A month passed in a flash.

In a remote town, two men in black robes stepped into a tavern in a more remote location.

The air in the tavern is very turbid, and all the decorations here are monotonous black.

Even though it was daytime outside, as soon as you walked into the tavern, you would feel a cold and dark feeling, which made you feel very uncomfortable.

About [-]% of the tavern is currently occupied. Although the air here is turbid, few people speak, so it seems very quiet.

The arrival of the two men in black robes attracted a lot of attention, but most of them just passed them by with a glimpse.

Through the cover of the black robe, the young man with long dark blue hair quietly looked around with a pair of blue eyes, collecting all the information that could be glimpsed.

The man in black robe who was walking in front found a corner table, and after taking his seat, he casually and plainly pulled down his hood, revealing his dark and rough face with messy beard.

The waiter dressed in black approached the new guests at the table, and said in a cold voice, "What do you want?"

"Two cups of Yellow Spring Dew."

Tang Hao spoke in a low voice, and the waiter's expression changed slightly after hearing this, and he looked at Tang Hao with suspicion: "Are you sure?"

Tang Hao raised his head, glanced at the waiter with cold and deep eyes, the waiter's pupils shrank, as if realizing something, he stopped asking, but turned around to prepare.

After a while, the waiter approached with two glasses of cloudy liquid.

The liquid in the bronze-colored cup was dark red as a whole, exuding a strong fishy smell, like blood, but it was bubbling with bubbles and hot smoke. It looked like something strange Dark Cuisine.

Tang Hao took the lead to pick up the cup, and drank the liquid in the cup in one gulp, without changing his expression from the beginning to the end.

Opposite him, the handsome young man frowned slightly, staring at the strange drink on his desk without moving.

"Little San, drink it."

Tang Hao spoke out lightly, with a hint of refusal in his tone.

Having completed the second awakening of his martial soul, Tang San, whose appearance and hair color have undergone great changes, opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but he still closed his mouth, picked up the strange dark drink, Close your eyes, and drink your head down.

The moment that strange liquid touched his taste buds, Tang San almost didn't want to come out on the spot.

Because that strange drink is like the stench of stale thick blood that has been compressed for a long time, and it is extremely unpalatable.

The smell of the bark is delicate.

"This is human blood."

When Tang San swallowed, Tang Hao suddenly made a sound.

Tang San's pupils shrank slightly, his face changed drastically, he turned his head and vomited while holding the table.

Tang San's violent vomiting broke the calm in the tavern, and also attracted the attention of all the guests.

"Where did this chick come from? Go home. This is not where you should be."

"You can't stand a cup of Yellow Spring Dew, and you still want to get the qualification to go in?"

"Haha, go home and find your mother for breastfeeding."

Voices full of malice filled the tavern, those drinkers seemed to find a point of release in their depression, and hit Tang San unreservedly.

Only the waiter who served Tang San and the others Huangquanlu had an indifferent face at the beginning, with arms folded, watching this scene coldly.

"Kill them."

Tang Hao looked up at those people indifferently, his voice was still calm, but it made everyone present feel a sense of hostility.

The others were taken aback for a moment, then started their mocking words again, not taking Tang San and Tang Hao seriously.

Tang San was only stunned for a second, and then his eyes gradually turned cold, the aura around him fluctuated, scattered golden blue silver grass, and five spirit rings quietly appeared.

But for a few minutes, apart from the waiter and owner of the tavern, Tang Hao and himself were still standing, and the tavern was already full of freshly baked corpses.

Tang San, who had eliminated more than 20 people without hesitation, remained calm after killing people, his eyes did not waver or panic.

Tang Hao paused slightly, seeing the slight change in Tang San's gaze, and nodded secretly in his heart.

"Very good, little San. Remember, after entering the Slaughter City, you can only rely on yourself."

"There are no partners there, only enemies. You need to kill anyone who poses a threat to you. When you become the champion of the killing field, I will come to pick you up."

As soon as Tang Hao's words fell, the indifferent waiter in black sneered, "Just killing a few people and wanting to enter the killing capital? You are not qualified enough."

Before Tang Hao could make a sound, Tang San's Blue Silver Grass had already sunk into the waiter's chest.

After doing all this, Tang San didn't stop his hand, passed the boss with a fearful expression, brushed him away, poured his soul power into his palm, and smashed the solid bar counter with one palm.

The pitch-black flat land came into view, Tang San narrowed his eyes slightly, without any surprise.With five fingers, the Haotian Hammer suddenly appeared in his hand.

With force from his calf, the Clear Sky Hammer turned into a streak of black light and hit the ground.

There was a loud bang, and the ground shook.

The ground under the bar crumbled and sank, and a dark passageway appeared in the field of vision.

A gloomy cold wind blows out from the hole, carrying a lingering strong smell of blood.

"This is the entrance to the killing capital."

From the moment he stepped into this small town, Tang San released his mental power, always on guard against any danger.

And after entering this tavern, Tang San's mental power detected the abnormality under the bar.

They came to enter the killing capital.

But the small town at the beginning couldn't be the killing capital itself, so it can only be that the entrance of the killing capital is in this small town.

After asking the question on his own, Tang San, who was clear in his heart, turned back to look at Tang Hao, only to find that Tang Hao had disappeared in the tavern.

After being stunned for a few seconds, he turned his head, looked at the dark passageway, pursed his lips, and jumped down without hesitation.

—— Digression——

Good news: the city is closed, work will be suspended for three days, and you can fish at home.

Bad news: you can still work from home and hold meetings orz

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