After sending Hu Liena away, Tang San exhaled a foul breath, the indifference on his face faded a lot, and there was a trace of sigh between his brows and eyes.

Although their position is hostile, it has to be said that Hu Liena is really a very smart and rational person.


Someone knocked lightly on the window from the outside.

Tang San paused, subconsciously looked towards the door, Hu Liena's breath went far away within the range of his mental power perception, it wasn't her turning back.

Well, at this point, the person who knocks on the window politely at this juncture——

Tang San paced to the window, opened the black curtains, outside the transparent glass window, Tang Sui floating in mid-air came into view.

"Sui Sui."

He directly opened the two windows and doors. Tang Sui's feet were in the void, and her little black leather shoes seemed to be stepping on invisible steps. on wooden floor.

"I saw your registration list for the killing field." Tang Sui went straight to the point, staring at Tang San with blue eyes unblinking, "Tomorrow is your hundredth battle. After the hundred battles are completed, you Will you leave?"

Tang San didn't deny it, looked at Tang Sui firmly, and nodded: "Yes. You also know. Although there is an antidote and you are here, I... still can't bear the terrifying murderous aura here, and I can't stay for a long time. "

After a pause, Tang San looked at Tang Sui cautiously again and said: "Sui Sui, it's been almost two years, do you want to leave with me?"

In the past two years, he has noticed some subtle changes in the killing capital.

He saw those strange guys with gray stone carvings, shouting prayers, and another scene of the killing city falling into fanatical beliefs and gods that made his hair stand on end.

It's not that he hasn't tried to figure out what the "god" in their mouths refers to, is it the King of Slaughter, or who.

But no actual news was found.

And when he was quietly investigating, he also discovered that there seemed to be the shadow of Sui Sui in it.

Tang San, who didn't know what role Tang Sui played in this, hesitated for a while, and finally chose to believe Tang Sui.

Even if Tang Sui didn't recover his memory, to him, his sister was still his sister, and she hadn't been replaced by another strange sister, she was still the one who grew up together.

Tang Sui didn't give Tang San an accurate answer, but just took a deep look at him, and said something that made Tang San feel puzzled and surprised: "Tomorrow, I will come to witness."


Witness what?
Are you going to hell?
Tang San frowned slightly, and just about to ask if it would be dangerous for Tang Sui to also go to Hell Road, Tang Sui suddenly stretched out her small hand, patted the back of his hand, and then disappeared in front of him, elusive.

Staring at a small jade-colored porcelain vase protruding from the ground, Tang San was a little dumbfounded.

The cries of the killing fields of hell shook the sky.

With Tang San's final hammer down, his last killing match in the Slaughter City ended, just like Hu Liena who came to him to cooperate with him the night before, they all won the Slaughter Field today as expected Hundred champions.

The nine losers, who were only gasping for breath, were carried down by the staff one after another on the killing field.

But none of the people watching the battle now thought of picking up the leak later.

Because now they are all excited!

Even though many of them now have new beliefs that belong to their lives, but after coming to the killing capital for so long, seeing two killing field champions in one day still makes their blood boil again.

"Congratulations, you have become the killing field champions."

A deep voice sounded in the killing field, followed by overwhelming shouts.

"Killer King! Killer King! Killer King!"

Tang Sui, who was standing in a corner of the auditorium, also looked up at the battlefield. The blood-red figure flying in mid-air with huge bat wings was none other than Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter.

The frenzied cries were mixed with human invisible ray of light entering Tang Chen's body, which was derived from the power of faith in them.

The bat wing on Tang Chen's back trembled slightly, and slowly descended to a place five meters above the ground, looking down at Tang San from a height, the deep voice sounded again.

"Please invite the messenger of hell."

Hu Liena jumped lightly from the viewing platform and stood on the fighting platform.

Tang Chen glanced at the two of them, glanced at the corner where Tang Sui was in the corner of his eye, and said indifferently: "The killing field has not had a Yum champion for decades, and today the two of them have proved themselves with their strength. , and it makes you tremble, doesn't it, my...people."

In the last three words, he carried a tone of exclamation and mockery, which made Tang San and Hu Liena who were close to each other feel a little inexplicable.


Deafening responses from all directions made Tang San tense his muscles again.

"You are all powerhouses of Baisheng. I can give you two choices. One, I can give you the title of God of Killing, and you can become the Keqing of the Killing Capital under me; the other is to take the road to hell, but can you It depends on your own luck to pass!"

Tang Chen's voice was obviously not loud, but everyone felt that the voice was ringing in their ears.

Before Tang San could say anything, Hu Liena stood up first, "No need, thank you Slaughter King for your kindness, but you can't break the rules for me, I choose to walk the road to hell with King Shura."

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