The dark city gate gave people an extremely depressing feeling.

On the huge city gate, hung the four big characters "Slaughter Capital" in red.

As if drawn with blood, it exudes an uncomfortable chill and a strong smell of blood.

Two rows of black-armored knights stood in two rows holding knight spears, stationed there quietly, seeing the newcomer, their eyes just swept over the black token held in Tang San's hand, and then when Tang San was about to step One second before entering the range of the Slaughtering Capital, two spears made of special metal crossed and crossed, blocking Tang San.

"Please complete the last procedure before entering the killing capital."

The dull voice of the black armored knight came from under the helmet.

Tang San frowned slightly, and was about to speak when he heard a pleasant female voice coming from the door.

"Welcome to the capital of killing."

The envoy wearing a black lace veil walked out from the left side of the city gate, his smiling voice didn't have the slightest killing intent, it seemed very friendly.

Tang San stood still, his eyes fell on the messenger.

Out of caution, he didn't ask.

The envoy took the initiative to break the stiff atmosphere and said, "Hi, newcomer, I am your guide. You can ask me anything you don't understand. I will answer all your questions within twelve hours." .After twelve hours, this is where you will live in the future. But before that, please follow me to complete the final certification procedure."

"What procedure?"

Tang San finally spoke out.

The messenger said with an unchanged smile: "Just fill in a real and valid form. Please come with me."

After finishing speaking, she walked out of the city gate first, walked to the right, exposing her deadly back to Tang San's field of vision.

Tang San thought about it for two seconds, and still started to follow the messenger, but always kept a safe distance of two meters, it can be seen that he has already filled up his caution.

The black tent is stationed under the dark and oppressive black city wall. The dark color seems to be integrated with the city wall. If you don't look carefully, you won't notice that there is a tent here.

However, most people don't think that after having a token, they don't go through the door but go over the wall, right?

Tang San was even more curious about the Slaughter City, but out of caution, he maintained his indifferent personality until the envoy stopped, turned sideways and made a "please" gesture, "The questions on the form, please be honest. Just fill it in. If you encounter a topic that is difficult and inconvenient to speak, you can only write part of what you can say, but please remember that these must be true information and cannot be falsified.”

"This is related to your future survival in the killing capital, so please don't fill in false information."

Tang San looked at the one person and one table staying in the open tent, he stood still a few steps away from the black tent, and said coldly: "The people who come here are not good people, how do you know that I fill in Is it true information? And if it is a registration procedure, isn’t having a soul master’s hand pierced enough to prove my information?”

"It depends on how you write." The envoy was indifferent, and almost wrote a sentence on his face, "Do you like to write or not", "Anyway, I have finished what I have to say."

Tang San looked at the other party's confident appearance, his heart sank slightly, and he asked again: "Is this information going to be handed over to your boss?"

"Probably." The envoy replied half-truthfully.

Anyway, they don't need to hand in the information, but spontaneously ignite and take off.Even she didn't know what the little princess wanted these materials for. She could only guess that it was related to those people who had entered the deep dream.

"Will it be seen by your upper echelons?"

The envoy shook his head: "No. The information filled out by all the people who enter the Slaughter City will only reach one person. That is in the hands of the examiner who set up this additional review process. Even the master of the Slaughter City, the King of Slaughter I don’t have the right to view it, let alone us little guys. Do you have any questions?” If there is no problem, can you fill it in first.

So only one person will see this document?
Tang San had a plan in his heart, but he still had to put a question mark on the specific reason why the examiner set up this additional checkpoint.

But now is clearly not a good time to ask.

Thinking of this, Tang San took a step forward, and walked into the tent under the watchful eyes of the envoy and the black armored knight in the tent.

The objects on the table were clear at a glance, Tang San originally wanted to let go of his mental power, but looking at the objects on the table, he felt that it was unnecessary.

These things are very common, and there are two or three of them, so there is no mechanism at all.

Thinking of this, Tang San held the quill, his eyes fell on the blank paper, and he began to write.

It is common practice to watch the backs of the newcomers and envoys leave. When their backs were far away, the black-armored knight picked up the stamp that had been put on hold, and poked at the freshly baked form.

The paper burned itself, turning to black ember in the air.

In the luxurious and exquisitely decorated side hall room, the form Tang San filled out lay quietly on the sandalwood table, waiting for the owner of the room to come back and read it.

On the other end, Tang Sui, who had finished asking about the situation of the newly recruited soul masters of the law enforcement team, also set off on his way back.

It wasn't because she suddenly remembered that she would appear in the outer city today, but Tang Chen suddenly asked her to look outside the city, saying that she had sensed something and asked her to check the situation.

Except that the knight of the law enforcement team was injured in the assessment with the rookie soul master as usual, which allowed the rookie to pass, there were no other abnormalities.

After inquiring about the law enforcement team, Tang Sui was not idle, and wandered around the space connecting different entry points for a few times, but found nothing unusual.

There are now more than one entrance to the Slaughter City, but they all go in the same direction, like a tree with several branches, but they all come from the same source.

This method is not available on this continent, and it belongs to another world's teleportation array method.

After inspecting the outside of the city, Tang Sui, who found nothing to gain, turned around and flew straight back to the tallest building in the city - the Hall of Hell.

—— Digression——

Today's Gu King: Ape Noodles.

Disconnected monkey face (cursing): Xiao Mian, do you still want to play tricks?Show me wisdom!

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