Xuantian Kung was running, Tang San carefully released the restrained murderous aura, condensing into a circle of aura barrier.And the effect of his terrifying physique beyond ordinary people was also displayed at this time.

Tang Sui, who didn't force anyone to retreat: "!"

She was like a cat whose tail fur exploded after feeling threatened, and her pretended indifference was also pried away.

"Face to face."

A deep voice sounded, and a bigger and more terrifying coercion descended from the sky, easily destroying Tang San's line of defense. With a pale face, he was forced to take two steps back, and a mouthful of blood spurted from his throat.


Tang San was defeated under this terrifying coercion. He raised his eyes and stared at the strange man who suddenly appeared in horror. Before he was shocked by the man's terrifying power, he heard Tang Sui call out in surprise and confusion:


Tang San's eyes widened suddenly.

grandfather! ?
Seeing the meaning of "Why did you appear here" written all over the little cub's face, the King of Slaughter condescendingly looked down at the human kid who had given birth to a cub's heart, and in Tang Sui's twitching right eyelid, the corner of his lips twitched. With a sneer, in Tang San's trembling pupils, he slowly raised his hand.


Tang Sui called Tang Chen again, Tang Chen paused when he raised his hand, and swept across the serious little face of disapproval, meaning the little cub with his elbows turned outward, his brows were slightly frowned, his pair of hands did not contain any warmth His ruthless blood eyes swept over Tang San, and warned in a voice full of coercion:

"You brat, she's not something you can get close to."

Do not!
She is obviously my sister!
Tang San shouted silently in his heart, but in front of Tang Chen's overwhelming strength, he couldn't move at all, nor could he make any sound.

He didn't know how Sui Sui got involved with this terrifying man in front of him, and why he shrunk back to his childhood, but it didn't prevent him from directing his suspicion towards this man.

Tang Chen, who had no idea that a big black pot fell from the sky, looked at Tang Sui after warning Tang San, and his tone was not very good.

"How long are you going to stay down there? It's time to go back."

Inexplicably, Tang Sui heard a sour taste: ".emmmmm"

She looked hesitantly at the suppressed Tang San, and then at Tang Chen, who had "I'm not happy" written all over his body. She jumped into the air without any support, and landed on the ground. Arriving at Tang Chen's side, he was picked up by the petty elders, and disappeared in front of Tang San with everyone in front of Tang San.

Tang San, who once again watched the good opportunity slip away, swayed unsteadily, and almost fell off the eaves with a somersault.

Because with Tang Chen's departure, the terrifying coercion that locked him dissipated in an instant.

Tang San coughed, a little bit of blood sprayed out from the corner of his mouth.

Anger, resentment, and doubts filled his heart. He raised his head, his blue eyes stared at the direction where Tang Chen had disappeared, his hands clenched tightly, and his knuckles cracked.

No matter what that man did to Sui Sui and confused her, he will definitely make Sui Sui remember everything again, and then he will never let him go!
One, one, and one half didn't speak a single word, and Tang Chen's dark face remained the same until he returned to the Hall of Hell.

Tang Sui looked at Tang Chen, who seemed to be constantly emitting black air from behind, and the order of the two seemed to be reversed. Instead, Tang Sui looked helplessly at the emotional old child: "Are you still angry?"

Tang Chen twitched the corners of his mouth: "Who is angry? Isn't it just that relatives see relatives, with tears in their eyes?"

"But I didn't talk to him in the end. I was just surprised that he called out my name." Tang Suixiao comforted Tang Chen's emotions like an adult.

The Slaughter King snorted coldly, "If I hadn't appeared suddenly, that kid should have finished pouring you the ecstasy soup by now, and asked you to follow him?"

Tang Sui wanted to find a place to have a good chat for a moment, and Tang Sui, who was getting some information, blinked, and a little guilt flashed in his eyes.

Tang Chen, who was observing Tang Sui silently, caught this guilty conscience with sharp eyes, and his face became darker, so heavy that water dripped out.

"You want to leave the Killing City with that kid?"

Tang Chen asked gloomyly.

He could tell at a glance that the kid came here to practice, and he would never stay here in the future.

When this question was mentioned, Tang Sui changed his guilty conscience, looked at Tang Chen with righteousness and confidence, and said meaningfully: "The capital of killing cannot exist forever. This is not the end."

When it came to business, the anger in Tang Chen's heart subsided a little, but he was still very upset.

"Then what does that have to do with my plan to teach that kid who dared to approach you without knowing the heights of the sky and the earth?"

Tang Sui opened his mouth, and was about to tell Tang Chen that Tang San was the son of destiny in this world.

But thinking of another existence "monitoring" here, she swallowed the words that came to her lips, looked at Tang Chen seriously, and promised: "I will not leave with a stranger who suddenly appears. Even if there is blood Relationship, but it doesn't mean anything."

"It was you and Uncle Snake who rescued me. It is impossible for me to leave everything that you have paved the way for me and leave."

"And what I promised you will definitely be fulfilled."

Tang Sui's sudden seriousness left Tang Chen vulnerable.

When Tang Chen heard the last sentence, a dark light flashed in his eyes, and he snorted coldly: "It's best."

—— Digression——

It's another day of being locked up, there's nothing to eat, only a bunch of emotional online account books to organize TAT
Hey, the countdown to the Mid-Autumn Festival is one day away, and I am looking forward to having a peaceful Mid-Autumn Festival after finishing the accounts tomorrow.

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