Hearing this, the other members of Shrek Academy watching the battle jumped into joy.

Xiao Wu excitedly jumped over the fence and ran towards her partners.

All the Shrek monsters stood on the stage together, with smiles on their faces.

They are champions and they really won!

Those are three spirit bones!
Although it is a bit sentimental that these soul bones are all from soul beasts, Xiao Wu is not a holy mother who loves everything. Even among soul beasts, the competition for life and death is very fierce. After reporting, their training and hard work have yielded results, and they are happy, that's all.

"Boss Dai, you are the captain, you go."

Tang San, whose complexion was already much better, looked at Dai Mubai.

Even if he has a complicated attitude towards Wuhundian, there is a little smile on his face at this moment.

Dai Mubai shook his head, looked at the two brothers and sisters and said with a smile: "Little San, Sui Sui, you are the biggest honor in this competition. Without the two of you, it would be very difficult for us to win this competition. This honor of victory should be You are next."

"Yes, don't evade it! This means that it is none other than you!" Ma Hongjun looked at the two of them with a smile.

Tang Sui looked at the cardinal who was standing next to Bibi Dong with a tray of three spirit bones not far away, thought for a while, raised his face, and said to Tang San: "Brother, why don't you go, I'll pay you back." I'm a little tired and haven't recovered, and I don't want to move."

The eyes of the two brothers and sisters met in mid-air, and the meaning conveyed inside was self-evident.

Knowing that his sister was someone who didn't want to see the Spirit Hall, Tang San sighed in his heart, and nodded against the eyes of others.

"it is good."

Ning Rongrong and the others smiled even more.

All eyes were on Tang San who was walking towards Bibi Dong step by step, watching the other party take steady steps, raised his hands, and took the tray containing three spirit bones.

Bibidong looked at Tang San's handsome face and firm eyes, sighed inwardly, and said kindly with a smile on his face: "Tang San, you and your sister are really outstanding. You two outstanding geniuses shouldn't be So buried, if you are willing, you can join the Spirit Hall, and from now on, your future will be even brighter."

Bibi Dong threw out the olive branch of "you know, I know".

Tang San was stunned for a moment, then quickly came back to his senses, looking at Bibi Dong's mask with a smile on his face, his heart was calm, with a just right apologetic smile on his face, and he refused: "Thank you for your kindness, but my sister and I have already Another path was chosen."

Another path that runs counter to Wuhundian.

The eyes of the two collided in the air, as if there was invisible smoke.

In the end, Bibi Dong looked away as if nothing had happened, pretending nothing happened.

Tang Sui, who was staring at the two of them closely, saw Bibi Dong look away, his frozen eyes relaxed slightly, watching Tang San approaching with the honor that belonged to their Shrek Academy and the prize of their team.

Sensing the majestic aura emanating from the three spirit bones on the brocade plate, Tang San couldn't help taking a deep breath.

In the square, the eyes of most soul masters were on Tang San.

If after Tang San and the others left Wuhun City, without the restraint of Wuhun Palace, they might not be able to snatch the spirit bones from these young people. …

Such thoughts were countless, Tang San bathed in countless greedy eyes walked back to the team with a normal expression.

Including the master, their gazes were all fixed on the spirit bone carried by Tang San on the tray.

Many people saw spirit bones for the first time in their lives.

Oscar stared eagerly at the radiant spirit bone, his nervous hands didn't know where to put them.

Next, there is the issue of the distribution and ownership of the spirit bones.

As a substitute, Jing Ling and the others withdrew first.

Being able to participate in this senior soul master elite competition and win the title of the champion team is the greatest honor and reward for them. For the rest, they know how much they can afford.

"Well, I give up, my spirit power level is still too low, and their attributes are not suitable for me." Xiao Wu glanced at the three spirit bones, and refused very neatly.

Dai Mubai spoke next: "I also give up, there is nothing suitable for me."

Oscar chuckled: "I am an auxiliary soul master of the food department, these soul bones have no effect on my strength, but Rong Rong and Sui Sui may be suitable."

Three of the Shrek Eight Monsters gave up, leaving five people.

After observing the three soul bones, the master said at the right time: "The left leg of Chasing Wind, which is moving forward rapidly, is most suitable for soul masters of the agility attack system. There is no doubt that it should belong to Zhuqing. As for the right arm of the bursting flame, it is the most suitable It is suitable for attack-type fire attribute soul masters, Ma Hongjun, it is yours now. As for the last wisdom skull of spiritual concentration."

Speaking of this, the master paused, looking at Tang San, Tang Sui and Ning Rongrong.

In the team, the three of Tang Sui are undoubtedly the most suitable for the third spirit bone attribute.

Tang Sui's hesitation was only for a second, and he gave up decisively.

"Teacher, I also give up. Although my mental power is not as strong as my brother's, but when I use it, it is very rare for me. Let my brother and Rongrong decide."

Most importantly, her little masks are the best "soul bones".

—— Digression——

Tonight's power outage lost manuscript tragedy. Some cuties have already witnessed the scene of Mo Carp's madness.

What kind of grievance is it that coded the text that had already been coded again ah blah blah blah, the ink carp who ran to my best friend's house at night to catch electricity directly burst into tears.

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