Chapter 338
"Everyone in the world is an ant." Tang Chen said meaningfully, and let go of Tang Sui's hand covering Tang Sui's small mouth. The bloody eyes were filled with light, and dark emotions flowed.

Tang Sui's fingers hanging by his side moved slightly, and a bold guess emerged from the bottom of his heart.

"But, you should be able to give up this body, right?"

She was silent for a few seconds, and uttered these words under Tang Chen's gaze.

Tang Chen, who had been seen through, was not angry at being exposed, but had a hint of relief on his expression.

"Very good, you are indeed a cub of our monster clan. You should have fully adapted to yourself now."

"It seems that you should have felt it these days. My body is human."

Tang Sui nodded, and Tang Chen stretched out a finger to touch her eyebrows, "And your body is a bit different, it's a mixed blood. It's mixed with the blood of humans, spirit beasts, and monsters."

Tang Sui paused, and slowly blinked his eyelashes, "Soul Beast. Is it that I am a hybrid born after the 10-year-old Soul Beast transformed into a human and a human, or in other words, a half-demon?"

"Then I don't know." Tang Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, "I only know that my body has a close blood relationship with yours. And this guy's predecessor was shown to you before, Douluo Dalu One of the seven major sects in the world, a member of the Clear Sky School, can also be said to be the former head of the Clear Sky School."

He did not shy away from the fact that he was not the original owner of this body, and even told Tang Sui about this body, the real Tang Chen's origin.

"Do you know why this guy is here?"

Tang Sui shook his head, the man laughed, his voice mixed with some unknown meaning, it seemed to be ironic, but also seemed to be self-deprecating and hatred.

"Because he accepted the assessment of a god."

As soon as the words fell, an inexplicable pressure suddenly enveloped his soul, or "it".

Tang Chen paused, tsk-tucked to himself, this is not enough, under the expectant eyes of the little cub, he blurred the words in the middle, and just said: "But something happened in the middle, this guy's consciousness fell into a deep sleep. I just appeared, Then by accident, now we are both accepting this assessment."

Of course, that existence's assessment of it is not to let Tang Chen succeed.

The goals of the two of them are not only contradictory, but also diametrically opposite.

But it is impossible for him to give up this body, and then be found to be wiped out by the law.

It still has an obsession that has not been completed, so how can it die here first?

So it stayed in this body without saying a word, and then ran into the ten-headed blazing sun snake again.

They exchanged information using the unique language and communication methods of the Yaozu, became friends, and existed in this killing capital.

"What are the consequences of failing the assessment?" Tang Sui asked abruptly.

Tang Chen's complexion didn't change at all, and the word that changed his face was uttered from his lips: "Death."

Tang Sui lowered her eyes. Under her childish appearance, her mind, which gradually adapted to the status quo, seemed to have returned to her mind before she lost her memory.

She didn't blame Tang Chen for whetting her appetite but not finishing talking to her.

Now that they knew who trapped them here, and even cautiously did not mention their names, it meant that the other party had been "watching" here.

That existence watched his every move, because they were all people who had passed the assessment.

A strange light flashed in Tang Sui's eyes, and he asked again: "What's the reward for the god's assessment?"

Thinking of something unusual, Tang Chen's eyes flashed, and he answered truthfully, "If he passes the test successfully, that person will become a god."

He specially emphasized the pronunciation of "human".

Tang Sui's eyelashes trembled slightly, and he retracted the glint in his eyes. An idea took root in his heart, and it began to germinate at a rapid speed.

He didn't count himself.

This shows that it was Tang Chen himself who accepted God's assessment, not him in front of him.

His assessment was just imposed, without any reward, only a punishment for failure waiting for him.

A smear of black and red flashed across Tang Sui's slightly opened eyes, and his tranquil temperament stagnated, and it seemed to become a little deeper at that moment, making Tang Chen's face a little thoughtful.

Why. Yaozu can't accept the assessment of the gods. Why do they want to catch up with the gods?

Tang Sui, who suddenly discovered his misunderstanding in thinking, paused, and the sprouted seeds sprang up quickly, as if they were revived and ushered in a transformation.

They are monsters, but no one said that monsters can only be monsters forever, and cannot become gods.

The 10-year soul beasts can become existences rivaling gods after several changes, but they still lack the most important point as "gods".

That most important point.
In just a dozen seconds, a grand blueprint of the plan had been formed in her mind.

Tang Sui raised his head again, his pupils had returned to their original clarity, but the indifference had faded, full of seriousness and firmness: "I want to reform the city of killing."

Even she didn't know what kind of relationship should be used to describe the relationship between the people in front of her and her. It seemed to be full of gentle warmth and indulgence like a father and daughter, but there was a little more friendship.

But there is only one thing, whether it is him in front of him or Uncle Snake underground, they treat her sincerely.

They were the only existences she came into contact with after "waking up" in this strange world.

She cares about them and wants to do something for them.

Tasting the determination in Tang Sui's eyes, Tang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and instead of agreeing like a foolish father, he asked instead: "How do you change such a recycling bin full of garbage and stench?"

"Your strength is only comparable to that of the soul king, and your demon power is far inferior to ours. Why should you dare to change in front of me, the king of slaughter?"

Sen Han's killing intent condensed and aimed at Tang Sui.

The air seemed to be frozen, and strands of malice exploded from the Slaughter King in front of him, flocking to Tang Sui without any mercy!

—— Digression——

Seeing that the cuties are arguing, Mo Li will explain the reason here.The first is because I have recently entered the factory to work, and I can only try my best to maintain daily updates on weekdays, and work hard for the second update.Although the weekend is off, Mo Li really wants to add more updates for everyone, but...the hardware is stuck, and the reform method of the Slaughter City has been stuck for a whole day without discussing a result.

Jiyou told Mo Li that it would be better to time jump Dafa, but Mo Li said no, it would have no characteristics, and it would be like upgrading for the sake of upgrading, I don't want that.

It's Mo Li's fault for missing the appointment. I apologize to the cuties here. Mo Li will work hard and want to present a different Douluo fan to the cuties!
(End of this chapter)

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