Bibi Dong's face was full of uncertainties, and she wanted to wait a little longer, but when Dugu Bo said this, she suddenly didn't dare to bet on whether Yan could turn the tide.

Even if Yan can turn the tide, wake up from the mental lock, and recover his fighting power, but Nana and Xie Yue are now poisonous, their soul power is still exhausted, and they are tied tightly by blue silver grass, unable to move at all. A chance to turn defeat into victory, but in the current situation, she can't afford to gamble on the price of that victory.
The victory that was easy to grab turned into the current situation. The huge gap made Bibi Dong somewhat unacceptable, but after weighing the pros and cons, she still raised her hand, maintained the majesty and composure of the pope, and announced defeat in a low voice: "Wuhun The Temple Academy team admit defeat. You can stop now."

The last sentence was said by Bibi Dong staring at Tang San.

As soon as Bibi Dong finished speaking, Ning Fengzhi on her right stood up and raised his hand. On his palm, the precious light of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda suddenly appeared, and a seven-story pagoda was suspended in his palm.

"The seventh soul skill, the true body of the Seven Treasures."

Ning Fengzhi let out a low shout, and waves of vigorous soul power vibrated.

The pagoda, which could be supported by one hand in the last second, spun in Ning Fengzhi's palm for three weeks, and then floated out. The next second, the pagoda suddenly became bigger in the air.


In an instant, the entire front of the Pope's Palace was filled with precious light. Ning Fengzhi's Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda floated forward, and its volume expanded rapidly. In the blink of an eye, it became a ten-meter-high pagoda, floating in the air.

A faint halo flew out from between Ning Fengzhi's eyebrows, and directly poured into the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda. At the same time, his body also shone with light of the same color as the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda.

The sword fighter beside Ning Fengzhi, Luo Chenxin, stood up.

Even though he just stood quietly beside Ning Fengzhi and didn't release his martial spirit, but he exuded an extremely sharp aura, forming a barrier that faintly protected Ning Fengzhi and deterred others.

The sixth floor of the ten-meter-high pagoda turned, and a magnificent halo surged out, shining on Tang San.

Tang San, who was all in pitch black, closed his eyes, feeling the powerful increase of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, and at the same time, the black sticky light spread from under his feet, covering his whole body, enveloping him.

The black blue silver grass that dominated the audience instantly turned into black spiritual seeds and scattered in the air. The six skin tones had turned black and purple, and the people whose life or death was unknown fell to the ground, exposed to everyone's vision.

The black light cocoon split into two, and the slightly pale Tang Sui gasped for breath.

Tang San, who had also withdrawn from the blackened state, looked weaker than Tang Sui, his face was as pale as a paper towel, bead-sized beads of sweat kept oozing from the corner of his forehead, rolling down the lines of his cheeks onto his cheeks The placket made the black college uniform even darker.

"The second soul skill, good face."

Tang Sui, who was a few seconds behind, raised his hand, and threw the second soul ability on Tang San without hesitation.

Tang San's pale complexion improved a bit, and his exhausted limbs also began to gradually recover their strength under the assistance of Tang Sui and Ning Fengzhi.

"Brother, detoxify them." Tang Sui looked sideways at Tang San.

Tang San breathed out, raised his hand, and shot out six jet-black blue silver grass vines from his wrists, leaping towards Xie Yue and the others who were lying on the battle platform in disorder, circled one foot, and moved closer to Tang San. …


The sharp eight spider spirit bones sprang out from Tang San's back, the eight spider spirit bones glowing with black purple poisonous luster shone coldly in the sunlight.

The terrifying spider legs with thick wrists lifted up, and mercilessly plunged into the wrists of Xie Yue and the others who fell to the ground, absorbing the poison that had invaded the body and was about to approach the ventricle.

It's a pity that this is on the fighting spirit stage.

Tang San lowered his eyes, his cold eyes swept over Xie Yue and Hu Liena brothers and sisters who had not concealed their murderous intent when they were fighting in the red mist before, and secretly said sorry in his heart, but he didn't show any regret on his face.

Even if they didn't have any great grievances before, Xie Yue and Hu Liena who were standing over the Hall of Spirits had already shown their killing intent towards him, and he was not so magnanimous to let the person who wanted to kill him go .

Sensing the faint killing intent on Tang San, Tang Sui looked at him worriedly.

As Dugu Bo guessed, the blue silver grass vines under the martial soul fusion technique did produce some kind of mutation, and also contained some mixed poison of the eight spider spirit bones.

The sound of the cardinal’s sentence to the Champion Academy drifted far away in her ears. Bibi Dong stared at Hu Liena and the others. Their complexion returned to normal. The breath was a little more relaxed, but he couldn't swallow it, it was stuck in his throat and he couldn't get up or down.

Under the signal of Ghost Douluo Guigui, several palace guard knights of Wuhun Temple stepped forward and carefully lifted the six unconscious people down.

Holding the scepter, Bibi Dong stared at Tang Sui and Tang San who had recovered from their breath with unpredictable expression, narrowing her eyes slightly.

"Sui Sui, mistress!"

Dai Mubai and the others also fell to the ground from the air, moving closer to their companions.

The Senior Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is coming to an end. Bibi, who has readjusted her mentality, turned her head to the east, signaling to the Cardinal of the Spirit Hall to give the champion team the prize of this competition—three spirit bones. bring it.

The cardinal beside her took the brocade plate with the soul bone on it, with a solemn expression: "Representatives from Shrek Academy, please come forward to receive this championship reward!"

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