Tang San fell several meters in the darkness of the vertical passage before he got down on the ground.

Although he was in the dark, Tang San's Purple Demon Eyes could see the surrounding scenery clearly.

The cold air kept blowing on him, there was only a deep road ahead of him, and there was no other fork for him to choose from.

Even if he didn't see the existence of the second person, Tang San still didn't dare to be careless, directly let go of his mental power, and moved forward step by step steadily and cautiously.

When he advanced one thousand four hundred and sixty-two steps, a voice came from all directions.

"Welcome to the Capital of Slaughter. This is the capital of hell. Here you can get everything you want, but the price...may be you."

The feminine female voice poured into the ear along the bleak wind.

Tang San stopped, and his mental power surged forward under his will.

However, before it started its aggressive steps, it was the first to be intercepted halfway.

Because Tang San discovered that the materials used in this tunnel couldn't allow his spiritual power to penetrate!
It's not easy.

Tang San's face became serious, his steps didn't stop, he still walked forward, because it was too late to go back now, so he could only bite the bullet and move forward.

"Da da,"

His footsteps were very distinct in the darkness.

After turning a corner again, a faint light came from ahead.

Tang San narrowed his eyes slightly, and gathered the purple magic pupil, the light in front of him suddenly magnified in his eyes.

The black mist is like sprayed paint, highlighting the magnificent and silent city outline.

The purple-red moon hanging above the city cast a strange light, covering the entire dark city.

It is unbelievable that there is such a big city in such an underground place.
Tang San paused, his eyes fell on the black armored knights who quietly appeared from the black mist.

Their whole bodies were covered by black armor, and even their faces were tightly covered by helmets.

Hundreds of black armored knights held heavy swords and stood silently behind the black armored knight sitting on the tall horse.

"You violated the rules." The black armored knight said in a deep and cold voice.

Tang San stared at the man who seemed to be the leader, his eyes changing.

When the black-armored knight's war horse was smashed into an unknown lump of flesh by the black Haotian Hammer, and he himself was hammered away by Tang San's Xuantian Kungfu plus the Chaos Cloak Hammer Technique, the black-armored knight got up with a muffled sound, Under Tang San's icy scrutiny, he took out a black plaque carved with a skull from the soul tool at his waist, endured the severe pain of his right arm being shattered, and handed the black plaque to Tang San.

"Nine-five-two-eight, yours is your city entry number, and it is also your proof that you are in the capital of killing. After entering the city, someone will guide you to the next process at the city gate. There is no need to fight, just fill out the form."

Tang San lowered his eyes, his gaze fell on the black card, he put away the Clear Sky Hammer, stepped forward to hold the card, pulled out the black card from the black-armored knight without delay, strode forward, and didn't look at the card any more. He glanced.

The black-armored knight hanging the broken arm looked at Tang San's receding back in a state of embarrassment.

The thick black city walls, and the purple-red moon that seems to be very close to the ground, but in fact is quite a distance away, all make this city full of indescribable darkness and mystery.

He exhaled, and with five fingers, he sucked back the epee that was lying on the ground not far away from his hand, and raised the epee to swing it at his right arm.

"Scott, what are you doing?"

The waxy and childish voice came to his ears, Scott paused, put down the epee without hesitation, and made the same action as the other black armored knights——

"Little princess."

One hundred and one black-armored knights bowed their heads respectfully and knelt down on one knee.

Tang Sui, who was wearing a blue and black lace dress, looked at the embarrassed Scott curiously, and raised his hand, and the black and red demonic power popped out from his fingertips and sank into Scott's body.

Scott did not urge his soul power to resist another force that invaded his body, but gritted his teeth and let that force entangle in his broken right arm without saying a word, and then it was like a mutated 502 glue, as long as There are also bone fragments, no matter how broken they are, they will be glued together for you.

Of course, the hard work of this process is far greater than the ease that Tang Sui can get by using the second soul skill directly.

But after the title of recording officer was announced, she also put the ape face in the black tent. If she used the soul skill, only the fox face and Da Fei would be around at this time, so it was easy for people to see the clue.

Grandpa said that if you can practice mysticism, you must go all the way to the end, and don't leave opportunities for others, so she uses demon power.

In a sense, the "gods" she "created" do have two brushes. At the very least, they can use the medium of God's Eyes on them to allow the demon power to invade more smoothly, and give them some small buffs, such as strength and The power is much stronger, and it is also possible to heal, but it is only limited to the body.

Yes, in the past year or so, the entire Slaughter City has become a believer in God from the inside out.

Tang Sui, the biggest hero, was looking at Scott with curiosity, "Who hurt you like this?"

Fighting with soul masters who want to enter the Slaughter City, it is common for them to have a broken bone, internal injury, or even death, but after Tang Sui came to the Slaughter City, it was the first time that Scott, who had seen the strength of a Contra, was killed. People directly deprived the right hand of mobility, complete and complete.

Without her or the healing soul master, this arm is here, and there is no possibility of recovery.

Scott, who heard Tang Sui's question, fell silent, selectively skipped the previous question, and replied evasively: "It's a rookie who broke the rules and succeeded in the challenge."

—— Digression——

Is there a possibility that during the three-day shutdown, there were two days of vacation that Moli deserved, but after changing it to online, it became a lot of forms and audits to be done, that is, the kind of non-stop work during the holidays orz
Add more? (pointing)

Can Kangkang add more changes during the Mid-Autumn Festival? The first month of the month is the busiest.

I have to do a large nucleic acid test today, so let's update it first.

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