The envoy stepped into the gate first, "It just so happened that you asked the question about the champion of the killing field. Just in time, I will explain to you personally the new rules of the killing field in hell."

"New rules?" Tang San was slightly startled.

The envoy smiled slightly: "Yes. This is a new rule re-drafted by our examiner last year."

Under the guidance of the messenger, Tang San saw a special building.

The building is circular, but it is an irregular circle.The bottom area is the largest, but the higher it goes up, the narrower it is, just like the inside of a vase.

This hell killing field occupies a very considerable area, about the same size as the Soto Great Spirit Arena that Tang San once visited.But compared with the big soul fighting field in Tiandou City, it is smaller.

The black building gives people a very depressing feeling. The messenger introduced to Tang San that the location of this hell killing place is the center of the whole killing city.

"You just said that the examiner drafted a new rule, is it related to the fighting method?" Tang San asked.

The envoy nodded: "Yes. But only one item has been changed, and the others are very simple. If you want to participate, you can sign up with your own ID card. Then wait for the competition to start."

"Of course, during the waiting period, hands are not allowed. Each group has ten people entering the killing field. The original rule was that no matter what method you use, as long as you can get out alive in the end, it is different now. Although there is no limit Methods and means, but require everyone in each group to keep their breath."

"To put it simply, there is still only one winner, but the other losers, as long as they live. This is the new rule set by the examiner."

Tang San's eyes flashed, and he felt a little curious about this examiner: "What will happen to those who fail?"

The messenger raised his eyebrows slightly: "The loser must offer two cups of Huangquanlu, otherwise, even if he violated the rules, he will be directly executed by the law enforcement team."

Huang Quanlu is human blood.

The envoy had already told Tang San on the way here.

Compared to losing one's own life, two cups of blood is indeed very light.

What kind of person is this examiner?

Tang San became even more curious.

"Then how can we win the so-called champion?"

The envoy looked at Tang San in surprise, "As long as you can participate in a hundred matches, you are the champion. However, the one who ranks first in Hell Slaughtering Fields has only participated in 67 matches. Every time you participate in a match, your There will be one more victory for the identity card. You can live here for one more year, and you can enjoy yourself in the inner city. Of course, you have to ensure that you can still live after enjoying yourself.”

Tang San understood, and said again: "Can I enter the auditorium of the battle platform to watch? I want to go in and have a look."

The envoy shook his head: "The qualification to watch the game is to contribute a cup of Huangquanlu. This cup of Huangquanlu can be your own or someone else's. As long as you don't feel tired, you can keep watching after entering. The game is constantly going on. As long as Someone signs up, and if you gather ten people, you can start a game."

Huang Quanlu again?
Tang San frowned slightly, he couldn't figure out why this city of killings paid so much attention to blood.

As the messenger said, the Hell Killing Fields is a constant competition.

While the two were talking, several people had already entered the killing field from outside.

They all looked like veterans, because they all held a cup of scarlet blood in their hands.

The hesitation was only for a moment, but soon Tang San made a decision.

Even the envoy didn't see how Tang San moved, only felt a black shadow flash before him, Tang San blocked the way of one of the big bald men, and stretched out his right hand to him.

"Give me your Yellow Spring Dew."

The bald man froze for a moment, obviously he had never seen the prey that came to his door automatically.

He first looked at Tang San's envoy obliquely behind, his eyes glistened with blood, and his voice contained eagerness: "Newcomer? Do you want to snatch Huangquanlu from me?"

Hearing the bald man's words, the messenger came back to his senses, and said anxiously: "Mr. [-], if you take the initiative to provoke, the protection of newcomers will not work."

Tang San didn't flinch, and the bald man didn't give Tang San a chance to repent, he created a large sawtooth with his bare hands.

Domineering soul power fluctuations emanated from it, and it was obvious that this was his martial soul.

Viscous malice surged in the eyes of the bald man, and the other four companions who were with him jumped towards the open space the first moment he made a move, their movements were smooth, and their sense of crisis was very strong.

At least level fifty.

This was Tang San's judgment for his opponent.

The moment the sawtooth fell towards him, Tang San turned his right palm up, making a gesture of supporting the sky, in his palm, a strong suction pulled the opponent's machete to the side.

At the same time, he quickly took a step forward with his left foot, closing the distance between himself and the bald head.

Tang Sect's unique skill of controlling the crane and catching the dragon, combined with Xuanyu's hand, but in a blink of an eye, the cup of Yellow Spring Dew in his hand fell into Tang San's hand.

"You lost, go away."

Tang San held a drop of unsprinkled Yellow Spring Dew with a cold expression.

The bald man was stunned for a moment, and in the next second he held the God's Eye on his waist. Under the strange eyes of others, he suddenly lifted the gray and delicate stone carving in his hand, pointed it at Tang San, and said in an evil voice : "You actually snatched my things! God will not let you go!"

Tang San, who had just arrived, was stunned. After seeing his movements, his companion didn't hold back, but frowned and stared at the bald man.

The envoy's eyelids twitched, and he looked at the bald man with a subtle look.

After hearing what the bald man said, the other people in the Hall of Hell's Slaughtering Field also turned their heads and stared at him.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were on him, indeed with killing intent and disgust.

What's going on here?
Noticing the killing intent in other people's eyes, Tang San's heart moved slightly.

But the bald man didn't know that the murderous intent and loathing were aimed at him, and looked at Tang San triumphantly, his smile was full of eager malice: "God will protect every believer, as one of the believers of God, boy, You will be punished!"


The atmosphere in the hall of Hell Slaughtering Fields froze for a moment, and what broke the silence was another crisp and tender voice——

"No, you are wrong."

"God bless me for being stupid."

—— Digression——

I worked overtime today to settle my accounts, and I have to deal with the boss tomorrow, so I will change it first.

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