The ten-headed Lieyang Snake, who was ashamed of being stabbed by a human soul master for three hematoma weaknesses, stared viciously at Tang San, who fell on a cliff that was 50 meters away from the exit, but still about [-] meters high, and Tang San, who had been stabbed by a human soul master. He carried Hu Liena who passed out on his shoulder and didn't stab Tang San back.

Under Tang San's vigilant gaze, he spat out the snake letter like a demonstration, then turned around, sank his scarred body into the hot molten lava, only his head was exposed, and stared at Tang San faintly with huge scarlet snake eyes ,not moving at all.

Tang San's eyes showed surprise, he couldn't believe that the other party retreated just like that.

You must know that just now it was chasing after them with the attitude of trying to kill them.

Tang San and the ten-headed blazing sun snake played a wooden man game in mid-air, and after ten seconds, another voice he was familiar with, mixed with a little helplessness, came through the air——

"The second soul skill, good face."

The black-red soul ability light fell on the ten-headed blazing sun snake, healing its wounds blasted by Tang San and Hu Liena.

In the light of the soul ability mixed with demonic power, the ten headed blazing sun snake felt the three stabbed weak points and began to recover slowly at a slow speed.

Well, this talent is good, but the feeling of regrowing hemorrhoids is like a scab, very itchy, and I want to count the rocks.

The ten-headed blazing sun snake spit out the snake letter, watching the little cub slowly fall from the air above its raised head under the frozen sight of the human soul master.


See it, human beings.

The little cub was on its side.

The arrival of Tang Sui made the Ten Headed Lieyang Snake a little excited, and the excited snake tail slapped the hot molten surface.

You must know that the height of the lava splashed by its huge body can be as high as 30 meters.

A second before the lava that could easily scald the skin fell, Tang San shrank his pupils, retreated vigilantly, dodged the splashed lava, and then looked at Tang Sui who landed on the head of the ten-headed blazing sun snake with a voice. Somewhat difficult: "Sui Sui.?"

Tang Sui's somewhat similar pupils to Tang San's slightly curved, and with Tang San's very familiar tone, he said crisply: "Brother."

The pupils of the ten-headed blazing sun snake froze.

Tang San also froze there, looking at Tang Sui, his voice hoarse: "Do you remember?"

Tang Sui nodded, then squatted down in front of Tang San, patted the head of the Ten Headed Fierce Sun Snake, and said softly: "Uncle Snake, you should go back to the lava to recuperate first, I want some time alone .”

Uncle Snake? !
Tang San's pupils quake again.

The ten blazing yang snakes turned their eyes, looked at Tang San unwillingly, and finally chose to believe in a wave of cubs.


Tang Sui stood up straight, the huge body of the ten-headed blazing sun snake slowly sank into the lava, Tang Sui, who was suspended in the void, retracted his gaze, and slowly fell towards the small platform where Tang San and Hu Liena were.

"Sui Sui, what's going on?" Tang San couldn't make sense of his thoughts.

Tang Sui said "Well", "This is a rather long story, I'll explain it to you after I get out, brother. Now is not a good time to reminisce about the old days."

As he spoke, Tang Sui glanced at Hu Liena who had passed out.

It was only then that Tang San remembered that there was Hu Liena behind him.

Although he was sure that the other party was unconscious, he was still vigilant.


"Brother, you should leave the capital of killing first, wait for me for two days, and I will come to you." Tang Sui said bluntly.

The expression on Tang San's face froze for an instant, and Tang Sui rejected her proposal unexpectedly, with a solemn expression: "It's all before the exit, and your memory has recovered, how could I leave you and go first? Sui Sui, come with me, as long as you pass Hell Road and leave the Slaughter City, you can get a special domain called 'Killing God Domain'."

Tang Sui shook his head: "Brother, I am different from you. I can come and go freely in the capital of killing, and I will not be disturbed by murderous aura and toxins, but even if I walk out from Hell Road, I will not be able to obtain the domain of the killing god."

She has personally practiced this point several times in the past three years.

"The King of Slaughter and the one you just met, Uncle Snake, they are all kind to me and treat me very well. If I want to leave, I have to let you know? What's more, the reforms of the Slaughter City so far The reform and changes are all caused by me, as the rightful owner who personally promotes this reform, how can I leave the unfinished mess to the benefactor.”


Tang San was taken aback, almost thinking he had heard wrong.

Tang Sui didn't explain any more, just waved his small hand, and the fox face, ape face, and Da Feichu that Tang San was familiar with appeared out of thin air, and the fox face and Da Feichu consciously laid the masks flat, exposing the inside.

"Come on, brother, I'll take you and Hu Liena out."

Tang San stared at Tang Sui for a few seconds, but did not see wavering in those eyes.

His lips moved slightly, and there were countless questions he wanted to ask Tang Sui.

For example, what did Tang Sui mean when she said that she was different from them, and how Tang Sui flew up without any support when she obviously didn't have a mask before, and why Tang Sui wanted to reform this sinful paradise-like killing capital.

But as an older brother, Tang San, who still chose to trust his younger sister in the end, exhaled, and said seriously: "Suisui, my father should come to pick me up after I go out, and Hu Liena may also be picked up by someone."

"The murderous aura on my body is still hard to restrain. If people from Wuhundian come, it will be bad if they find my father and me, so..."

"I know, you and dad should go back to the valley where mom is. I still need some time to deal with it. After all, there is still an old man who needs to be coaxed." Tang Sui's brows and eyes were tinged with helplessness.

"it is good."

Tang San nodded, and didn't say any more.

Now that Sui Sui has recovered his memory, and he knows where Sui Sui is, he believes that their family will be reunited.

I have survived more than three years, and I am not in a hurry for these few days.

Thinking of this, Tang San bowed to lift Hu Liena up, kicked his feet, and began to adjust his balance the moment his left and right feet stepped on the mask.

—— Digression——

Good news, unblocked.

Bad news: Unblocked, starting to go out to work tomorrow, and nucleic acid every day [Lie flat]

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