Tang Chen raised his eyebrows slightly: "You want to walk the road to hell together? Even if you two have a blood feud?"

"Dear King of Slaughter, I think this should be a matter between me and the Hell Envoy." Tang San stood up with a calm tone, his eyes met Tang Chen, as if there were invisible sparks splashing in the air shoot.

"I have the same choice as the hell messenger, and I am willing to walk the road to hell with her."

Tang Chen didn't comment, but after Tang San's words fell, a smile appeared on the corner of his lips inexplicably, and the two of them were nervous again, and they started to brainstorm.

"This is your choice."

The way he looked at Tang San was more meaningful.

"In that case, good luck to you."

As Tang Chen's final note fell, bursts of red light emanated from his body.

The sweet smell rippling in the air, the sudden red light forced Tang San and Hu Liena back tens of meters before they managed to stand still.

The abyss-like darkness enveloped the battle platform, blocking all eyes, as if someone had covered their eyes with a black cloth, making it impossible to see the surroundings.

The moment Tang Chen made his move, Tang Sui who moved a small stool and sat silently in the corner also moved.

A black-red demon power gushed out from her body, and the stone carvings of the God's Eye on the spectators present on the audience stage emitted a resonant light.

The consciousness of all of them fell into a blank, their vision was in a trance, and there was no focus.

Tang Sui waved his little hand, and all the people in the killing field who were stuck in place disappeared in unison.

The "black cloth" that blocked the sight of Tang San and Hu Liena on the battle platform also turned into black smoke and dissipated in the air.

But the first second they regained their vision, they were stunned.

Countless scarlet blood flowed up from the outer circle of the battle platform under their feet like tiny streams, and gradually merged into the battle platform. Around their feet, they slowly merged into an obvious pattern.

Hu Liena has a head spirit bone. Although she can't see what the pattern is, her spiritual power can come out through her body.

Under the observation of the spiritual vision, the blood-colored pattern outlined by the pooled blood became more and more clear. The ferocious bat wings and sharp fangs seemed to be mocking the world, which was the pattern of a bat!

The sound of blood pooling was particularly obvious in the empty arena.

It was only then that Tang San and Hu Liena realized that the surroundings were too quiet, and found that besides the Slaughter King and them, there seemed to be no living person in the field at this time!
"Good luck."

Tang Chen glanced at Tang San for the last time, and that glance made Tang San's eyelids twitch. Before he could react, the battle platform under their feet collapsed the moment the bat pattern formed.


With their feet empty, the two fell into the unknown depths of the ground.

Everything around became illusory, the perception of the body was sealed at this moment, this feeling of uncontrollable body made both Tang San and Hu Liena very uncomfortable.

But what they didn't see was that the murderous aura on their respective bodies gathered into a layer of faint white ripples to protect their bodies at this moment.

If not, when they fell, they would be swallowed by the deep and terrifying blood around them.

Tang Chen looked down at the two fallen humans, his eyes moved slightly, and he just said indifferently: "The people have been delivered to you, you go."

After finishing speaking, he turned around with his hands behind his back, submerging into the bloody vortex that was torn apart behind him, with an inexplicable hint of escape.

Tang Sui glanced at the place where Tang Chen disappeared, took a deep breath, and jumped into the unclosed vortex.

The black-red demon power centered on Tang Sui, wrapping the entire different space with terrifying speed.

It was pitch black, muddy, and there were muffled screams.

This is the first sound that Tang Sui felt and heard after entering Tang San's memory scene.

From Tang San's perspective, he witnessed the two babies from croaking to the ground, turning over and crawling, and finally standing up straight and walking, relying on each other to survive in that simple and dilapidated cabin.

Tang Sui looked at the thin little girl who was wearing a patched gray shirt and was panting three times, then looked at herself and fell silent.

If it wasn't for the familiar mask that appeared, she wouldn't dare to recognize that it was her own appearance when she was a child in this world.

She watched the two little ones walk out from the back of the holy soul village, met Xiao Wu, met the master, met more partners and mentors, and grew up step by step from the soul master to the present.

Seeing her elder brother Tang San develop feelings, but she didn't pierce the whole process of this layer of window paper.

"A chrysanthemum, a little ghost, want to touch my Tang Hao's daughter? Get lost!"

The black sledgehammer made a heavy and terrifying explosion.

Obviously from a spectator's point of view, but Tang Sui's brain seemed to be stunned.

Countless fragments of memories broke through the shackles and rushed out from the narrow corner of the memory palace, creating a blank space in her mind.

"It's Tang San's six-year-old martial soul awakening day soon. You and Tang San are twins. Do you choose to go to the martial soul awakening together, or continue to lie down and hide?" '

'He's my brother, what can I do? '

"Tang Sui, come and tell her, why did you come to Shrek Academy?" '

'To survive! '

'Will you also abandon me like fate? '

'No matter when, brother will never abandon you.'

'Today is your last night here.If you can't sleep, can you talk to me about your life in Shrek Academy with your brother? '

'If you Wuhundian really want to forcibly take away my sister today, you can only step on my Tang San's body! '

'I, Flender, will never just sit and watch my students be taken away! '

'The eight monsters are one, life and death are shared! '

——I tolerate all your willfulness, and share all the haze of your soul.

- "We" means one.

In the pitch-black spiritual space, the hollow eye sockets of the three masks floating quietly in the void slowly lit up with dim light, as if they had come to life, and Tang Sui's out-of-focus pupils also gradually emerged with little light.

"I remembered"

—— Digression——

Today is Fat Gagen!I wish you all a happy double festival!
See you tomorrow!

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