Chapter 310 Father and Daughter Promise
[It's an old acquaintance, don't be so nervous. 】

The system made a sound to appease the fried cat.

However, other people who didn't know they were old acquaintances rushed out of the room one by one, and ran towards Tang San and Tang Sui's room at the same time.

"Little San, Sui Sui, are you all right?"

Flender attached his soul power to his palm, and pushed open the door of Tang San's room.

Fortunately, the siblings' rooms were next to each other, and at the same time he pushed the door open, Liu Erlong kicked open the door of Tang Sui's room.

The terrifying killing intent just now made his scalp tingle even as a soul sage, and thinking about the killing in the Grand Canyon of Death, Flender instantly had an ominous premonition in his heart, and immediately rushed out of the room and went straight to the brothers and sisters. Room for two.

"Dean, I'm fine, it was just a misunderstanding."

Facing everyone's worried and nervous gazes, Tang San standing in the room showed an embarrassed yet polite smile.

Flender glanced at the wide open window behind Tang San, keenly observed that Tang San's eye sockets seemed to be slightly red, and when he thought of something, his frowning brows relaxed, and he began to drive the others back.

"It's okay, it's okay, there was a misunderstanding, there is no danger, everyone, go back and rest, tomorrow is the final!"

The person who was able to exude such terrifying killing intent without being noticed by them, and the person who made Tang San take the initiative to cover up, Flender almost guessed who it was, and Qin Ming, Master, Liu who were full of doubts. The two dragons exchanged a knowing look, and then the four of them started to fool the little monsters to go back to sleep.

On the roof, Tang Sui didn't know what happened below.

Because the culprit who caused the commotion on the whole floor just now was standing one meter away from her, those eyes that contained sadness and anger were staring straight at her, which made Tang Sui feel uneasy .

"Dad, why are you here?"

Didn't they just meet during the day?

Tang Hao looked at his little daughter's uneasy expression, suppressed his anger, took a deep breath, and went straight to the point: "Sui Sui, why didn't you tell me about the Grand Canyon of Death?!"

Canyon of Death?
Tang Sui was stunned for a second before realizing Tang Hao's meaning, his blue pupils widened slightly, and whispered, "You know everything?"

Tang Hao has a straight face and tightly pursed lips. Coupled with his cold aura and tall and burly body, he can scare a child to tears.

But under his cold expression, there was a heart of remorse and fear.

Before he knew it, he almost lost his child for real!

Tang Hao, who was angry at his dereliction of duty, and also heartbroken and powerless for Tang Sui's decision, didn't know how to get along with his children correctly, so he could only stare at Tang Sui, waiting for an explanation.

The father and daughter stared at each other for a while, and it was Tang Sui who was defeated first.

Tang Sui stretched out his hand, slightly curled his little finger, and rolled his eyes: "Father, let's pull the hook, I assure you, there will never be a next time."

She cannot change and explain what has happened, and the only thing she can promise is the future.

Besides, this time, she has indeed tasted the bitter fruit of impulsiveness, and there will be no next time.

Knowing well that Tang Sui was planning to turn the page, Tang Hao stared deeply at his little daughter, examining every subtle expression on her face, but found no trace of perfunctory.

"it is good."

In the end, he retreated softly, put away his cold face, raised his hand, and made an oath with his callused little finger and the other white and tender little finger, making an agreement.

Early the next morning, although there was a small incident in the middle of the night, the Shrek Eight Monsters still showed up at the hotel entrance in good spirits.

After breakfast, all of them held their heads high and their bodies full of energy.

As Tang Sui expected, Tang San's soul power, internal power, and spiritual power were all fully recovered, and he was also full of energy at this time.

Standing with his hands behind his back, the Grandmaster swept across the eight people, nodded inwardly, and said on the face: "The competition will proceed according to the plan. Do your best, if you can't do anything, put your own safety first, understand?"


The eight people responded in unison.

Even Xiao Wu, who was not playing this time, complied.

"Okay, let's go now." The master nodded, waved his hand, and was about to take a step when Flender's voice sounded from behind——

"Wait a moment!"

The master and the others were taken aback, and Flender, who had completed the check-out procedures, shredded the bill and walked out of the hotel.

"Flender, do you have anything else to say?" The master thought that Flender would add a few words, but when Flender stepped out of the shadow and stood in the morning light, he saw Flender's serious expression. face.

Today's Flender has a surprisingly serious expression.

Since the Shrek Eight Monsters made him a lot of money in this competition, he has always been smiling, but at this time there is no smile on his face.

He walked to the front of the line, straightened the folded collar of Dai Mubai who was standing at the front, and then said to the eight people: "Children, for you, this will be the last time before graduation Frankly speaking, I am very honored and extremely proud to be able to train you geniuses. But there is always a banquet in the world, and Shrek Academy cannot help you grow all the time. You have to rely on you to walk the road ahead."

"I said before that if you don't win the championship, you will not be allowed to graduate. That is just a joke, you don't have to take it seriously. What I want to say to you now is that no matter whether you win or lose, you are all my pride, and you are all My children. I will never allow any of you to suffer casualties in this last game. The championship is not important, what is important is you. What I want is not the result of victory, but your safe return!"

Flender emphasized the last four words.

(End of this chapter)

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