Chapter 342 Dreamland
"Mom, do you know where my sister is now?"

Tang San couldn't help asking.

It stands to reason that blue silver grass can sometimes serve as his "eyes", as long as it is a place where blue silver grass grows, it can feed back everything that blue silver grass sees to him.

And mother, as a blue silver grass-type soul beast, can still sense Sui Sui's vitality. Is it possible that mother can ignore the requirement of spiritual power and directly perceive Sui Sui's location?

At this time, Tang San, who still didn't know that his mother was the Blue Silver Emperor, thought so, and put his hopeful eyes under the spiritual vision. In Tang Hao's eyes, that tree was a blue-gold Blue Silver Emperor, and in Tang San's eyes, it was a blue-gold Blue Silver Emperor. In it was Ah Yin, a living spirit body exuding faint fluorescence.

Ah Yin's gentle blue eyes were filled with sorrow, and there was a deep melancholy in his brows and eyes.

She closed her eyes, a tear dripping from the corner of her eyes.

On the leaves of the Blue Silver Emperor with light golden lines flowing, transparent water droplets flowed out of thin air, mixed with a little fresh air and salty smell of plants, and fell on the green grass.

"I don't know. Although I can feel your pain when your lives are in danger, but now I don't know where Sui Sui is and what happened." A Yin closed her eyes, her voice filled sad.

"Before you and your father came to find me, about a few days ago, I did feel that Sui Sui's life was threatened, and the situation was very dangerous. I was very anxious, but your father has already gone to find you, I guess you should I have encountered a strong enemy."

Ah Yin slowly talked about the panic a few days ago, "After that, I felt a pain in my heart, as if a piece of flesh had been gouged out by someone, and it made me miserable. I know that something must have happened to one of your brothers and sisters, because I I can clearly feel that the existence of my two children, two bloodlines, and the other has become extremely weak. Like a candle fluttering in the wind, it will go out at any time."

Ah Yin looked at his eldest son with a sad face, "Your father may not know that even I, in the form of a plant, can dream. I dreamed of endless and terrifying darkness. The world was dark for a while, and the world was red for a while, as if I was in the body. In purgatory, black and red are intertwined, depressing, and frightening."

"I don't know why I had such a dream, but in the dream, I seemed to hear someone crying."

Tang San was startled, thinking of a possibility, his face changed slightly: "Your dream, could it be Sui Sui?"

"I also want to determine the source of the crying sound. Because that sound made me feel anxious. So I wanted to look for it, but the next second." Ah Yin's voice faded, with a touch of fear and fear in his eyes, "Next One second. The world collapses"

She couldn't express that feeling, and she couldn't use words to describe the heroic scene at that time.

The world fell apart inch by inch, collapsed, destroyed, and fell into the bottomless abyss.

And in this process, she can only watch helplessly, looking at the broken doomsday scene of the world, and her insignificant self eventually becomes a member lost in the darkness.

"Then what happened afterwards?" Originally, he wanted to ask his mother what he saw, but when Tang San saw the lingering fear on Ah Yin's face, he held back, and probably could guess the situation at that time.

"Afterwards, I woke up with a start, waiting for your father to bring you back safely every day. Because I fell into a dream again when I fell into a light sleep again because of exhaustion. But this time, the dream was nothing but darkness. of."

"Moreover, I can feel that another weak bloodline still exists and is slowly recovering its vitality."

Speaking of this, the negative emotions on Ah Yin's face finally had a hint of positive relief.

Tang San frowned slightly, guessing that Tang Sui might have been rescued, or... he found a place to recuperate and stabilized?
But there was one more question that made him afraid to ask.

That is, he wasn't sure what Mom felt was the Sui Sui they were familiar with, not another.
A pair of icy black eyes with a bit of playfulness unconsciously appeared in his mind, Tang San's lips moved slightly, but in the end he still failed to tell A Yin that Tang Sui was "one body with multiple souls".

In the lonely darkness, consciousness is sinking.

In the enclosed space, a layer of black cloth was also cast in front of the eyes.

The surroundings seem a little cramped, making it difficult for people to use their hands and feet.

The fuzzy thinking gradually became clear. She tried to move her hands and feet, but the sense of restraint in her hands and feet was very strong. What bound her was like a thin layer of paper, but it was difficult to be torn apart by violence. , every time you move the skin will stick to it.

Isn't she... sleeping in the room?

Tang Sui turned his neck in a daze, wanting to look around, trying to see if he could see a little light through the black veil.

Unfortunately they all failed.

There is only a dead silence around, not even a trace of wind.


In the disconcerting silence, the croaking of voles and their seemingly rustling movements among the clutter reached the ears.

Tang Sui froze there, his mind full of doubts.

There are rats in the room?

—— Digression——

PS: The front is an interlude, and the back is the present time.

To be honest, very unpleasant things have happened in the three-dimensional space in the past two days, and the state of my writing is not right. I even began to suspect that my orz is not much better even if I went out for dinner last night. I will slow down the update in these two days. Give me time to adjust myself (bow)

(End of this chapter)

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