Spiritual concentration has an effect on both Tang San and Ning Rongrong. Although Tang San himself is not a soul master who mainly focuses on spiritual power, he has the ability of Ziji Demon Eyes, and he is a control system. , the benefit of the wisdom skull to his future can be imagined.

And among the three spirit bones, the spirit bone of spiritual power is obviously the most precious.

Tang San looked up at Ning Rongrong, sighed inwardly, and said, "I'll let you go."

"Brother, you can accept this spirit bone. For Rongrong, I think the other gift we prepared should be suitable for her."

When the atmosphere became entangled, Tang Sui looked at the master, then at the two people who were in a stalemate, and opened his mouth to point out something.

'Brother, the soul bone from that year was also a head soul bone, and it was a spiritual illusion.I think that should be more suitable for Rongrong. '

Tang Sui's sound transmission sounded in Tang San's heart, Tang San was slightly stunned, and his tangled mood suddenly became clear.


And the spiritual head soul bone of the illusion amplification system obtained from Shi Nian!

Thinking of this, Tang San's eyes lighted up, and the corners of his lips curled up into a smile again. Although he didn't make a sound, his sound transmission directly rang out in Ning Rongrong's mind——

'Rong Rong, I still have a soul bone of the main illusion here, which is also a soul bone of wisdom head.It is more suitable for you than the spiritually concentrated wisdom skull.I'll give it to you when we go back. '

Ning Rongrong was taken aback when she heard the sound transmission, because Tang San in front of her was obviously smiling but his lips didn't move, but Tang San's voice rang in her head.
Just when Ning Rongrong wondered if this was her auditory hallucination, Tang Sui who was standing beside her took Ning Rongrong's hand naturally, and gently hooked her fingertips on her palm, bringing a slight Itching.

Ning Rongrong tilted her head, and met Tang Sui's smiling eyes, who nodded invisibly at her. At the same time, Grandmaster also received a sound transmission from Tang San, who originally planned to ask Tang San to directly send the other The master who took out a soul bone paused, swallowed his words, thinking that it would be better to keep a low profile.

Although there is no one from Canghui College present here, and no one is familiar with the origin of this soul bone, it is good to be on the safe side.

Ning Rongrong was overjoyed when she received Tang Sui's hint and affirmation.

She originally wanted to give up, because Tang San had paid so much for the team, he should get a spirit bone no matter what.

Even though she felt somewhat reluctant, at this time there was a piece that was more suitable for her, and everyone could have a soul bone, which could be said to be a happy one.

So Ning Rongrong smiled and nodded, put aside the topic of tacit understanding, and looked in the direction of his father Ning Fengzhi with some excitement.

Ning Fengzhi watched this scene with a gratified smile on his lips.

Although it seemed that the last soul bone was not assigned to his daughter, but to Tang San, but seeing Rong Rong's joyful appearance without any regrets, there must be a follow-up.

It's just that some people may not be so happy.

Ning Fengzhi tilted his head slightly, and looked towards Bibi Dong, but he saw that Bibi Dong and the Chrysanthemum Ghost Douluo were very close to each other, as if they were talking about something.

And the direction of their gaze
Ning Fengzhi looked in the direction Bibi Dong and the others were looking at, but saw Tang Sui? …

Ning Fengzhi thumped in his heart, and his complexion was stained with a little seriousness.

Wuhundian, is this planning to attack Tang San and his siblings?
On this side, Ning Rongrong, who had been looking at her father, also saw the change in Ning Fengzhi's face, and couldn't help but feel puzzled.

What's up dad, with this expression?
When Ning Rongrong was still a little dazed, Bibi Dong who had already ordered Chrysanthemum Ghost Douluo spoke:

"Have you finished dividing your soul bones?"

She looked indifferent, showing no joy or anger.

But the calmer the other party's expression was, the more uneasy Ning Fengzhi felt, even Tang Sui noticed that when Bibi Dong spoke, the eyes of Ju Douluo Yueguan and Ghost Douluo Guigui behind her instantly fell on her There was a trace of scorching heat faintly on his body, as if the previous championship limelight and rewards were nothing to them.

What are you staring at her for?
Could it be that they still want to speak out about the conflict with their father in front of other soul masters and settle it on the spot?
Tang Sui felt strange in his heart, feeling a little uneasy for no reason.

The eyes of the others were not fixed on Xiao Wu, which proved that Xiao Wu's identity was not exposed, but since it was not exposed, why did Bibi Dong and the others keep their eyes on her?
The master who distributed the spirit bone rewards nodded and looked at Bibi Dong, "The distribution has been completed, what's the matter with His Majesty the Pope?"

This time, Bibi Dong didn't directly answer Grandmaster's words.

She looked directly at Ning Rongrong's group, raised her hand, pointed at Tang Sui with her fingertips, and ordered Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo behind her: "Take down that little girl beside Ning Rongrong."

Xiao Wu was taken aback for a moment, then thought of something, her eyes widened suddenly, and her heart beat a little faster.

Could it be that Sui Sui really is.
The moment Bibi Dong uttered this order, Tang San paused invisibly, the moment his pupils shrank suddenly, he stretched his nerves and muscles, and strode forward to block Tang Sui behind him.

At the same time, the others in Shrek also made the same move.

But they kept Tang Sui and Tang San behind.

Flender and Liu Erlong, who had been waiting on the stands, were stunned for a second, then jumped off the stands without hesitation, landed around the students, and blocked in front of the children by coincidence.

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