle for the place in the loser group.

Tang Sui was thoughtful.

The teacher's decision is not wrong, because the current method of drawing lots for the start of the competition is an individual competition, not a team competition.

According to the originally planned order of appearance, Jing Ling was the first to play on their side, even if Jing Ling was lucky in the lottery, they could stay in the back position to better observe the opponent's strength.

But Wuhundian's surrender will bring two results.

First: The student of Wuhundian can maintain complete combat power without any consumption.

Second, Huo Wushuang of Shenfeng Academy also maintained full combat power to deal with Jing Ling. After he defeated Jing Ling, he should immediately admit defeat when facing the No.2 Wuhundian student.

In this way, it becomes a two-on-one. They have to guard against the two academies directly, and they will be crossed out and eliminated in the individual competition.

remaining new kamikaze
Tang Sui didn't think that Shenfeng Academy had the guts to go head-to-head with the members of the Wuhundian team, so in the end, they either had to give in to the fight, or simply surrendered, and the final winner was Wuhundian Academy.

It can only be said that those who engage in politics play with their hearts beating.

Back at the team lounge provided by the Hall of Spirits, everyone started discussing the lineup for the afternoon without wasting any time.

"Sui Sui, how is your recovery?" Although Yao Zhi gave Tang Sui, Tang San was still a little worried.

Tang Sui shook his head: "I still need some time."

This is false.

Even if there is a system to help transform the medicinal power into demonic power that nourishes the soul, the system told her before the transformation that these medicinal plants are not enough, and she needs more years or stronger power to make up, otherwise, she It can only look better on the surface, but in fact, the wound of the soul is still not healed.

Although there is still no problem with her hands, her attack power will still not be as good as before.

At this moment, Tang Sui was a little annoyed by his previous impulsiveness, but he didn't expect the side effects to be so serious.

- off topic -

Sui Sui: Regret but not completely regret, next time dare(?)

Tomorrow's update time is noon and night drop chapters~
(End of this chapter)

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