Chapter 309 Tang Hao's Night Interview
"Not necessarily." The master thought for a while, and told everyone about the backup plan.

Outside the hotel, Tang Hao leaned on the tree trunk with folded arms, looking at the lit room from time to time, his powerful mental power enveloped the vicinity of the hotel, but precisely avoided the floor Tang San and the others were on.

On the branches of the moon, in order to welcome tomorrow's game in a full state, the master and the others finalized a general strategy and let Tang Sui and the others go back to rest.

Of course, Tang San and the others were the only ones who returned to their respective rooms to rest. Raised the essence of the moon.

A system that hesitates to speak: 【.】

Forget it, the host is settled anyway.

On the big tree with lush branches and leaves in the backyard, Tang Hao who saw Tang Sui's actions clearly: "."

Good guy, one of his sons and daughters sleeps later than the moon, and the other wakes up earlier than the chicken, right?
With a slander in his heart, Tang Hao waited for a while, until the lights in other rooms were almost extinguished, and then he set off, disappeared on the tree trunk, restrained his breath, and stood by the window of the room on the floor where the Shrek people lived. One side passed by silently, and stopped outside the window belonging to Tang San.

It has been a day since he came to Wuhun City, and he found out who lived in the hotel room yesterday. With his strength, it is not difficult to avoid the eyes and ears of Flender and his little daughter.


Tang San, who was about to meditate again for a while, opened his eyes suddenly, a sharp light shot out from his black eyes, and suddenly looked at the window that made a slight knocking sound.


He asked in a low voice, his hand had already wiped the 24 bridges on the moonlit night at his waist, and he held the Godly Zhuge Crossbow in his hand.

"Little San, it's me."

A low and familiar voice drifted into Tang San's ears through the open window.

Tang San's vigilant expression froze, his expression went blank for a moment, and subconsciously called out those two words: ".Dad?"


Tang Hao responded in a low voice.

Tang San, who was sure he didn't have auditory hallucinations, rolled up from the bed, but he didn't put away the Godly Zhuge Crossbow in his hand. Instead, he freed one hand first, using his internal force to push the airflow in the air, and the curtain covering the window was blow off.

Under the vision of Ziji Demon Pupils, Tang Hao's rough face half hidden under the shadow of the hood was clearly reflected in Tang San's eyes.

Not a hallucination!

After confirming Tang Hao's authenticity, Tang San put away the Godly Zhuge Crossbow, hurried to the window, tied up the fluttering curtains, opened the window, and let Tang Hao in.

"Dad, why are you here?"

To be honest, Tang San was a little flattered, he didn't expect to see Tang Hao the night before the final.

Tang Hao saw the joy and helplessness on Tang San's face, felt a little uncomfortable, and said in a low voice: "I'll come and see you and Suisui."

Tang San was taken aback, thinking that he didn't see his sister after waking up, and the teacher said that she had something important to do and would come back later, he immediately said clearly: "Has Sui Sui seen you already?"

"En." Tang Hao nodded, seeing his son's annoyed look after hearing his answer, a smile flashed in his eyes, and explained: "I received a summons from your teacher before, saying that you and Suisui Your life experience has been exposed. I am not at ease, I am worried that the Wuhun Temple will be unfavorable to you, and I also believe that with your strength, you will definitely advance to the final semi-finals, so I came directly to Wuhun City."

As soon as the words fell, Tang San suddenly raised his head, his similar black pupils showed a bit of hatred and sadness, suppressed his excitement, and said word by word: "Father, Wuhundian. gone."

Tang Hao's pupils shrank, and he stretched out his hand to press his son's shoulder, "What did you say?! How are you, little San?"

He tried to turn Tang San around for him to check, but the other party stretched out his hand to hold down his wrist, his lips parted, and Tang San, who was always calm and strong in front of others, now had a little redness in his eye sockets.

"I'm fine, it's Sui Sui. Sui Sui almost died before"


The bright and joyful smile of the youngest daughter appeared in Tang Hao's mind for an instant, and in the next second, the appearance of the youngest daughter's back facing her, her slender back disappearing in front of the sun, his heart tightened, and his voice became difficult: "...Little San , tell me carefully what happened.”

Tang San took a deep breath, and told Tang Hao exactly what they encountered in the Grand Canyon of Death on the way to Wuhun City.

Talking, Tang San's eye sockets already gathered dots of crystal water color.

The more he listened, Tang Hao's face became darker and darker, when he heard that Tang Sui wanted to use self-destruct to hold Ghost Douluo back, his suppressed emotions and aura burst out all at once.

The titled Douluo who once created a great reputation on the mainland let go of his original low-key and warm feelings, revealing the strong posture that made the whole continent turn pale in the past.

That Sen Han's killing intent was like a condensed ice pick, hanging on the spine, making people's scalp numb, and the adrenaline surged sharply.

The terrifying aura instantly enveloped the entire hotel. Flender, who was immersed in sleep or cultivation, couldn't help but wake up. Even Tang Sui, who was sitting on the roof basking in the moon and absorbing the moonlight, opened his eyes suddenly. , like a cat with fried hair, it bounced up from the ground in an instant, staring at the blue eyes in horror, looking left and right.

The system that monitors everything: 【.】

- off topic -

Little San sued me~
see you tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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