After sending Tang San away, Tang Sui glanced sideways at the ten-headed Fiery Sun Snake who pretended not to exist, and sighed towards the void, "Uncle Snake, I'm going to find Grandpa."

After the words fell, Tang Sui disappeared into the void.


A big hot bubble came out of the hot lava, and a huge head emerged from the lava. The huge snake eyes fixedly stared at the place where Tang Sui disappeared, and did not move for a long time.

In the spacious room with dark red as the main tone, an extra-large chair is inlaid with blue and purple crystals in the middle.

Suddenly, the person sitting on the chair moved his fingers, his blood-red eyes opened, thick blood settled in his eyes, "Come?"


A small response resounded in the room, Tang Sui stepped out of the shadow of the falling wall, and stood slowly under the light and shadow of the fire.

The King of Slaughter looked at Tang Sui expressionlessly. Under Tang Sui's silent gaze, he closed his eyes as if tired, and said softly, "Has it been decided?"

"Tang Chen is the great-grandfather of my current reincarnation. But you are my grandfather." Tang Sui told the Slaughter King in a disguised form that her memory had all been restored.

"Regarding the reform of the Killing City, even if I am not here, the newcomers will still follow the path of the 'predecessors', and the implementation of that plan is still effective. This is the stepping stone I prepared for you."

"In these two days, I will use it to create a demon spar. As long as I still exist in this world and place it next to the underground energy source in the killing capital, it will be able to rotate by itself and lead new disciples."

She looked at the Slaughter King seriously, and the latter also opened his eyes, staring at her with an unpredictable expression, as if waiting for the next sentence.

But after several seconds without hearing Tang Sui's words, he slowly said, "You who have fully recovered your memory have a lot more humanity in it."

Is it human?
Tang Sui smiled, "Maybe it's because half of my current blood is an individual."

After finishing speaking, she suddenly took a step back and bowed ninety degrees to the King of Slaughter: "Grandpa, thank you for bringing me back to the capital of Slaughter. Thank you and Uncle Snake for taking care of me over the past three years. "

"Before I recovered my memory, I thought about taking over your position and continuing to lead the killing capital. But after recovering my memory, I suddenly realized my original goal."

She straightened up and looked at the King of Slaughter with burning eyes: "Grandpa, for me, the city of Slaughter is not the end, but it is another destination that belongs to me alone. The separation this time will not be a farewell, but if After I return to the Slaughter City, I heard your good news, so I can accept that parting."

The Slaughter King stared at Tang Sui for a few seconds before he said, "So many nice words, where are your things? Have you packed everything else?"

Tang Sui paused, thought about it carefully, and shook his head: "I don't have anything to bring. Oh yes, besides the demon crystal, I will also write a plan and give it to you, or to the captain of the law enforcement team." "

"Noise, you need to worry about such a small matter? Your grandfather and I have ruled the Slaughter Capital for so many years, and I am not a king with airs and brute force." The Slaughter King interrupted her impatiently.

Tang Sui blinked, and the next second, the latter suddenly disappeared on the seat, and there was a pulling force from her back.

"Anyway, it's also the cub I recognized, so I can't go out like this without a future."

He put Tang Sui in his arms, just like before.

"Go, go to the energy core now, and I will give you something to save your life."

Life-saving things?
The field of vision in front of him changed, and after the pitch black, there was the familiar crimson and rising heat.

They came to Hell Road again.

Tang Sui glued himself to the opponent's arm with demon force, and looked curiously at the side face of the Slaughter King: "What is it?"

The King of Slaughter grinned, and there was some emotion Tang Sui couldn't understand in his smile.

"Of course it's suitable for the monster race, the best soul bone."

Soul bone! ?
Tang Sui's pupils dilated.


The thicker and more majestic demon power than Tang Sui condensed into a pitch-black barrier, forming a large circle and a small circle, like falling stars, smashing into the hot molten lava.

The scorching high temperature is no different from being soaked in a steamer, and the orange-red flowing lava is interpreted in the eyes!
"Below here is the energy core of the killing capital."

The Slaughter King's voice sounded low.

Tang Suixu focused his eyes, and the suffocating hot wind rushed towards his face. Even in the enchantment, he could feel the scorching heat of the wind.

When she saw the huge red fireball that reflected the surrounding lava like a round of sun, her eyes widened suddenly, "Is this the energy center of the Slaughter City?"

"Heh," the Slaughter King laughed inexplicably, motioning Tang Sui to take a closer look, "Look again."

Tang Sui showed doubts, but the three masks silent in her spiritual consciousness suddenly vibrated collectively.

'that is--! '

'There is still this thing here! '

'Little master, use your demon power to see! '

Da Fei's astonished voice, Yuan Mian's amazed voice, and Hu Mian's urging voice sounded in Tang Sui's mind at the same time.

She had just gathered the monster power in her eyes, and then she was suddenly thrown out of the barrier by the Slaughter King.

That's right, throw it.

Tang Sui:?
Although Yaozu is indeed not afraid of lava, it feels like soaking in a hot spring, but there is no need for it.

—— Digression——

(Rubbing hands together) Guess what did the fox face see?

Then, on the first day of resuming work, I was a little busy, so I changed it first.

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