Hu Liena!
Tang San watched in surprise as the woman in black came out from the crowd.

In her hand was a short sword that was more than a foot long and shone with cold light. Her seductive eyes were full of condensation, and her cold and murderous aura made her particularly attractive.

Containing his breath, Tang Sui quietly stood on the top of a building, looking towards the source of the farce, and saw Hu Liena's appearance.

From the first day Hu Liena entered the city, she went to meet people.

Hu Liena was also included in the "blacklist" by her just like Tang San, of course she had the impression.

What's more, in just half a month, Hu Liena has already participated in five battles, and she has won all of them.

None of those prepared to stare at her postwar period of weakness survived.

Those who did not survive also included believers who had the eyes of God and had normal brains.

But she didn't break the rules to save people for them.

Survival of the fittest, the jungle of the jungle.

These eight characters are the growth rules of the Yaozu.

With the further purification of the demon blood, Tang Sui found that his state of mind rarely had such emotions as "pity".

Obviously Hu Liena also saw Tang San.

Even though many people in the Slaughter City were wearing black robes, Hu Liena still noticed Tang San.

The hood on the cloak covered most of Tang San's face, plus there was a silver mask on Tang San's face, and the Blue Silver Emperor had awakened for the second time, his whole appearance changed drastically, not to mention may be recognized.

Hu Liena noticed Tang San because among the group of black-robed men, only Tang San restrained his murderous aura, even if there was a little bit of murderous aura overflowing, but in this bunch of wild killing aura, Tang San Three is simply a clear stream.

Hu Liena, who didn't recognize Tang San, only felt that one of the men in black seemed familiar to her.

The pensive Hu Liena's eyes inadvertently collided with Tang San's indifferent eyes under the mask, the latter paused, looked away as if nothing had happened, and then his eyes froze.

Tang San, who was just pretending to divert his gaze, saw a familiar figure again.

He suppressed his excitement, exhaled a breath, took wonderful steps under his feet, quietly retreated from the crowd, and disappeared into the darkness.

Hu Liena, who was paying attention to Tang San, looked at the light blue and silver hair that flashed past the black hood, and a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes, because this person seemed more and more familiar to her.

Could it be the person she thought of?

But shouldn't their brother and sister be inseparable?

Could it be that Tang Sui didn't go back to Shrek or keep up with Haotian Douluo after that day, but separated unexpectedly, and now there is only one Tang San?
Doubts appeared in Hu Liena's heart, until the black shadow disappeared around the corner and could no longer be seen, then she looked away, but her face was still thoughtful.

But this person's figure and hair color don't match Tang San, right?
Hu Liena fell into deep thought, Tang San moved quickly close to the street corner.

Tang Sui, who was watching the whole farce, was about to turn around and leave, but when she raised her head, her footsteps stopped.

"I finally saw you again. Your Excellency seems to have been avoiding me?"

Tang San stared at her through the mask with eyes that couldn't reach his eyes, and sized Tang Sui indistinctly.

This is the first time he has seen Tang Sui's whole picture in a positive and comprehensive way since he has been following the other party for many days.

Without the dim light, those clear blue eyes that were as transparent as jewels came into view, and Tang San felt a little pain in his heart.

Even though the age and appearance did not match, Tang San still overlapped the cute toddler Yuxue in front of him with the scrawny and frail little girl in his memory.

It doesn't seem like it's just avoiding you.

I don't know what Tang San was thinking, but Tang Sui felt that Tang San looked at him with complicated eyes, and he was slandering in his heart, without showing any strange emotions on his face, with a delicate little face and a deadpan expression on his face. Looking at Tang San, he didn't speak.

Facing an enemy with a lot of heart, the best match is to put on a pose, put on a cold or fake smile to show others.

Tang San, who was not answered, was not embarrassed, but took a step forward under Tang Sui's slightly twitching right eyelid.

Tang Sui: ".?"

What are you doing, open a dyeing workshop if you give some color?

Feeling offended, Tang Sui narrowed his eyes, the peaceful space around him seemed to be a little distorted, and the cold aura immediately enveloped both of them.

"Tang Sui."

Seeing that a battle was about to break out, Tang San suddenly called out Tang Sui's full name.

The air stagnated, and the condensed demonic power and cold aura faded away like a tide.

Tang Sui looked at Tang San with a tinge of surprise, her original suspicion that she and Destiny's Child might be in the same family was shaken.

According to the timeline when Tang San came to Slaughter Capital, he should not have been to Clear Sky School, but why can he call her real name so accurately?
Tang Sui, who didn't think in the direction that Tang San might have an extra sister at all, subconsciously began to think in the direction of conspiracy theories.

But seeing Tang Sui's reaction to the name he called out, Tang San's eyes lit up, a little excited, and he took another step forward.

"You are Sui Sui, right?"

Tang Sui, whose sense of security had plummeted, came back to his senses, like a little beast baring its baby teeth towards the invaders of the territory, fierce, and the coercion from the level of soul power unreservedly pressed on Tang San, trying to use this Ways to make Tang San stop or retreat.

Under the strong coercion, Tang San only frowned slightly.

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