Tang Sui was like a curious child who had seen a fresh face. He asked casually. When Tang San built a wall of indifference, he wisely didn't ask any more questions, and turned around, showing his deadly back.

In the next second, the dignified girl turned into a black-red spirit and disappeared in place, leaving only bits and pieces scattered in the air.

Tang San, who had a panoramic view of Tang Sui's departure, narrowed his pupils slightly, and the indifference in his eyes, which was turned away from others, couldn't help cracking a little, and unsettled ripples appeared in the heart lake.

so similar.
That child is too similar to Sui Sui.

The appearance may be caused by an adventure similar to him, but after careful identification, you can still find a familiar outline from the child's facial features.

But it's a little strange that he really can't detect the closeness from her.

She is like a gust of wind, without any breath, and will not be caught by anyone, making him wonder if this girl is a real person.

What's more, he didn't think that Sui Sui wouldn't recognize him.

Even after they performed the martial soul fusion technique more than a year ago, the appearance of the two of them has changed, and he has swelled directly from a seedling to a thick tree, but the two of them still know each other. There is a similar sense of blood and breath.

But this time.
Tang San pursed his lips.

He really didn't feel anything.

Even with the Ziji magic pupil turned on, I can't see through this child.
"Mr. [-]."

The envoy's melodious voice came to his ears, Tang San came back to his senses, and saw the envoy slightly bowed towards him, the melodious voice didn't even maintain a false smile, and said straightly:

"Because you took the initiative to provoke others during the novice protection period, you have broken the rules and jumped out of the novice protection period in advance. From now on, you will survive in this killing capital by yourself and will no longer be protected by me. I am here I warn you."

Tang San's expression remained unchanged, he didn't frown dissatisfied or show panic, "Can I ask one last question?"

While accepting it frankly, he also asked the last question, which was also the doubt in the hearts of everyone present except the staff who had been informed about the Hell Slaughtering Fields.

The messenger paused invisibly, as if she had already guessed what question Tang San would ask.

Relying on the black veil, the envoy caught the expressions of other people around him from the corner of his eye. He thought about not answering, put on a professional smirk, and asked knowingly, "Excuse me."

"The little girl just now. The little princess is just a nickname, or does it have something to do with the owner of this killing capital?"

Tang San asked boldly.

The eyes of the other people who quietly pricked up their ears suddenly changed, looking at Tang San with a look of "this kid is so brave".

But it is undeniable that they also have this doubt in their hearts.

According to the rules of Hell's Killing Fields, those who participate in duels can use pseudonyms or real names directly.

But most people who don't want to reveal their real name will choose to register with a code name.

To gain the respect of the staff of the Hell Killing Fields and the envoy of the King of Slaughter, if it is a code name, only the soul master who has won the [-]-match championship of the Hell Slaughter Field and was exceptionally awarded the title of "God of Killing" by the King of Slaughter can receive such courtesy.

But they have never heard of the code name "Little Princess".

In the eyes of the crowd with different thoughts, the messenger chuckled and admitted frankly: "Naturally, it is the second type. The king has already said that the little princess is the second master of this killing capital, and she is a well-deserved Her Royal Highness."

Everyone who got the answer couldn't help but stop breathing, Tang San was also surprised for a moment, but not many.

The envoy, who condescended to answer the last question, nodded slightly, and his figure suddenly turned into countless tiny black bats in the eyes of everyone. People feel creepy.

Witnessing this scene with his own eyes, Tang San's pupils trembled again, and deep fear emerged in his heart.

The envoy of the Slaughter King, as she introduced, can use soul skills in this weird city that restricts soul skills and soul power
The farce in the hell killing field hall gradually subsided, but after today, there were more discussions about Tang Sui in the killing city.

Some tours of the city, just started, have ended.

Tang Sui, who left in a hurry, came back not long after. Tang Chen raised his brows slightly, but he didn't show much surprise.

Because the entire killing city is under his perception, as long as he wants to, he can know what happened in the city.

"I'm back, did you find it?"

Tang Chen asked knowingly.

Tang Sui frowned, and instead of practicing Tai Chi with Tang Chen, he said bluntly:

"What is the relationship between me and the soul master who just entered the killing capital? I felt a very weak connection from that human soul master. It should come from the other half of my blood, but why is it so weak? He Are they my relatives?"

Tang Sui asked a series of questions.

After the latter listened to her question, he looked at her deeply. After Tang Sui's right eyelid twitched, she heard Tang Chen kick the ball back with a deep voice:

"This question should not be asked to me. It should be asked to you."

"What?" Tang Sui was puzzled.

Tang Chen looked at her meaningfully, but his eyes were calm: "Didn't you notice? The demon blood in your body is slowly becoming pure."

Tang Sui was taken aback.

—— Digression——

Emmm appearance changes, to be honest, sallow and skinny little bamboo pole VS white, fat, fat and cute, the change is indeed big, because Sui Sui and Xiao San seldom eat well in the past!

(If you ask again, you are the master of the plot, if you don’t listen to the rebuttal, hum)

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