A person's life is sometimes like a short dream, but the process is very long.

People who died unexpectedly in another world, or died at the end of their lives, opened their eyes in confusion.

After staring blankly at the familiar but unfamiliar hell, countless people burst into tears, or vented their heart-piercing howls.

Then, some great cleverness suddenly discovered an object that should not appear in "reality"——

It is the emblem of the Holy See believers they obtained on that vivid and real continent, representing the token cast by the gods - the eye of God that has lost its power.

God did not abandon them!
This cognition turned into endless ecstasy covering the previous despair.

Those experiences, that continent, must all be real!

Otherwise, why would the Eye of God appear?

Tang Sui borrowed some demon power from Tang Chen in advance, combined it with his own demon power, and realized Tang Sui's deep hidden merits and fame that turned into a dream token.

After ecstasy, comes doubt.

Although their gods did not abandon them, the eyes of gods had dimmed and no longer shone with light.

Why is this?

It must be because his or her faith is not sincere enough!
People who have lived on another continent for many years, whose cognition and worldview have been distorted and assimilated invisibly, think so.

Some even tried to inject soul power into the eyes of gods, but the eyes of gods did not flicker.

But when the other person prayed aloud while injecting soul power, they found that the eyes of God had moved, and they exploded like boiling water, and became uncontrollable.

The huge faith is like a rising tide, pouring into the two monsters who have cast the eyes of gods.

Invisible luck and faith settled in their souls, big and small, and the soul power injected into the eyes of gods by believers poured into the energy core underground of the killing capital without exception.

But Tang Sui also knew the truth that he couldn't just catch a sheep and pluck it up.

As a result, many believers discovered that the soul power that the Eye of God can inject every day is limited, and it cannot be injected all at once.

——Their god also blesses his believers in this world.If God can really come to this world, they hope, He can take them back to the new world that really belongs to them.

With such thoughts in mind, the desire for life and the light of faith in God burst out again in their eyes.

Everything is changing silently with the passage of time.

Noticing that the corrupted people in the outer city started to resist, they even made a strange statue of the nagging inner city soul master to show their disdain.

However, a few days later, the people in the inner city started to build a statue by themselves, just like the people in the outer city, and they babbled at the statue every day.

Law enforcement team knight: "."

Oddly enough, the mud started to climb up the wall.

The new soul master didn't know why, so he only thought about how to win in the hell killing field without violating the rules.

Now Hell's Killing Fields has changed the rules.

The game is no longer about only living one, but keeping alive in every fight, even if it is a breath.

Because killing people is now a violation of the rules.

A few days later, the new soul master also carved a four-dimensional wooden sculpture by himself, and started talking about it at a fixed time every day like everyone else.

Cavaliers of the Law Enforcement Team: "." Another crazy one.

The wave of prayer spread silently in the capital of killing. Every day, Tang Chen could feel the power of faith flowing into his soul. meaning.

Coming from the native world of the Yaozu, he naturally knew what the little cub was going to do.

He was amazed by the little cub's plan, and also marveled at the successful reform that made the city of Slaughter look brand new, but he never asked, but listened to the messenger's report silently, secretly gratified in his heart.

Of course, not everyone has been successfully brainwashed, and there are also people who are even crazier after returning to reality, or who have never believed in it from beginning to end.

But Tang Sui is not worried at all, because in this city that has been brainwashed by new beliefs, these misfits are aliens, obstacles to their "homecoming", and enemies of the "god" they believe in.

Tang Sui didn't need to do anything, the believers of the gods would work together to clear up these obstacles.

As for the envoy's fear that he would use too much force, which would threaten the status of the King of Slaughter and be "rebelled" by them, it didn't happen at all.

——Hey, didn't you see that when the King of Slaughter and the little princess appeared, they also had eyes of God on their waists?So bright, it must be a pure believer!They are the same as us.

This cognition took root in the minds of countless people, and the Slaughter King was surprised to find that his position was even more comfortable than before!

Especially when two or three people who won [-] victories in Hell Slaughtering Fields in the past three years did not want to leave at all after winning, but planned to join the law enforcement team. Became the hands-off shopkeeper, and let Tang Sui deal with more affairs of the Slaughter City.

The little cub did it himself, and the little cub cleaned it up.

Tang Sui, who wants to be a "community animal" again at a young age: <( ̄ ̄ ̄)>
—— Digression——

Oh, tomorrow is my brother's field, the setting must be complete, we are not riddlers.

From today on, everyone will be the cook of "New God"√

PS1: Dreams will come true.

PS2: Regarding the Eye of God hehe, there are more original god livers, although it is really delicious.

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