Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 339 On Possibilities of Waste Utilization

Chapter 339 On Possibilities of Waste Utilization

"You said before that I am also the second owner here. I want to be willful and make this place the way I like it, can't I?"

The black ice condensed by the overflow of murderous aura bloomed sharp ice flowers on the ground, surrounding Tang Sui, as if enclosing the prey.

Tang Chen's blood-red eyes were full of scrutiny, and he fixedly looked at Tang Sui, who was as big as a little devil, and his deep voice sounded slowly: "The energy source of the killing city comes from Huang Quanlu, and it also comes from dying in the killing field of hell. countless soul masters."

He revealed the biggest secret of the killing capital.

But it was not that no wise man had guessed, so he was not warned again after saying this.

Tang Sui understood the hidden meaning of these words.

If she wanted to reform, she would definitely not be able to maintain an ordinary superior-subordinate relationship like the ordinary empires outside.

What's more, all the fallen people are now entrenched in the killing capital without exception.

They are used to killing, they like looting, their souls have been stained with blood, and they can never return to the original clean color.

They only advocate one idea - the strong are respected.

The loser has no dignity and no right to choose.

Tang Sui's face was calm, and he asked calmly: "I see. Then what if I can complete the reform without exhausting the energy source of the Slaughter City, and turn the Slaughter City into what I like? Will you support me, or block me?"

Tang Chen smiled, and suddenly suppressed the overflowing murderous aura, and put on a slightly cold smile on his handsome face again: "Didn't you say that you are the second master of the Slaughter City? What you want to do is up to you freedom. Anyway, I don’t think there is a need to save these rubbish, and it’s not bad to be a chess piece for your experiment.”

There was a look of laziness between his brows, and although his tone revealed connivance towards the cubs, it was still full of indifference to human life.

He didn't care what the final outcome of those humans was like.

Anyway, the last thing to die is waste utilization.

For those who died in the Slaughter City, most of their soul power would eventually flow to the energy core and become the capital for the Slaughter City's existence.

What's more, he really doesn't intend to interfere with Tang Sui's reform, even if the cub's reform may push him to a dead end.

Because if the City of Slaughter becomes beautiful, the assessment of this body will be successful.

But so what?

He stared at the thoughtful look of the little cub, and the heart lake, which was always calm and indifferent, once again had ripples because of this different little cub.

This is... facial aura.

When he discovered the identity of the little cub, he knew that half of his obsession had been completed.

He grinned, and Tang Sui, who left the main hall with his back to Tang Chen, didn't notice that there was some real warmth in the corners of his lips, and there was a hint of anticipation in his eyes.

What would you do?

Tang Sui returned to the gorgeous room Tang Chen had prepared for her, raised her hand, and a black-red demon power surged from her palm, leaping out instantly, covering the entire room.

Today, her demonic power has grown to a terrifying level, and she can control her demonic power more freely.

The light in the entire room seemed to dim.

All the sounds of the wind and the shouting voices lingering in the endless night of the killing city were also blocked.

Tang Sui's fair and clean face was dyed by the mist of the light, his delicate facial features were somewhat blurred, and the color of his eyes could not be seen clearly.

Blank rice paper is spread on the table, it is an incomplete grand picture.

The demon power materialized into a chair of just the right height supporting Tang Sui.

Tang Sui held the charcoal pencil, lowered his eyelashes slightly, and his eyes fell on the blank rice paper. His clear eyes seemed to be rendered dark blue by the light in the room.

After learning from Tang Chen that "walls have ears", she became more cautious.

Because of the lack of puzzle pieces in my mind, I also put them together.

She knew very well what she needed to do.

But how exactly.
Tang Sui's right hand holding the charcoal pen slides on the rice paper, the black lines change from simple to complex.

After hearing the assessment rewards and punishments of the gods, she has been thinking about what is the most important thing for the gods now.

Even if she hasn't recalled what kind of person she used to be, but when her brain starts to think, some strange but familiar book records will emerge in her mind.

It was a room similar to the current room layout, but with many new things she didn't know.

Books stacked in several bookcases are densely packed and neatly arranged.

In her memory, she seemed to be flipping through these books as well.

Most of the above knowledge are legends, and it seems that they are all miraculous materials specially collected by her order.

Well, let her think about it, except for some legends and relics about immortality, it is just a myth.

God, apart from the necessity of great strength, what else is necessary?

Mysterious law?
But the Yaozu does not seem to be a race that is favored by the law, otherwise he would not have threatened the Yaozu like this, there is only punishment, no reward, which shows that there is no such thing as a Yaozu becoming a god in this world.
Why are the current gods remembered?Why do people believe in His existence?

Tang Sui wrote the three words "Wuhundian" on an open space on the rice paper, and the light in his dark blue eyes flickered on and off.

It's because someone has been spreading the faith.

Tang Sui changed a red quill, dipped some red ink, and wrote the word "faith".

However, in a place without rules and order, in a life of numb killing, if a god suddenly appeared and said to save them, it would probably be a joke, right?
(End of this chapter)

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