Chapter 341 Conflict Between Father and Son
At night, the refreshing night wind blew the leaves, leaving a patchwork of whirling shadows under the moonlight.

It took three days for Tang San to completely fuse the spiritual wisdom soul bone obtained in the soul master elite competition.

After fusing the spirit bone, apart from the series of benefits brought to him by the growth of spiritual power, Tang San's Purple Demon Eyes had already reached the peak of the third level of the mustard, only one step away from the fourth level of vastness.

And the innate skills brought by this spirit bone are even more powerful after being combined with Tang San's original Purple Demon Eyes.

Tang San later gave the explanation for this skill: see through everything in the world, erase all injustices, called Ziji Divine Light.

Since "Tang Sui" made a big fuss in the Wuhun Hall that day and used magical means to transport them tens of kilometers away from the Wuhun Palace, they knew that it would be a foolish thing to go back to the Wuhun Palace to look for Tang Sui. It was Ning Fengzhi who, as the patriarch of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, had a wide network, and secretly sent the spies who stayed in the Wuhun Palace to pass on the news.

It wasn't until evening that they received the news from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School's spies, which said that the Spirit Hall had issued three arrest warrants, and besides Tang Hao, the titled Douluo, Tang San and Xiao Wu were also honored to be on the list.

From this point of view, Wuhundian did not catch Tang Sui.

This is both good news and bad news.

Because they didn't know where Tang Sui would go, the Tang Sui when they were sent away was no longer the Tang Sui they were familiar with.

As one of the members who heard "Tang Sui" say something similar to his last words, Tang Hao was silent for a moment when Tang San, who had passed out, woke up and proposed to return to Shrek Academy, and then he made a decisive move, knocking Tang San down again. gosh.

Xiao Wu has been in a coma and never woke up.

Because her spirit power level is too different, the impact of the shock is not small.

Under the watchful eyes of Grandmaster and Flender, Tang Hao hoarsely asked Flender to pay more attention to whether there was any news about Tang Sui from Shrek Academy, and then proposed to take Tang San and Xiao Wu away first.

Among the Shrek crowd, Flender and Grandmaster were very puzzled as to why even Xiao Wu was taken away, but Dugu Bo, the elder of the Shrek guests who were titled Douluo, and Chen Xin and Gu Rong, the elders of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, were very clear about it. Why should Xiao Wu be taken away.

Under Ning Fengzhi's puzzled gaze, Chen Xin's lips moved slightly, and a secret word sounded in Ning Fengzhi's mind.

Ning Fengzhi was stunned for a moment, then looked at the unconscious Xiao Wu in astonishment, then at Ning Rongrong who was still wiping tears, his lips moved slightly, but he still didn't make a sound after all.

Tang Hao took Tang San and Xiao Wu to leave the crowd temporarily, and didn't say the date of return, nor did he say whether he would look for Tang Sui next.

He led the two of them galloping all the way to the Star Dou Great Forest, chose a relatively secluded place and set up a bonfire, waiting for the two to wake up.

Xiao Wu was naturally dazed when she woke up, and when she saw Tang Hao, she first reacted with vigilance, and then began to probe.

Tang Hao glanced at this little rabbit who actually liked his own son, lowered his eyes, and first broke through the hazy relationship between her and Tang San that hadn't been revealed before, and then blew himself up about his family background, revealing the relationship between Tang San and Tang Sui. His mother is also a 10-year-old soul beast.

Under Tang Hao's persuasion, Xiao Wu still chose to leave first, go back to the central lake of the Star Dou Great Forest, practice and become stronger, and then come to look for Tang San after reaching maturity.

And Tang San.
After Tang San woke up, Tang Hao truthfully told him everything that happened after he passed out.

In addition to the circumstances, it was also reasonable that Tang San and Tang Hao had a quarrel.

Because Tang Hao doesn't plan to find Tang Sui for the time being.

Seeing his father's evasive appearance, Tang San became angry, and recalled the days when he stayed in Saint Soul Village.

He asked Tang Hao why he didn't want to go to Tang Sui, obviously Tang Sui was also his daughter and his sister.

Tang Hao's eyes were red, and he roared back in a hoarse voice.

The father and son had a long-lost quarrel, like a fool rushing forward, unwilling to turn back even if he hit a wall, a fool who insisted on breaking the city wall, and the red-necked and red-eyed fool who quarreled for a long time.

In the end Tang Hao was silent for a long time before asking Tang San hoarsely: "Then can you still sense Sui Sui?"

Tang San was also silent, all words were choked in the back of his throat, uncomfortable as if blocked by a stone.

After a long while, he finally said in a nasty voice, "...I don't know."

He didn't know whether the twin induction that the teacher said was reliable or not, but during the time when he was unconscious, or now, he didn't dream about his sister, nor did the Blue Silver Grass warn him again like before.

The father and son were silent for a long time, and no one dared to guess what the "Tang Sui" they saw meant what they said.

Tang Hao has already lost once.

As strong as him, she dare not face it now. If they search for Tang Sui, if she is still the Tang Sui they are familiar with, will she be swallowed up by other personalities.

Tang San held his breath, and under Tang Hao's gaze, he closed his eyes, as if sleeping on the spot.

He wanted to try again, whether he could connect Tang Sui's dream like before, or the wonderful twin telepathy.

Tang Hao also heard the master mention this matter in the letter, he acted as a guard, he didn't practice to heal his wound, just waited for it to heal itself, silently guarded by his eldest son, stayed in Star Dou Forest for several days.

Tang San woke up from his drowsy sleep, and every time he faced Tang Hao's hopeful eyes, he shook his head a little depressed.

After being arrested for another three days, Tang Hao pulled up the drowsy Tang San, dragged him away from the Star Forest, and went to the depths of the valley where Ah Yin was.

Seeing his mother for the first time, Tang San's eyes widened. Relying on the unique connection between the Blue Silver Emperor's blood, he knew another piece of news that both he and his father feared - Sui Sui was still alive, as his mother's Ah Yin could feel it.

—— Digression——

I went out to have dinner after get off work today, there is only one more update, let me explain the past.

By the way, in Mo Li's article, Sanwu's relationship has not been revealed between them, and it hasn't reached the point of unswerving until death. Of course, the younger sister is more important!

And love is love, and family affection is family affection. In this book, orthopedics is amazing! !Now it was unilaterally pointed out by Tang Hao.

(End of this chapter)

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