
Amidst the ear-piercing roar, a huge water curtain soared into the sky.

Under the waterfall, the whole body of the soaring figure was shining with bronze brilliance, shining like gold under the sunlight.

81 hammers, Tang San has forgotten that this is the number of 81 hammers he has completed.

Falling into the pool again, feeling the coolness surrounding him, he relaxed his body as much as possible.

He knew that for himself, there was only this short period of relaxation.Next, I don't know what kind of cultivation method my father will give me.

What he held in his hand was no longer a wooden hammer as big as a casting hammer, but a super large wooden hammer with a cross-sectional diameter of the hammer head that was two meters in diameter.

But behind such a huge wooden hammer, the handle of the hammer is only as thick as a human arm.

If the wooden hammer is only lifted normally, perhaps the handle of the hammer will break directly under the action of weight.But Tang San used it to complete the 81 hammer under the waterfall by relying on his ingenious control of power.

After nine months of tempering, he has practiced the Chaotic Cloak Wind Hammer Technique to the extreme. Even Tang Sui, who has swung more than 30 hammers, may not be able to be tough under the waterfall like Tang San.

Wearing only a pair of loose black trousers, the bare-chested Tang San slowly walked ashore from the pool, water drops rolling down his bulging wheat-colored tendons.

"Little three."

A generous palm broke into Tang San's sight, Tang San raised his head, and was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect Tang Hao to wait for him on the shore this time, and even extended his hand to him.

After a brief daze, Tang San came back to his senses, stretched out his right hand to hold his father's hand, and with the help of his father's strength, he easily stepped ashore from the aquatic grass area.

Just as Tang San expected, when he returned to the shore, his father was already there waiting for him, but different from before, this time when he was about to go ashore, his father's big rough hand appeared in front of him.

It has been a whole year since Tang Hao took him to Shengu.

In this year, Tang San has changed a lot, except that his stature has grown a lot, he has even approached Tang Hao, and his complexion has also turned into a wheat color under the sun and wind.

His facial features are clear and handsome, the childishness of youth has faded away, and he is a little more stable and resolute than an adult.

Even though he is not yet an adult, he is only approaching 16 years old, but he is already a calm young man, without the word "young".

In one year, in just one year, Tang San's spirit power level had risen from level 42 to level [-], the speed was swift and terrifying, probably extremely rare in the world of spirit masters.

But thinking of his younger sister who stepped into the ranks of soul kings earlier than him, Tang San suddenly felt that he still had a long way to go.

Thinking of his sister, Tang San's eyebrows were tinged with melancholy, looking at Tang Hao who was still alive and rough, he asked loudly: "Dad, is there any news about Sui Sui recently?"

During this year, not only Tang Hao was trying to obtain Tang Sui's information, Qibao Glazed Tile School and Shrek Academy were not idle either, they were all trying to salvage news that might be Tang Sui.

But what surprised them was that there was no news of Tang Sui no matter how the reward was offered or the situation of Wuhundian was monitored.

Tang Hao was silent for a moment, his chapped lips moved slightly, and he gave a hoarse and deep answer: "No."

Tang San's clear eyes suddenly dimmed, "Is that so?"

Father and son looked at each other speechlessly.

In the end, Tang Hao looked at Tang San thoughtfully, and suddenly asked a question that surprised Tang San: "Little San, do you think you are strong now?"

Tang San paused, another petite figure suddenly appeared in his mind, with the other party's cold eyes that seemed to be a smile but not a smile, the hand holding the huge wooden hammer slightly exerted force, shook his head and said in a low voice: "Not at all. I'm still close very far."

Even if he has practiced the Chaotic Wind Hammer Technique to the extreme, and his soul power has entered the ranks of soul kings, Tang San knows that he still has many deficiencies and deficiencies.

Especially compared with Sui Sui, he is still not good enough now.

During this year, Tang Hao, the eldest son, also gained a better understanding of his temperament. He was not surprised by Tang San's answer at all, and immediately asked: "Since you feel that you are not strong enough, do you know where you are not strong enough?"

Tang San pondered for a moment, and said an answer that surprised Tang Hao: "I think what I lack should be the actual life and death battle with the strong."

Appreciation flickered across Tang Hao's eyes, and he continued following Tang San's words: "That's right, but you're only half right. What you really lack is something more important in actual combat."

"More important?" Tang San looked at Tang Hao in a daze.

Tang Hao said in a deep voice, "Life and death are certainly one of the elements of real combat, but there is something more important, and that is - pure murderous intent!"

As soon as the words fell, Tang San's pupils shrank sharply, as if he had glimpsed some terrible existence.

Because at the moment Tang Hao's last coda fell, an extremely cold breath suddenly emerged from him.

This aura didn't seem to have any explosive power, but when it really enveloped Tang San in it.Tang San suddenly felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, every hair on his body stood on end, like a tiger cub with fried fur, his eyes widened, he almost couldn't hold back his old father.

Cold, dark, evil, scary.

The huge murderous aura that was so powerful that it made people tremble was like a terrifying beast, looking down on the tiny him from above.

That cold aura was the same as what Tang San felt on Tang Sui at the beginning, it was the terrifying evil aura that can only be possessed by stepping on countless bones after having truly experienced mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

Tang San clearly felt that everything about him seemed to be dulled by this incomparably huge murderous aura, even Ziji Demon Pupils who possessed the Ziji Divine Light did not dare to look at Tang Hao, their aura had already lost. up.

And what surprised Tang San even more was that the water droplets flowing down from his body also seemed to become sluggish.

With Tang Hao as the center, the moment the gushing cold air touched his skin, it quickly invaded his body, and the water droplets on the surface of his body were gradually frozen into ice beads.

"Did you feel it? This is the pure murderous aura you lack."

The terrifying murderous aura receded like a tide again, Tang Hao looked at Tang San, and the eyes of the latter who came back to his senses gradually brightened.

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