The cruel elimination battle came to an end, Tang San wearing a silver butterfly wing mask had a lot of glory on his body, holding the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand, standing there like an unshakable God of War, surrounded by half-dead People, no more, no less, exactly nine people.

Just like the new rules, Tang San gave them all a sigh of relief, but it was only a sigh of relief.

In this city where the murderous aura in my heart is getting stronger and stronger, if I want to restrain the restless murderous aura in my body, have a sliver of clear reason and control my strength in this only place where I can vent my murderous aura to the fullest. It's even harder to kill a competitor.

At first, he thought that the examiner who set up this rule was soft-hearted, or there was still a trace of kindness left, but now it seems that this idea has to be questioned.

Because if you accidentally kill other people on the battle platform, you will be punished with five cups of Huangquanlu.

For five cups of Huangquanlu, you must either use your own blood or rob someone else's.

Under normal circumstances, it would be the second person, but after the blood was drawn, the soul master would fall into a period of weakness, and it was very likely that he would be picked up by others, which was equivalent to paying the price of his life.

But on the contrary, if these people restrained their killing intent and restrained their strength, in the long run, under such terrifying and precise control, their own strength would also have a qualitative improvement.

Waiting for the referee to announce the winner of this duel, Tang San paled, leaving a tall and straight back for the other spectators.

Hesitant and suspicious eyes were all left behind by Tang San.

After registering the new record score, Tang San walked out of the gate of Hell Slaughter Field without changing his expression under other malicious eyes. The moment he stepped out of the gate, afterimages of Dao Dao flashed by, and Tang San himself was no longer there. land.

Some people who followed out and lost their chance couldn't help but "tsk" in their hearts.

There is no limit to the opponent's spirit power level in each duel of ten people. Since entering the Slaughter City, Tang San can say that every battle is a leapfrog battle.

After losing his soul skills, poison and hidden weapons, another powerful weapon, the Clear Sky Hammer, and Xuantian Kungfu have become his biggest reliance, but today's battle is really difficult, even he can't escape exhaustion result.

But how could there be fewer crouching tigers, hidden dragons in the capital of slaughter?

When turning around the third dark alley, Tang San's unleashed mental strength sensed the other three auras that were not far or near were chasing after him.

Tang San estimated his remaining physical strength and the number of poisonous hidden weapons, his eyes were dim, and when he rounded the corner of the fifth alley, he stopped suddenly, his eyelashes drooped slightly, hiding the cold light that flickered in his eyes, and turned around , looking at the empty dark alleyway, said coldly: "Come out."

The eyes covered with a layer of purple-gold light did not blink. In his field of vision, the other three people who were hiding in different places froze and moved after hearing his voice. Tang San's There was a black-robed soul master standing in front, behind, and on the diagonal.

The strong smell of blood and the murderous aura that cannot be ignored lingered on them like maggots attached to their bones.

Accompanied by their appearance, the thick and disgusting smell of blood was even stronger, making people feel nauseated.

Tang San's expression didn't move, he glanced at the black-robed soul master who blocked his retreat from the corner of his eye, with five fingers on his scratched right hand, the jet-black Clear Sky Hammer with traces of lightning was firmly held by him. hands.

In the frozen air, every breath and blink becomes long.

The first to lose his temper was the soul master who blocked Tang San head-on.

The huge Iron Gallbladder Meteor Hammer was thrown at Tang San from the moment he raised his hand.

Cold light and killing intent shot out from Tang San's eyes, the veins on the back of the hand holding the Clear Sky Hammer bulged, the muscles in his arm swelled, and when he kicked his foot, there was a "clang" sound of a hard metal object colliding.

The Iron Gallbladder Meteor Hammer that came flying was blown away by the [-]-jin Haotian Hammer. The black-robed soul master was obviously huge, but his figure was like a ghost. There was a malicious smile on the corner of his mouth, and he dodged, sticking to the shadow path cast by the wall, in Tang San's unbelievable and trembling pupils of the black-robed soul master, Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer smashed into the air, black The robed soul master rushed directly into the shadow of the wall!
That's right, it just melted in!
——Can he use soul skills? !
This idea not only appeared in Tang San's mind, but also in the minds of the other two soul masters who were about to set off to cooperate.

The footsteps that were intended to rush suddenly stopped suddenly, and he stared at the deep darkness ahead in surprise, without moving.

Tang San jumped away from the place where the black-robed soul master melted into the wall, opened a distance of more than ten meters, and looked at the darkened alleyway vigilantly, just in case the other party was unexpected, he would rush out of some shadow and give him a shot. Huh?
Tang San paused, suddenly had a sense of déjà vu.

Out of the shadows?

Surrounded by the fortress made of ice and murderous aura, Tang San suddenly thought of something, his pupils shrank sharply, doubt and joy welled up in his heart.


The hasty cry suddenly came from the black-robed soul master on the roof, but it stopped abruptly after only two or three seconds, as if it was cut off by something.

Tang San and the other remaining black-robed spirit master looked up, but they didn't see that black-robed spirit master again.

—— Digression——

Black-robed soul master: First of all, let me explain that I didn't do it.Second, it really wasn't me who did it.In the end, it really really wasn't me!

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