But Tang Sui who was suddenly thrown out was not slow to react. Almost the moment he touched the edge of the barrier, the black and red demon power belonging to Tang Sui poured out, rapidly expanding to form another independent barrier.

"Little guy, remove the barrier and try to use your demon power to sense its existence."

The voice of the Slaughter King floated into his ears through the thick lava.

Like Fox Face and them, she was asked to use demon power to observe.

Tang Sui paused, but still removed the barrier.

The high temperature that could melt her bones wrapped her around, as if she was thrown into an overheated hot spring and was about to be steamed.

The black-red demonic power bloomed like a flower on the clear blue lake, and another touch of red gold suddenly broke into the horizon, lighting up the dark lake again.

"This is--"

Tang Sui almost lost his voice looking at the woman with starry sky blue long hair, unknotted, but surrounded by a circle of fire, leaning against the mini sun wheel.

Under the viscous magma around, the woman only the size of a pigeon egg is like a sleeping mural, and has been endowed with a soul. The next second, she can open her eyes from the mural and look at you.

Ordinary people may be confused whether it is a living person or a hallucination, but in the last life, they are very familiar with the game of Onmyoji. Every week, they will take their own shikigami team to dig soul soil, and work hard to assemble a set of output sets for their family. Tang Sui, who is Yuhun, is very familiar with it.

Because this is the output soul that is most suitable for facial aura, sea moon fire jade!

"In this world, there will also be imperial souls?"

Tang Sui's calm face finally broke through the moment he saw the 3D version of Yuhun, Haiyuehuoyu.

The functions and effects of the soul and the soul bones in this world are the same. Unused souls can enhance different attributes, and even better than the soul bones, each soul can be used when the number reaches 2 or 4. In addition to the enhanced attributes carried by the soul itself, different effects are obtained, similar to the soul bone skills but better than the soul bone skills.

Because as long as a fixed amount is equipped, the two biggest effects blessed by Yuhun are eternal!

Even if there is only one Sea Moon Fire Jade, as long as the additional attribute of this Yuhun is the top match, the effect attribute of the increase will also be permanent!

This is indeed the most suitable "soul bone" for the monster race!
And it is also the most suitable for her facial aura!
Without further hesitation, Tang Sui stretched out his hand towards Haiyue Huoyu.

The moment I held that imperial soul, the first feeling was that it was hot.

But when it was extremely hot, the bone-piercing coldness penetrated into the skin.

Huge pressure hit her face, and the voice of the Slaughter King could no longer reach her ears.

Tang Sui clenched his teeth, and under the nagging of the masks, he poured his demon power into Haiyue Huoyu.


There was a burst of white light in front of his eyes, and there was a loud bang in his brain, and even the voices of the foxes were blocked.

Tang Sui maintained the posture of stretching out his hand to grab it, his eyes looked forward without focus, and the bottom of his eyes, which were still swaying with black-red demon power flowers, gradually lit up with red and blue lights.

Red is the sparks all over the sky.

Blue is the spreading sea.

The graceful woman is dancing in the sparks flying all over the sky, on the surface of the sea that is as flat as a mirror, but rippling with the turning of the footsteps, which reminds people of another legendary monster in Onmyoji——Shiranui.

Then, Tang Sui glanced at the woman when she was bending over, and smiled at her with red eyes.

——She will dedicate her full strength to her new master.


The cascading energies sounded like tides, swinging on the edge of the huge energy core.

The Slaughter King stood with his hands behind his back, watching Tang Sui, who was holding the Haiyue Huoyu, suddenly glow with red and blue interlaced lights.

The light is like fireworks in the night sky, waiting for the gorgeous explosion when flying to the highest point, bringing people a stunning vision.

The magnificent energy cocoon is particularly conspicuous in the orange-red lava. The Slaughter King looked at the majestic energy flowing out, raised his hand, and a pitch-black demon power emerged, but another scarlet demon power was one step ahead of him, and the entire hell was destroyed. The lower layers of the road are all wrapped up to prevent energy from flowing out.

The Slaughter King paused, turned sideways, and met another pair of huge snake eyes.

The huge bodies of the ten headed blazing sun snakes were completely stretched out in the deep underground lava, and they met the eyes of the King of Slaughter, without saying anything.

One day, two days and five days and nights in a row, the energy cocoon guarded by the two began to peel off bit by bit.


Purple, purple, purple, black, black, red!
Six rings of radiant soul rings emerged, enveloping Tang Sui who curled up at some point, wrapped his hands around his knees, and buried his head in the knees, three familiar masks flew out of the void, but soon, ten The sights of Shoulie Yang Snake and Slaughter King froze at the same time.

With the iconic big earlobes and golden lines on the smiling face, the kind old man looks at you, like a smiling Maitreya Buddha, appearing in a strange mask with a smile on his face.

"One of the seven faces, God of Fortune."

The King of Slaughter narrowed his eyes slightly, and called out the name of this new mask without any unfamiliarity, which symbolized the god of happiness.

The red light mist spewed out from the gap between the smiling and squinting eyes of the Fushen mask, and slowly flew towards Tang Sui.

The young boy's small body began to become slender, but within a few seconds, he changed back to the exquisite and slender girlish figure when the Slaughter King saw Tang Sui.

- off topic -

It's a double surprise!I didn't expect that!

In addition, if you want the soul bone of a soul beast, of course the facial aura cub of our Great Onmyoji must be matched with the imperial soul!
Speaking of which, Mo carp has never gambled on the attribute of the soul until now, it's too difficult.

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