Chapter 335

Even if he lost his memory, but as a monster clan, with the guidance of the giant snake and Tang Chen, two big monsters, Tang Sui became familiar with the monster power flowing in his body and another restrained soul power within half a day.

Tang Chen told her that this was the power she had before she lost her memory, and it was the cornerstone of this world - "soul power".

After spending two days cramming the basic knowledge of Douluo Continent, and being instilled by Tang Chen with what he saw and heard with the help of another pair of eyes, Tang Sui's world view of this strange world gradually took shape and reshaped.

The only thing that remains the same is that the weak will prey on the strong, and the strong will respect.

The last day of training Tang Chen customized for her was completed, and the little princess confined to the tower took her first steps towards this bloody crime city.

The black veil girl, Tang Chen's confidant of the King of Slaughter, has a resounding title "Messenger" in the Slaughter City, which is the messenger of the King of Slaughter.

In the Slaughter Capital, no one dared to offend the majesty of the Slaughter King.

With the envoys following her, many of Tang Sui's eyes stared at her timidly because of Tang Sui's pure temperament.

The envoy was not surprised, and did not intentionally explain Tang Sui's identity to those people.

Death and blood are like weeds here, growing everywhere.

Tang Sui watched as the three black-armored knights on patrol walked up to a rotting, stinking flesh and blood, and disposed of the "garbage" without changing their expressions.

The bone with blackened flesh sticking to it was the remains of a soul master.

His blood had been drained by leakers or murderers, leaving him a useless corpse.

A little nausea and discomfort welled up in his throat, Tang Sui raised his hand, and looked at the "garbage" being processed with a slight frown.

With her eyesight, even though the blood had dried up, even if there were only a few drops, she could still see traces on some of the flesh and blood that looked like they had been cut by a sharp weapon.

The envoy followed Tang Sui's gaze and was not surprised by this scene. Under the black veil covering half of his face, the corners of his lips even curled up a bit maliciously, and he stated to Tang Sui in an elegant tone: "Xiao The princess should not be used to this place, so she will have such a reaction. Do you think it is cruel?"

Even though she still had doubts about Tang Sui's strength in her heart, because of the unequal master-servant contract with the Slaughter King, she carried out all the orders of her master with high loyalty, and did not dare to underestimate Tang Sui.

Because she knew very well that even if this little princess of unknown background wanted to kill her, her master probably wouldn't stop her.

Those who know the current affairs are handsome.

This is her hundreds of years of experience.

Tang Sui, who was covering his mouth and nose, glanced at the emissary. There was no fear in his eyes, only a faint trace of disgust, "I just think it's a bit harsh."

What kind of person would use a knife on a corpse that has been drained of the last value of blood, and still cut off such a neat mass of flesh?

What's the use?

Tang Sui felt sick when he thought about it.

Although Tang Chen also explained in detail how to strengthen himself by devouring the flesh and soul of the strong when he gave her the popular science method of becoming stronger, but Tang Chen also said that the current monsters on this continent, he I've only seen two.

One is a giant snake entrenched in Hell Road, and the other is her.

The same is true in the entire killing capital.

Tang Sui glanced at a food distribution point set up not far away, and asked in puzzlement, "There are places where food is distributed for free, so why cannibalism?"

"Because, the daily supply of food is limited. We are not philanthropists in the city of killing. Of course, we only give food to the 'useful'." The envoy emphasized the last three words, and observed with a little attention The expression on Tang Suixiao's face changed.

Because today, she is not only the guide and protector of the little princess, but also has a more important task - monitor.

Knowing the reason, Tang Sui didn't say anything about changing the original rules and making the food supply more sufficient. Instead, he turned his head sideways, stepped forward, and said lightly: "Let's go, the air here is too smelly, change to another place." place."

The smile on the corner of the messenger's lips became more real, and with a half-smile, he glanced at the master who was looking at them suspiciously, and followed the little master leisurely with his long legs.

Other voices of suspicion gradually became apparent as the messenger went away.

"Is that little girl new here too?"

"She doesn't look ten years old, does she? She committed a crime at such a young age?"

"Hey, what if she was exiled here? I don't think she has killed anyone yet"

Speaking of the latter, the person's tone became subtle, and the eyes of the others became hot, revealing a strong killing intent.

You must know that all newcomers who enter the killing capital will be protected by the envoys, but there are only twelve hours.

Twelve hours passed.
The people in black robes who had been idly wandering the streets looking for the next unlucky guy looked at each other, the twinkling meaning in their eyes was self-evident, and they followed after Tang Sui and the others pretending to be nonchalant after walking a certain distance.

Find out where the other party's residence is.

When the [-]-hour novice protection period expires, a little girl with a lot of hair and no hair has ever seen blood. Isn't she his new soul from the sword?
With such thoughts in mind, Tang Sui and the others followed a bunch of little tails not far away.

Of course, these little tails also fought internally first.

—— Digression——

Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow is the third watch~
Special thanks to the lord "Super Sweet Bread" for the reward!Thanks also to the other cuties for their rewards and votes~
(End of this chapter)

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