Chapter 340 Big Parents buff
One more thing. That is, even though their bodies and souls have rotted, it is ridiculous that they are indeed crying for help.

Tang Sui's small face wrinkled slightly, and he couldn't help biting the pointed tail of the quill pen.

Under normal circumstances, when the two parties encounter a more powerful third party at the same time, they will temporarily unite to deal with the third party, but where can she find the third party?

She thought for a while, wrote down the five words "Hell Killing Fields" on the paper, and then crossed it out.

"No. If they attack in groups and target Hell Road, the energy core of the Slaughter City will also be threatened." Tang Sui murmured, passing this plan option in his mind.

She kept sitting in a thoughtful state, never taking her eyes off the rice paper, simulating countless plans in her mind, and calculating the possibilities.

Time passes unknowingly, and in the blink of an eye, several days pass by.

The envoy who received orders from Tang Chen would go to check outside Tang Sui's room every day, and today was also a day when he returned without success.

After reporting to Tang Chen again that Tang Sui's room could not be closed, the messenger asked in confusion, "My lord, the little princess hasn't touched the food delivered to the door for six days in a row. Will something happen?"

Tang Chenxin said that the Yaozu's eating was originally to improve their own strength and satisfy their appetite, not real hunger.

If you are really hungry, it proves that the demon power is not very good.

The little guy now absorbs the blood energy and soul power of the Slaughter City every day, and transforms it into demon power by itself. When the demon power is sufficient, there is no need to worry about starving to death, because among human soul masters, when their strength reaches a certain level, It is also possible to live without eating or drinking for ten days and a half months.

But he didn't need to explain too much to the envoy. Although he was also his slave, he was not of the same race.

He always kept in mind that the human heart is unpredictable and fickle.

There are not many people who do backstabs in the Killing City, except for the snake below, and now there is an extra cub, and he also doesn't trust anyone.

So he lazily replied: "She is probably practicing in seclusion. Besides, it's not like she doesn't have a soul guide on her body, so she won't starve to death."

Only then did the messenger understand.

It turned out that there was a soul guide.

That's right, as a person approved by the king, that girl has been given such a large amount of authority, so of course her wealth will not be tight.

Yes, the envoy still doesn't know Tang Sui's real name.

Not only did the Slaughter King not mention it, Tang Sui didn't introduce it either. After all, Tang Sui remembered what Tang Chen said, and he couldn't casually tell other people his real name.

Half a month later, the door of Tang Sui's motionless room was finally opened.

Tang Sui, with bright eyes, was holding the rolled scroll. His little face, which was already bloodless, became even paler due to staying up late every day, and the eye sockets were also black, as if he had been drained of energy. coal out.

The first thing she did was rush to the Hall of Hell, found Tang Chen, and said bluntly, "I want the law enforcement team to have the authority to review the qualifications of outsiders!"

Tang Chen looked at the little cub that seemed to have crawled out of the soil spider's nest, and fell into a brief daze. It was Tang Sui who called him again before he came back to his senses. After realizing what Tang Sui said, his gaze was slightly deeper, Lightly said:

"You want the position of captain? That's fine, as long as you beat the current captain."

The current captain of the Law Enforcement Team is a Titled Douluo.

Tang Sui's face froze and puffed up: "I didn't say I wanted the position of chief captain! I wanted to join the review team. But it has some special powers!"

Special powers?

Tang Chen frowned slightly: "For example?"

Tang Sui grinned, and his white teeth shook Tang Chen's eyes: "The law enforcement team conducts their review of those who enter the Killing City as usual, but after passing their review, a special checkpoint will be added—— I."

"Since you have passed the review of the law enforcement team, what else do you need to interrogate?"

Tang Sui's eyes were shining brightly, and a bright smile appeared on his small face: "I want to be a census recorder!"

Tang Chen: "." What official?

He thought it was his errand, but looking at Tang Sui's excited and eager expression, a subtle look appeared on his face, and he nodded slightly: "Yes, it is possible, but even the recording officer needs to rely on strength to advance. .”

"Then arrange an assessment. I will prove it with my strength."

Tang Sui was not afraid at all, anyway, the assessment was not a duel, at most he was severely injured.

During these days, apart from thinking, she did not slack off her cultivation of soul power and soul skills, and her demon power was also constantly running and cultivating.

Now she is no longer the fragile and pitiful girl she was back then!

Tang Sui was convinced!

Tang Chen looked at the confident Tang Sui, his eyes paused for a moment on the blue and black under Tang Sui's eyes, and he couldn't refuse, "I can arrange it for you. But now, I think you need to take a good rest first, and maintain sufficient energy to face the battle." The assessment day is set to be three days later, you should go to the west gate in three days."

Tang Sui originally said that she could do it now, but under Tang Chen's expressionless stare, she silently swallowed what she wanted to say.

Okay, she's sleeping, she'll go back to sleep now.

—— Digression——

Sui Sui’s psychological journey you have seen above is probably the entangled mental journey between Mo Li and Jiyou when discussing, that’s why they got stuck on TAT, and finally negotiated a way, emmmmm, let me tell you in advance, it is probably Jiyou Let the ink carp go back to the old business, and get back the feeling when writing horror articles (bushi)

(End of this chapter)

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