Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 365 Caught doing bad things face to face?

Tang Sui thought about many possibilities, and thought that he might be Tang San's cousin, but he never expected to be Tang San's own sister!
According to Tang San's words, they are twins of the same mother, so rounding up means that she is also a protagonist?

Tang Sui recalled the time when she was picked up by Tang Chen. According to Tang Chen's words, she was only a little bit close to collapse at that time, and she died.

This shows that Tang San is still the protagonist, but she is not, and even her little butterfly is quite difficult.

It's right to hug the protagonist's thigh, but you don't know whether the thigh you hug will be the protagonist's mace. If you don't pay attention, it will become the protagonist's stepping stone, or a whetstone.

What's more, it is Tang San who owns the law of offering sacrifices to those who are close to them.

"What kind of person was I before?"

Tang Sui couldn't imagine her living under the same roof as Destiny's Child.

Mentioning the past, a softness flashed in Tang San's eyes, and he began to talk about the details from the Holy Soul Village.

Tang Sui gradually became fascinated by Tang San's narration.

Even if she didn't remember, in Tang San's narration, she actually outlined those scenes in her mind.

Warm. Out of tune with her.

When Tang San mentioned the mask, he paused, looked at Tang Sui cautiously, and asked, "Sui Sui, can you still feel another self?"

Tang Sui: "?"

What another self?
Before she lost her memory, she was still a genius, why didn't she know that her facial aura was indeed one black and one white.

Tang Sui had no expression on her face, and listened to Tang San's ramblings about how she found another self whom her relatives did not recognize, and then what did she do.

She listened in silence the whole time, seeming to be a competent audience.

But only she knew what was going on under her expressionless little face.

Following Tang San's narration of "another her", she found that in the first half, the "she" Tang San said seemed to be more appropriate to her personality in the previous life.

In other words, the front is all camouflage.

As for the back
Tang Sui put a question mark in his heart to be sure.

Until the end of the Continental Senior Soul Master Elite Competition a year and a half ago, Tang Sanyu finished talking about the situation in a depressive manner, looked at Tang Sui who seemed to be in a trance, and exhaled:

"For more than a year, not only my father, Dean Flender and the others, but also Uncle Ning from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School have been looking for news about you."

Rao he didn't expect that in the end, he would meet a younger sister who not only lost her memory but also shrunk in size in the capital of killing.

He thought in his heart that he was making a fool of others, and waited for Tang Sui's reaction.

Tang Sui stood up unusually silently, stepped forward and maintained a posture for a long time, resulting in some stiff legs, and walked towards the door of the room without saying a word.

"Sui Sui."

Tang San unlocked the Blue Silver Domain, stood up and called Tang Sui to stop.

Tang Sui left him a half-hidden back in the darkness, but he didn't look back.

"I know you are in a mess right now, and you may not be able to accept such a huge amount of information for a while, but I will never harm you."

"Although I don't know what you have experienced in the city of killing and what happened to the king of killing, the people in the city of killing are definitely not kind."

It has been more than a month since he came to the capital of killing, and the murderous aura on his body is increasing day by day. Even in the air with chronic poison, sometimes he will become bloodthirsty, but he can restrain it soon.

Sui Sui obviously had to stay longer in the killing place.

He has observed that although Sui Sui is respected as a little princess by the envoys, it is definitely not because of the glory in the killing field of hell.

As they said, it was because the King of Slaughter recognized Sui Sui as his "granddaughter".

Sui Sui did not participate in any Hell Slaughtering Field competition, and his murderous aura. Unlike him who occasionally needs time to suppress some uncontrollable murderous aura these days, Sui Sui controls the murderous aura just like his father , retracted freely, not dominated by murderous intent at all.

This is the first one, and the second is that he found that Sui Sui was not only able to control the murderous aura freely, but she was not affected at all by the chronic toxins in the killing city!
At first glance, the terrifying King of Slaughter of unknown origin seemed to protect Sui Sui very well.

But with no relatives and no reason, why do you treat Sui Sui so well?

He believed in people's goodwill, but he didn't believe that there would be free pies in such a sinful city.

He still doesn't know why the Slaughter King is so nice to Sui Sui, but he absolutely knows that the other party is not a philanthropist, and there must be reasons he doesn't know. .

And the Examiner who came up with seemingly benevolent rules.
Thinking of this, fear flashed in Tang San's eyes, and he said worriedly:
"Especially the examiner who changed the hell killing field, it's even more difficult."

This time, Tang Sui turned his head slowly, stared at Tang San quietly, and replied slowly: "Oh, but I am the extraordinary examiner you mentioned."

Tang San's expression froze, he looked at Tang Sui like petrified, a bad premonition arose in his heart, and just about to open his mouth to make amends, Tang Sui in front of him dissipated like a flower in a mirror, merged into the darkness, and disappeared silently in Tang San's eyes. within perception.

Tang San:"."

He looked annoyed, he didn't expect to stumble this time.

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