The world, like a 3D real-life projection, is in chaos and falls into darkness.

Tang Sui glanced lightly at the three familiar masks that appeared in the void, with deep emotions surging in his eyes.

"You guys are back too"

Seeing the dim light shining in the eye sockets of the three masks, the missing part of her heart seemed to be filled with a sense of precipitation.

The slightest strangeness that has been felt from the mask has been explained until this moment.

——They should not be static dead things, but alive, her half body.

The eyes of the fox with a long and narrow fox face flickered, and he said: "This sleep is really long, I haven't slept so deeply for a long time."

Da Fei snorted coldly: "For the sake of having so much strength after waking up, I won't hold you back."

Yuanmian stared at Tang Sui faintly, gnashing his teeth in his voice: "So, dear little master, should you call my body back from that tent?"

When it is unconscious, it does not know that its body has become a seal. Every day, it puts red ink on its face and stamps countless pieces of paper.

Now after waking up, even the spiritual body feels wet, sticking to its entire mask like a full-body mask, making it uncomfortable everywhere.

"I'll be sure when I get out." Tang Sui was surprisingly easy to talk to.

She looked at the "lost and recovered" busts, her lips moved, "Since you are awake, what about the system?"

From recovering her memory to now, she has not heard a long-lost mechanical sound.

The three masks fell into a brief silence at the same time, and the attitude of the ape face who was still angry just now changed instantly, and said perfunctorily: "Maybe it is still being repaired."

"Repairing?" Tang Sui had some doubts in his eyes, and said with a foxy face, "Didn't you read a lot of system articles in your previous life? If the energy supply is insufficient, the system will fall asleep, but if there is enough energy, it must be repairing by itself."

"However, I have been in the Slaughter City for more than three years. This place can be said to be the cradle of the monster race. It is so powerful that even I, who only picked up soul power training in the past two years, have broken through to level 57. The cultivation of monster power It didn’t fall either. With such ample energy, it’s impossible for the system to wake up.”

Tang Sui pursed her lips, with a look of uneasiness on her delicate face.

In front of the masks, Tang Sui seems to be more in line with his appearance age, like a toddler, who will ask when he doesn’t understand, and discuss better countermeasures with others, and even connivingly give up part of the decision-making power to Masks choose.

The farewell scene three years ago seemed to be yesterday, and it kept reappearing in my mind, clear and suffocating.

The three masks didn't answer, they were as quiet as a chicken, and the aura in their eyes flickered.

An unsettling silence permeates this dark spiritual space.

Tang Sui's mood at this moment was like the deep darkness around him, anxiety and panic turned into a constricted and oppressive darkness, and his nerves were tensed into strings, and they would break if they were just a hair away.

【. I'm in the process of repairing, don't worry. 】

Weak voices came from all directions in the mental space, Tang Sui was startled, sourness and heat surged up, and the vision in front of him suddenly became hazy.


She was like a child who was shut out by her parents because of her willfulness. She went from beating the door angrily to fearing that she would really be abandoned. After seeing her parents again, she carefully and cautiously asked them to verify that she was not disliked or abandoned. Down.

【Power is abundant, but it takes time.】

The mechanical sound at the back slowly disappeared, as if he was trying to hold on to his spirit and couldn't help but fall asleep in the end, but Tang Sui felt that the last vacancy in his heart was also filled, and his heart turned back to it Deserved weight.

so good.

Hot tears rolled down his cheeks, but the corners of Tang Sui's mouth curled up with a little joy and reassurance.

She really wasn't left behind.

".I think, why don't you look at the outside world first? Tang San has been out of the influence of demon power for a while, and now he and Hu Liena have already confronted the clone of the old bat."

Da Feichu looked at Tang Sui's happy face, and made a muffled sound.

Tang Sui blinked, raised his hand to wipe away the tears on his face, the demonic power was activated, and the darkness around him suddenly began to collapse.

When the surrounding air became scorching hot and the familiar lava appeared, Tang San and Hu Liena also came into view the appearance of Tang San and Hu Liena fighting back in embarrassment while running under the fierce attack of the three bats.

It may only be a few minutes to chat with the masks, but in the outside world, every minute and every second counts.

Now Tang Sui, who was able to perfectly hide his aura, was suspended in the corner of the void, and from above, he could see the scene of Tang San and Hu Liena working together to cut off the second head of the three bat demons in a thrilling manner.

She glanced at the location where the ten blazing sun snakes were hiding in the scorching lava waiting for her message. Thoughts flashed in her eyes, and she transmitted her voice to the ten scorching sun snakes in the lava in a way unique to the monster race. The first fierce sun snake.

'Uncle Snake, come at your own pace.But please don't hurt one of the male human soul masters. '

'Like what I said last night, stop before the chase game reaches the exit. '

The ten blazing sun snakes entrenched in the hot lava opened their huge snake eyes, scarlet light flashed in their eyes, they opened their mouths wide, spit out red and black snake letters, and countless hot lava flowed into their mouths, but to them It's like drinking water, it doesn't hurt at all.

'OK. '

It is waiting for the two humans above the hammer.

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