In the dimly lit Hell Hall, there was no one on the Bat Throne.

Tang Chen felt the familiar aura approaching the molten layer of the Earth's crust located at the bottom of the Hall of Hell, and looked at the steep and hot rock wall in silence.

The ten-headed blazing sun snake, which was soaked in the hot molten flame, flicked its tail, lacking in interest: "Has the little cub come back? Has she gone to see the human kid you mentioned again?"

Tang Chen said "Mmm" in a low voice.

The ten blazing sun snakes looked at Tang Chen, who was not showing any signs of expression, and slapped the surface of the lava with their tails in dissatisfaction.

The lava that could easily scald the bones was splashed onto the path of the special rock formation, but hot black smoke rose, but the path did not melt at all.

"Can't we kill those outsiders?"

The ten-headed blazing sun snake is not in a good mood either.

It's rare to meet a third monster in this alien continent, and it's still a cub with terrible potential. It really doesn't want to hand over the cub to others.

What's more, they are still mere human beings!
Thinking of this, the ten blazing sun snakes couldn't help baring their teeth.

Tang Chen was also very unhappy, but his emotions were more restrained.

Even though he really wanted to kill those guys who ruined everything now, but...
"If you kill that human boy, the little guy will be unhappy."

His sigh echoed in the underground where there were only lava bubbles and giant snakes, with a trace of inexplicable sadness.

After that day, subtle changes seemed to have taken place in the relationship between Tang San, Tang Sui, Tang Chen, and the ten-headed blazing sun snake.

Tang Chen was more restrained than before.

It's like an old man who is used to the vicissitudes of the world, and has entered the retirement period, and most of the time he delegates the power in his hands to the little cubs.

Tang Sui didn't tell Tang Chen the content of the conversation with Tang San that day, even though the relationship between the two seemed to be in a cold war, it was a little subtle, but what should be done, Tang Sui would stay the same.

Except one point.

That is, Tang Sui also picked up the cultivation of soul power.

Seeing it, Tang Chen's face darkened, and he didn't say anything else.

The time is spent waiting and practicing.

Sitting cross-legged in the shabby hut, Tang San was surrounded by murderous aura. He had been in the Slaughter City for nearly two years.

It seemed that there was only one final match away from the final Slaughtering Field champion, but Tang San was not feeling well at the moment.

The two years of non-stop fighting and training brought him more than just an increase in murderous aura.

Because these murderous intentions will even have a negative impact on his mind.

Completing a hundred battles seems not difficult, but in fact it is full of dangers.

It's not because he doesn't have the strength to complete it, but because he needs more time than before to calm down the influence of murderousness on him, so as not to make himself a monster who only knows how to kill.

In a certain way, it is very similar to Yaozu.

According to Tang Chen's words, this city of killing is a treasure of geomantic omen for monsters, but it is a subtle disaster for humans.

This is one of the reasons why Tang San stayed in the Slaughter City for two years before completing 99 matches.

The second reason is of course because of Tang Sui.

After that day, Tang Sui didn't talk to Tang San very much, but when Tang San was meditating, he would occasionally notice another deliberately revealed breath near his room.

In the beginning Tang San was still vigilant, and even habitually thought of ruthless the moment he sensed other people's aura.

But after sensing that it was Tang Sui, he still tried his best to restrain his murderous nature.

Although the two brothers and sisters have little communication, sometimes silent support and actions are better than verbal communication.

Tang San didn't know why Tang Sui had such an attitude, or because his sister's memory hadn't recovered yet, so he was still uncertain about him, but he still honestly showed him kindness and willingness to accept .

The memories of the two lifetimes and all kinds of tempering along the way made his heart and will more firm and stable than ordinary people. In addition, Tang San also relied on some hard-to-reach local medicinal herbs that Tang Sui secretly supported to help him. With the antidote to the slow-moving toxin in the air of the Slaughter City, so far, he has not been reduced to a fallen monster.

"Bang bang bang."

There was a knock on the door of the hut, Tang San who was sitting cross-legged on the hardwood bed opened his eyes suddenly, his uncontrollable murderous aura instantly dropped the temperature in the whole room by more than one degree.

"[-], are you there? I want to find you something."

A familiar and long-lost voice came from outside.

Tang San suppressed the spreading murderous aura, doubts flashed in his eyes, and he said in a low voice, "Come in."

When he said this, he covered his face with the butterfly wing mask placed beside the bed.

With a "creak", Hu Liena opened the door of the room, leaning against the door frame with a glass of Huangquanlu in her hand, sipping leisurely, her face was paler than when she first arrived, with a trace of obvious fatigue.

Tang San only glanced at Huang Quanlu in Hu Liena's hand, then lowered his eyes.

This Yellow Spring Dew contains a chronic toxin, which will gradually make people who drink it often unable to live without this blood. Judging by her appearance, she probably drank a lot after entering the Slaughter City.

Fortunately Sui Sui never drank.

"What's up?"

Tang San sat by the bed without moving, looked at her indifferently and asked.

Hu Liena shook the cup in her hand, indicating that she did not intend to enter the room.

After all, in this killing city, everyone is very vigilant, and she doesn't want to cause any misunderstanding.

"I came here to join forces with you."

Hu Liena stated her purpose straight to the point.

A gleam flashed in Tang San's eyes.

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