Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 336 The Status Quo of the Killing Capital

Chapter 336 The Status Quo of the Killing Capital

The pitch-black city wall gradually became apparent, because Tang Sui had already reached the outer city of the killing capital.

The streets here are lined with some simple black stone houses, every section of the road, Tang Sui would see hunched-backed men in black robes lined up one after another at the special place for food distribution, their expressions were dull, but their eating movements were gobbled up. It can be said that they have already felt numb to such days, but because they cannot leave, they can only live in such a muddle.

"The people here are different from those in Central City." Tang Sui stood not far away, looking at the numb-looking people.

"The Slaughtering City is the same as the killing field in hell. It is divided into the outer field and the central field. What the little princess just saw were people from the central city. Now it is the outer city. The people in the outer city are the lowest existences. They have long lost I have lost my fighting spirit, and my edges and corners have been smoothed by such a numb life, and I have no desire to survive."

The envoy's eyes fell on those numb people, and he lightly stated even more terrifying things.

"Everyone in the outer city can be said to be the 'reserve food' for the people in the central city. Because of the dead, sometimes one person can be worth three cups of Huangquan dew. If the people in the central city do not want to participate in the killing field of hell For a duel, you will also come to the outer city to hang around, and then choose a target, and exchange it for the next month's 'living expenses'."

"It's like a sheep raised in captivity. It has no dignity or right to choose." Tang Sui murmured softly.

The envoy laughed out of curiosity: "The capital of killing is such a place without rules, order, and dignity. You will see more people in the future, being expelled from the central city to the outer city."

While speaking, a dark figure swiftly passed by their side, creating a gust of wind.

"The direction he is going is the city gate?" Tang Sui, who noticed the figure, chased after the leading figure, and the envoy beside her looked indifferent.

"Yeah, another person who doesn't know how to live or die."

In front of them, the figure was getting closer and closer to the gate of the city.

Under the black cloak, ecstatic joy emerged on a face that had left countless traces of years and sufferings.

This ghost place, we will say goodbye forever!

"Heh, looking for death." The red lips under the messenger's black veil slightly raised.

An epee pierced through the air, predicting with incomparable precision the place where the man would land next. Just as his hand was about to touch the dark city gate, his heart was mercilessly pierced by the epee!

A hoarse voice came from his throat, and the bloodshot cloudy eyeballs reflected the darkness in front of him, as if his gloomy life finally disappeared in the dead darkness.


A fresh corpse came out of the oven.

The eyes of the soul masters who were not far from Tang Sui and the others, hidden under the black robes, shot out green light, like hungry wolves staring at a piece of fresh meat, completely ignoring their sneak attack plan, one by one from the dark. He jumped out of the corner and ran towards the freshly baked corpse, desperately wanting to drain every drop of his blood and get a share of the pie.

"Clang clang,"

The sound of armor colliding with iron was carried to the ears along the wind.

Tang Sui turned his head to the side, looking at the black armored knights riding on tall horses.

Their faces are completely covered by heavy and hard helmets, like ghosts wandering in the dark night, chasing the footsteps of death, and bringing new shadows of death wherever they pass.

"they are?"

Tang Sui felt the cold oppressive feeling from the black-armored knight headed by him, and he was familiar with Sisi.

It seems to have seen it somewhere.

The envoy glanced at it, and then explained to Tang Sui: "Little princess, they are the law enforcement team. You saw them last time in the Hell Hall. The leader is Scott, the terrifying knight. He is quite powerful in the law enforcement team." of one."

"I see." Tang Sui's eyes flashed.

"The great Slaughter King controls everything in the Slaughter City. The real powerhouses in the law enforcement team are composed of Contras who have been endowed by the Slaughter King with the ability to use soul skills. His strength is not bad, reaching the sub- Captain level, and the captain who enforces the law is a Titled Douluo."

"Many people used to want to break out from the guns of the law enforcement team, but in the end, without exception, they turned into new corpses." The envoy looked indifferently at the meat being eaten by the hyenas block, has long been used to it.

Tang Sui's eyes were full of surprise, because Tang Chen said that her current strength is comparable to that of the Soul King.

Even though Tang Chen would take her to Hell Road every day to soak in Huang Quanlu, which absorbed the soul power of countless powerful people, but because of Tang Chen's instructions, she only cultivated demon power, and her soul power improved extremely slowly. The grades did not move.

"I want to go to the passage outside the city gate." Tang Sui said softly, the messenger's face changed slightly, he looked Tang Sui up and down with a touch of scrutiny, and asked tentatively: "Why did you suddenly think of going there?"

"I just want to go, can't I even do it?" Tang Sui turned her head, her blue eyes without any malice met the envoy's black veil, as if she could see a little panic under the black veil.

'Let her go. '

Tang Chen's deep voice sounded in the envoy's brain, and the envoy who received the master's order bowed slightly towards Tang Sui and made a gesture of invitation.

"Of course. You are the little master of the Slaughter City. As long as it's what you expect, you can go wherever you want."

—— Digression——

Foreshadowing +1
I'm a bit stuck, Mo Li reorganized the outline today, and suddenly came to a new inspiration when I was playing turtle soup with my friends today, Mo Li strokes it first today, and will add more tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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