The petite figure standing against the backlight was dressed luxuriously, perhaps because this underground city has not seen light all year round, the skin is snow-white, and it seems to emit a faint light in the dark.

The facial features are exquisite, like a doll that has been given life, and those eyes that show a dark blue luster under the light and shadow are like two deep pools of water, like facing an abyss, and you can't see the slightest thing that a child of this age should have. Lively and angry, there is a sense of strangeness in the quietness for no reason.

Tang San stared at the noble girl, frowned slightly, and felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Who is she?
Why do you feel a sense of familiarity?

"Little princess."

When Tang San was still in a daze, the envoy and the staff in the hall of Hell Slaughtering Fields had already lowered their haughty heads towards the little girl at the door, and bowed their waists to salute.

The other soul masters who saw this scene in public for the first time came back to their senses, and looked up and down the little girl who was not even up to their waist height with suspicious eyes.

little princess?
What is the relationship between this girl and the King of Slaughter?Even the envoys are so respectful.
Tang San, who had already heard the envoy's introduction of the Slaughter King, and knew that no one dared to offend the majesty of the Slaughter King, changed his eyes slightly, a purple-gold light flashed in his blue eyes, and all the vision presented in his eyes suddenly All became different.

what is that.
From Tang San's field of vision, he clearly saw that Tang Sui's whole body was covered with black and red, like fog and dense light clusters.

Those black and red light clusters surrounded Tang Sui and at the same time protected her very well. Even if they were deliberately restrained, they could still feel the majestic power fluctuations from them.

How does this black and red fog feel?
An unbelievable thought crossed Tang San's mind, he carefully looked at Tang Sui's facial features, and a strange feeling arose in his heart.

The age and height don't match up.
And even his Ziji Divine Eye couldn't see through this little girl's soul, as if given by something——


Tang San's brain suddenly felt pain, he closed his eyes, and let out a muffled groan, Ziji Divine Eye was forced to interrupt, Xuantian Kungfu and soul power were running at the same time, the pain like a needle prick in his brain was slowly relieved. smoothen.

The discomfort of being peeped disappeared, and Tang Sui's exquisite white face was expressionless. Tang San glanced at Tang San, who was eating the bitter fruit, and his eyes fell on the bald man with a somewhat anxious expression. In the middle of the day, he raised his little hand, the nails on his fingertips were glowing with a healthy pink, white and harmless.

But the pupils of the bald man suddenly narrowed, as if he saw something terrible, his mouth opened wide unconsciously, but it seemed as if he had been deprived of air, and the pain of suffocation swept over his neck, as if an invisible He pinched it with his big hand, and the clogged blood made his skin turn red visible to the naked eye.

He scratched his neck in pain, trying to break free from the big invisible hand.

But all this is useless.


Tang Sui's small short hands were closed, and he squeezed lightly in the void, as if he had crushed something. The bald man's eyes were protruding, and the force of his scratching was instantly removed, and all his breathing stopped abruptly, heavy His muscular body fell to the ground dull, without a trace of blood!
What kind of weird method is this? !
Tang San's pupils trembled when he opened his eyes, looking at Tang Sui with fear.

After getting rid of the unclean believers, Tang Sui's eyes fell on Tang San.

From her point of view, even though Tang San wore a silver mask with butterfly wings to cover his face, the other party's dark blue long hair and pair of indifferent blue eyes were hidden under the cloak. The characteristics of the eyes are all in line with the memories of her previous life.

Could it be that the "abnormality" that grandpa feels refers to this guy who may be Tang San, the son of destiny?

Thoughts flashed across her eyes, she looked at the silent Hell Slaughterfield staff, and said softly, "Let's deal with the rest too. I don't want to see such dirty guys here again."

It was her mistake.

Even though she had woven a dream that was both true and false for these lunatics, she had forgotten one thing.

Even if they share common beliefs and goals, the most uncontrollable thing in the world is still the human heart.

It seems that it is time to filter people and filter out believers with pure faith.

After all, she doesn't know how to recycle all kinds of garbage. Harmful garbage is big.

"Yes, little princess."

Two nimble staff members came out from behind the service desk, one after the other picked up the body of the bald man and prepared to go out, but strangely, no one went to stop it, or followed to pick up the corpse to collect blood.

Tang San was surprised to see that everyone looked at the little girl who had killed a person at least at the soul king level with happy and admiring eyes, and couldn't help feeling horrified.

What kind of place is this place? !

Tang Sui seemed to be Tang San who was stiff in place, after thinking for two seconds, he suddenly said to Tang San who was still immersed in a daze:
"Are you new here?"

The waxy and immature child's voice made Tang San feel in a trance for a moment, with a slight familiar feeling, but he quickly came back to his senses, his reason came back online, and his eyes became calm and calm again.


His tone was indifferent, and his whole body was filled with the words Do not enter.

—— Digression——

Former Sui Sui: A skinny dwarf with a fragile physique.

The current Sui Sui: Sufficient nutrition (demon) and nourishment (strength), super good food, good health.

PS: The first month and the end of the month are accounting nightmares orz, the first two days will be updated first, see you tomorrow.

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